40 Funny Mother's Day Memes To Keep Your Mom Laughing All Day Long
Ensure your spot as her favorite child by sending her one (or a few) of these funny memes.

On Sunday, it's time to break those mamas away from their daily grind of work, chores and millions of other responsibilities, and let the fun commence with a Mother's Day celebration.
What better way is there to say "Happy Mother's Day" than by giving moms what they really want: funny Mother's Day memes and jokes!
It's time to lift them up in fancy chairs while singing songs about the glorious powers of womanhood. (I don't, like, exactly know any songs about the glorious powers of womanhood other than "I Am Woman", but I'll be darned if I'm not going to try and think of a couple more right after I get done here, even if it means I'll have to compose them myself!)
Have you ordered her favorite flowers yet? Have you bought her a deeply moving and meaningful card (that probably also has flowers on it)?
Fret not, because you can still make this year's Mother's Day one she won't ever forget. Go for the gold. Pull out all of the stops. What? You don't have any ideas about how to do that? That's perfectly fine, because these memes will save the day! That's right, the Internet's favorite comedic device isn't just for jokes about yodeling kids in Walmart or cats doing funny things anymore.
Here are the best funny Mother's Day memes to text or share with your mom.
1. "You mean to tell me your real name isn't mom?"
Mom isn't Mom?!
2. "I'm sorry that your cats don't understand what Mother's Day is."
Photo: Someecards
Who said your furbabies don't know what Mother's Day is?
3. "Ladies, the day is yours. Happy Mother's Day!"
It's your day today.
4. "Mother's Day is about feeling appreciated... the other 364 are about trying not to lose your s***."
Photo: Someecards
Mothers should be appreciated more than one day a year.
5. "Happy Mother's Day, Mom! I was going to serve you breakfast in bed, but I ate it."
Sorry we ate all the food before you.
6. "9 out of 10 Moms agree that they'd want a massage for Mother's Day. (10th Mom was unavailable for comment as she was at the spa.)"
Photo: Someecards
Go give your mom a free spa day.
7. "Happy Mother's Day. Behind that hockey mask there is still a mama's boy."
No matter how old, or dangerous, your son will be, he'll always be a mama's boy.
8. "I am your Mom. Your argument is invalid."
Moms are always right. Period.
9. "I don't always tell my mother how much I love her, but when I do, it's not on Facebook."
Wish her a happy Mother's Day in person!
10. "Treat mom to a margarita this Mother's Day! Remember you're the reason she drinks."
On Mother's Day, Mom needs her margarita.
11. "Happy Mother's Day! Here's a picture of a surprised cat."
Your mom might even be surprised it's Mother's Day, too.
12. "Cheers to all the Mothers."
Give your mom a toast!
13. "It's Mother's Day. Worship me!!!!!"
Worship your mother for everything she does for you.
14. "You're the best Mum ever! But please stop stalking my Facebook."
Let her know you love her, but also give her some helpful consideration.
15. "For enduring the bloodcurdling torture of my adolescent years, I promise to always keep your electronics functional."
Photo: Someecards
Your mom has stressed over way too much in her life because of you.
16. "Mothers! Even when they're wrong... they're right!"
Don't ever question your mom when it comes to what's right!
17. "Don't forget to buy your mom a glass of wine for Mother's Day. You're the reason she drinks!"
All mamas need a wine glass the size of her body.
18. "Mother's Day..."
Make her something from the heart.
19. "Today isn't special, because every day is Mother's Day!"
Get it right!
20. "Like a boss! Happy Mother's Day."
Your mom really can do it all.
21. "Mother's Day on Facebook. Showing you what your female friends will look like in the future."
Maybe not everyone appreciates you all the time.
22. "Sometimes I open my mouth and my mother comes out."
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
23. "May the only person pressing your buttons this Mother's Day be a trained masseuse."
Photo: Someecards
Get your mom to relax.
24. "Happy Mother's Day to someone who did a great job raising her children and her husband."
Sometimes you signed up to raise an extra kid.
25. "I got you flowers for Mother's Day... but the cemetery made me put them back."
Don't be cheap, buy her flowers.
26. "Happy Mother's Day Mom! What time is it? It's 4 AM, will you make me breakfast?"
How about making her breakfast?
27. "Don't forget to buy me a Mother's Day gift since I'll be the mother to all your future children."
Treat her now, and in the future she'll help you.
28. "Dear Mom, Thanks for not feeding me to a shark or selling me to the circus. I know it was a real possibility. Happy Mother's Day!"
Photo: Someecards
You honestly don't know how much she had to deal with.
29. "Word to your mother."
If Vanilla Ice got one thing right, it's this.
30. "Mother: 1. One person who does the work of twenty. For free. (See also: 'masochist', 'loony', 'saint'.)"
She really is a saint.
31. "I know I won't see you, but happy Mother's Day!"
Remember to call your mother.
32. "Mom said she wanted a reason to move. Happy Mother's Day."
How about trying a different way.?
33. "See? I told ya! So that's how she does it... Happy Mother's Day to supermoms everywhere."
All mothers have superpowers.
34. "To all my favorite mamas... Happy Mother's Day!"
A universal round of applause!
35. "Mom, I love how we don't need to say out loud that I'm your favorite."
Your mom always has one favorite child.
36. "I am the Mother of Dragons. I need an army, not an Edible Arrangement. Happy Mother's Day."
Even though she could use a few chocolate-covered strawberries.
37. "I've been drinking since before you were born. So if alcohol is the reason I'm here, I've got news for your bub: it's the only reason you're here, too."
A good drink is all Mom needs.
38. "What do you want for Mother's Day? An escape route."
Help mom get away for the day.
39. "I found a dead bird! Happy Mother's Day!"
It's a gift!
40. "Hope your Mother's Day is yuuuuuuuge."
Make this day a 'yuge' day for her.
Rebecca Jane Stokes is a writer with a passion for lifestyle, geek news, and true crime.