Struggling Woman Holding A Small Child Agrees To Clean A Stranger’s House For $2 Without Realizing It Was Hers

She expressed gratitude for the opportunity to work, and she was blessed in the end.

woman cleans and vacuums living room while holding boy in her arms South_agency / Canva Pro

Cleaning an entire house for a measly $2 definitely seems outrageously unfair. One YouTuber ventured to find a lucky individual who would be willing to clean a house at such a low price with a special surprise in-store.

A struggling woman holding a small child agreed to clean the house, but she didn’t realize the blessing it would lead to.

John Millionaire is a YouTuber who is known for helping strangers in need by offering them large sums of money, homes, and cars. In this particular video, he approached strangers on the street holding a broom with a $2 bill and a paper reading "New Home" taped to it.


“Hello, excuse me,” he said. “I’m looking for someone who can clean my house, and I am paying $2.”

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The first woman he approached took great offense to his rate, throwing his broom on the ground. 


The next woman he approached was much more willing to help, even though she had a 1-year-old child with her and she would be working for only $2. She agreed to the job as long as she could bring the boy with her and followed the man to the house, unaware of this blessing in disguise.

Once they arrived, he explained his family was coming over for dinner that night and he wanted some help cleaning to make them feel comfortable. He offered some toys to keep the boy distracted, and the woman started cleaning the kitchen. While she wiped down some of the dishes, she noted how clean the house already was.

As she worked, John began asking her some questions about her life. She revealed she was searching for a job to support herself and her nephew. She recently applied for a job and was waiting for their response before John approached her on the street, but she had been unlucky in her search so far.

“It’s been hard with the kid,” she expressed. “Right now, I’m not working. I used to be a waiter in a restaurant, but I had to quit my job.”


The woman disclosed some personal details about her situation, highlighting the ongoing struggle she has faced in recent months.

“My sister passed away a couple of months ago,” she revealed. “It’s something hard to talk about, but she got sick, she was in the hospital, so she passed away, and right now I’m taking care of [my nephew] because his father, well, he’s not in his life. So [he’s] like my son.”

The woman explained she was happy and sustained herself when she worked as a waitress. She lived with roommates at the time, but when her sister became ill, she quit the job and moved in with her to offer support. Her sister was living with their parents, and the woman has continued living there to take care of the boy following her sister’s death.

Aunt and nephew touching noses Jacob Lund | Shutterstock


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She explained her parents are old and unfit to care for the boy, so she has taken on the responsibility. Her neighbors have contributed to looking after the boy from time to time, but they work their own jobs.

“We live in a community [where] everyone helps each other,” she explained.

She added that it is difficult to find a job where she can bring her nephew with her, so when John was open to letting her bring him along to clean the house, she felt grateful for the opportunity.

“With $2, I can buy him some food, maybe just for today, but … I’m grateful,” she said.


She shared some additional information about her family.

She further explained that she and her parents are from Mexico. They moved to Texas about 10 years ago, her parents believing they could have a better life in America.

Her sister was with her son’s father for three years when she got pregnant. She was excited by the news and expected him to be involved, as he had a lot of money. But a month before she gave birth, the dad “disappeared,” so her parents urged her to move back in with them. 

Sadly, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, 17.8 million children, nearly 1 in 4, live without a biological father in their lives.

Little boy playing Legos alone | Shutterstock


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Two months after the boy was born, she started to get sick, which evolved into a serious disease.

Despite reaching out to the dad on various occasions, he never answered. But the woman reflected on the fact that the boy is surrounded by so much more love than he likely would have been had he been raised by his dad.

The woman additionally revealed she studied tourism and had plans to move back to Mexico. She was planning to apply to work for a cruise before the situation with her sister arose, leading her to push her plans aside to focus on being there for her family. Nonetheless, the woman remains hopeful of one day pursuing this path.


John asked the woman a few more questions about her living situation.

After cleaning the kitchen and living room areas, John told her everything looked clean enough, and she didn’t need to worry about the rest of the house. He offered to have her come back and clean for him again, which she eagerly agreed to. He then asked her to take a seat. He handed her the $2 bill and thanked her for her help.

“I appreciate your job, and I appreciate everything you told me,” he said. “I think you are a great woman looking for some opportunities, and you are taking care and doing a great job with Pete.”

He asked her for some more information about where she lives. She revealed they live 30 minutes away in a small 2-bedroom home, which she, her parents, and Pete share. She expressed interest in eventually getting her own place, but she couldn't afford to just yet.

John finally revealed the reward he would be giving her for passing his social experiment.

He revealed that his request to have someone clean his house for $2 was a social experiment, which most individuals turned down, but there was a special gift involved.


“I think you really deserve this reward,” he explained. “What I was doing was looking for someone who has great values, like you. You demonstrated you are a great woman.”

Before he could reveal his reward to her, she told him she was happy with the $2, further proving her nobility. He insisted on helping her and handed her the keys to the apartment. She misunderstood at first, saying he didn’t need to give her the keys to come by and clean.

“Now, this home, it’s yours,” he clarified as she began to tear up. “I would like you to keep this house, for you, for your family. Those are the keys, and I will give you all the papers; I will make sure everything gets done in your name. You are the owner of this place now.”


In disbelief, she asked if he was joking. “I can’t believe it,” she expressed in tears. “I always pray [to] my sister and I always told her to send me some help.”

Despite the pain and challenges she has faced, she remained faithful and resilient, praying and working hard to find a solution. The woman’s experience is a beautiful example of how the universe protects those who live with integrity.

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Francesca Duarte is a writer on YourTango's news and entertainment team based in Orlando, FL. She covers lifestyle, human-interest, adventure, and spirituality topics. 
