12 Ways To Fall 100% In Love With Your Body — No Matter Your Size
Work that confidence!

Make your resolution this year to love your body more, and make your life mantra, "I love my body."
Instead of setting a weight-loss goal or some kind of resolution that you'll forget about two weeks into January, why not celebrate yourself all year round?
We've got 12 tips for you to show yourself some TLC and live a happier, healthier life. You can challenge yourself to once a month, or do all of these things throughout the year.
1. Meditate once a week (or more!) and repeat your mantra for the year.
2. Buy yourself a new outfit that makes you feel amazing.
A Target run has done more for me than therapy ever has.
3. Find a new healthy recipe you love, and master it.
You'll be an expert at cooking something that makes you feel good.
4. Give yourself a daily compliment, no matter how small.
5. Track your water intake every day for a month, and make notes about how you feel when you're more hydrated.
Do you have more energy? Is your mood improved?
6. Pick one of your favorite parts of your body and find a way to highlight it.
Are you proud of your booty? Grab yourself a gift for your butt. Love your back muscles? Get yourself a backless dress that showcases your hard work.
7. Upload a selfie or a picture of yourself to Instagram — work that confidence!
Show off your buns with a cheeky emoji. Who cares.
8. Each time you find yourself comparing yourself to others, remind yourself to celebrate their beauty and your own.
9. Plan a self-care day (or two... or three).
Get a massage, do a face mask or get a facial, and go to a yoga class. Celebrate your body and your health!
10. Make this year the year you stop critiquing and judging others.
You'll find that you'll be kinder to yourself, too!
11. Each time you feel like you have a setback, acknowledge your bad feelings, let it go, and do your best to move on with your day.
Holding on to negativity can make you feel toxic — not good for your brain or your body! Don't feel bad about having bad feelings (it's normal), but make this year about staying positive.
12. Work out because you LOVE your body, not because you hate it.
This year, find a workout you love that makes you feel good — not one you want to do because you're trying to lose weight or change your appearance. Even if it's just walking more, that added movement will increase your feelings of happiness and endorphin levels, and you'll glow from the inside out.
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