11 Admirable Things Brilliant People Do To Make Fake People Hate Them
Fake people can't stand a brilliant person remaining authentic through it all.

Brilliant people often aspire to live a life enriched with creativity, intelligence, and authenticity. These are qualities that may evoke envy and dislike from those who cannot replicate those personality traits, but brilliant individuals have a way of making others who doubt them think otherwise.
But the admirable things brilliant people do to make fake people hate them tends to throw those individuals off-guard, reminding them that they simply aren't on the same level. And while it may feel like a slap in the face and a gesture of everything they lack, brilliant people handle it all with grace.
Here are 11 admirable things brilliant people do to make fake people hate them
1. Speaking their mind
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Brilliant people are not afraid to say things as they are, and give their opinions honestly. Fake people are often bothered by these truths, exposing their own lack of authenticity.
People who speak their minds are often perceived as trustworthy since they do not shy away from their own beliefs despite who they're around. It's an easy way to read the exact type of person they are.
On the Civil Squared podcast, philosophy professor Rishi Joshi said that speaking your mind is not only a way to show others your authentic self, but it's a civil duty we should all engage in. According to Joshi, when you think about the significance your voice can have, you are improving your own intellectuality while helping others learn new perspectives.
2. Staying true to themselves
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One of the admirable things brilliant people do to make fake people hate them is remaining authentic, no matter the situation they are in. Because fake people aren't used to being themselves, they find it frustrating when other people can so easily stay true to themselves.
Brilliant people refuse to conform to societal expectations to please those around them. They live by their own rulebook, which can make fake people particularly uncomfortable since they choose to adapt false personas.
When people embrace their authentic selves, they are more likely to feel comfortable in their own skin. This allows them to lead a more fulfilling and purposeful life.
3. Refraining from gossip or drama
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Brilliant people are not focused on gossiping about the struggles others are experiencing. Instead, they are focused on meaningful conversation and pursuits that leave fake people feeling excluded and unexcited, as these individuals tend to focus on surface-level topics.
One study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology found that "high-frequency gossipers were perceived as less powerful and were liked less than low-frequency gossipers," and "those who gossiped negatively were liked less than those who gossiped positively."
The reality is that when you're so focused on what's going on in other people's lives, you're failing to give yourself proper self-care and nurture, as fake people tend to do.
4. Showing compassion and empathy
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Brilliant people are capable of demonstrating kindness toward others, showing compassion and empathy for them and what they may be going through. Because fake people are short-sighted and don't usually view people as someone with their own struggles, when brilliant people do something admirable by showing they care, it makes them angry.
While compassion is great for the person receiving it, according to research presented by Harvard Business Review, numerous studies show that those who demonstrate selflessness and have compassion for others are linked to higher levels of happiness, well-being and resilience within themselves.
Showing genuine empathy toward others may highlight the lack of emotional depth or sincerity in fake people, making them feel threatened or exposed. So, it's only natural for them to feel negatively when they see someone else doing just that.
5. Being calm in the face of conflict
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Brilliant people know that if they find themselves in trouble, there's a way to handle it effectively and calmly. Rather than reacting and thinking of all the worst things that can happen, they are able to maintain composure and reason when dealing with tension or adversity.
According to author and mediator Diane Musho Hamilton, being mindful is an essential way to keep our cool during conflict.
"Mindfulness is the perfect awareness technique to employ when a conflict arises — whether it's at work or home. It allows us to override the conditioned nervous system with conscious awareness. Instead of attacking or recoiling, and later justifying our reactions, we can learn to stay present, participate in regulating our own nervous system, and eventually, develop new, more free and helpful ways of interacting," Hamilton revealed.
In most cases, brilliant people are able to resolve conflict while making their feelings loud and clear in a respectful manner, but through it all, they remain in the present moment. This can feel threatening to fake people, who often resort to manipulative tactics and emotional outbursts, which seem childish in comparison.
6. Embracing continuous learning
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Choosing to keep an open mind and continue learning, no matter if they have a high level of education, is one of the admirable things brilliant people do to make fake people hate them. Brilliant people are intellectuals and know that there's always room for improvement, striving for personal growth.
Continuous learning boosts confidence, promotes adaptability to change and opens the door for new opportunities. And, according to research from Procedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences, as well as information from experts at Walden University, by constantly aiming to expand our knowledge, "we open our minds and gain wisdom that can help us make the world a better place through social change and other life-affirming endeavors."
Brilliant people tend to outpace fake people with their desire to continue to learn, leading to resentment and the fear of being left behind.
7. Celebrating the success of others
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It takes genuine authenticity to clap for those around you when they achieve their goals, even if you haven't reached yours yet. Brilliant people know that other people's successes do not diminish their own worth, whereas fake people can't stand when others surpass them in their ambitions.
Being happy for others and celebrating with them demonstrates great emotional maturity. It can even foster a positive outlook that, one day, you will be capable of achieving your own success.
"Every time someone achieves something he or she becomes the example that it is possible. When many goal-achievers surround me, I believe that I am one of them," psychiatry resident Jonas Attilus, MD shared regarding celebrating his peers' successes. "I understand that his or her achievement doesn't take mine from me. There is so much abundance in this universe and we don't want the same thing at the same time."
Fake people are envious of others who are successful and may attempt to downplay them in order to boost their own ego. And it's one of the things that makes them hate brilliant people who do such an admirable thing.
8. Pursuing passion projects
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Brilliant people are always looking for new ways to enrich their lives in fulfilling ways. They pursue activities that excite them, and embrace taking on new passion projects no matter how hectic their schedules may be. Fake people, on the other hand, tend to feel insecure by their own lack of direction or passion.
Whether it's knitting, training for a marathon, or starting a non-profit for a cause they are passionate about, brilliant people take these challenges and view them as opportunities to make them, and others, happier. They don't seek external validation while pursuing their passions.
9. Leading by example
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Because they lead by example, staying true to their word and proving them through actions, fake people tend to be incredibly put off. Leading others quietly through action is one of the admirable things brilliant people do to make fake people hate them, because fake people are all about seeking power and attention.
Brilliant individuals embrace failure as a learning opportunity, foster a growth mindset, and maintain an optimistic outlook. Others view brilliant individuals as people to live by, and fake people are often threatened by their genuine influence and natural ability.
10. Setting boundaries
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Brilliant people respect themselves and their time, refusing to tolerate toxic behavior. They aren't afraid to set boundaries to protect their peace, even with the people they love. While fake people don't usually have boundaries to abide by or set for themselves, they tend to be unhappy when others confront them with harsh truths.
Brilliant individuals know that boundaries are essential for their own well-being, even if it's tempting to disregard them to please others. Because they are authentically true to themselves, they would never give up their own peace of mind to people-please and make others happier.
According to experts at Papyrus, "Without boundaries, we may feel overwhelmed, stressed, and exhausted, leading to burnout and potential physical health problems. Additionally, we may struggle with low self-esteem and difficulty communicating our needs and limits to others, leading to strained relationships and further stress."
People who are brilliant and stick to their boundaries understand the negative effects of doing so. For fake people, they often resent how brilliant people are able to stand up for themselves and establish boundaries, while they may struggle to enforce them in their own lives.
11. Taking responsibility for their actions
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Rather than attempt to put blame on anyone else, brilliant people own up to their mistakes and learn from them. Unfortunately, for fake people, they don't ever take responsibility for how they behave, choosing instead to shift blame to someone else.
According to licensed psychologist Guy Winch, PhD, "No one enjoys being wrong. It's an unpleasant emotional experience for all of us. The question is how do we respond when it turns out we were wrong — when there wasn't enough milk left for coffee, when we hit traffic and missed the flight, or when we find out the man who sat in jail for five years based on our identification was innocent all along?"
Authentic and brilliant people don't hesitate to own up to their wrongdoings to make things right, no matter what the cost. "Some people have such a fragile ego, such brittle self-esteem, such a weak 'psychological constitution,' that admitting they made a mistake or that they were wrong is fundamentally too threatening for their egos to tolerate," Winch concluded.
What brilliant people realize is that taking responsibility and admitting mistakes isn't a sign of weakness. It's a humble and rather brave act that warrants respect, and it's actions like this that fake people can learn a thing or two from.
Megan Quinn is a staff writer with a bachelor's degree in English and a minor in Creative Writing. She covers news and lifestyle topics that focus on justice in the workplace, personal relationships, parenting debates, and the human experience.