50 Anti-Valentine's Quotes Anyone Who Hates Valentine's Day Can Relate To
Can we just skip February 14th all together?! Thanks.

If you're like me and you're really, really single, you probably hate Valentine's Day. I've never had a romantic Valentine's Day in my life. Because of that, it's always been a day I've tried to avoid like the plague.
I used to love the cheesy holiday as a kid because as a child, Valentine's Day was about love in general. It was a day to get candy from your classmates and cute little cards. My mom would come home with chocolate hearts for me and I'd help my dad pick out beautiful roses for my mom.
As we get older, Valentine's Day just becomes about couples, leaving us single people to fend for ourselves. It's strictly a day to distinguish who is in a relationship and who is single.
It's the one day of the whole year that I wish I had someone. If you feel that way, just know you're not alone.
There are millions of single people that will share your exact feelings about Valentine's Day. Petition to replace Valentine's Day with a second Thanksgiving, anyone?
The good news is that Valentine's Day only lasts 24 hours and we're about to get it over with!
This year, try to approach Valentine's Day differently. Make it about love in general and use it as a time to show the people around you how much you love and care about them. The truth is, you don't need a boyfriend or girlfriend to have love in your life.
If you're still dreading Thursday, February 14, that's OK. Here are 50 relatable quotes about being single on Valentine's Day to get you through the Hallmark holiday!
50 Best Anti-Valentine's Quotes for People Who Hate Valentine's Day
1. "I don't need to be in a relationship so that I can be told how beautiful, pretty and sexy I am. I already know that." — Unknown
2. "Wait for the person who will do anything to be your everything." — Unknown
3. "Roses are red, violets are blue, vodka is cheaper than dinner for two." — Unknown
4. "My life is just one constant battle between wanting to be alone, but not wanting to be lonely." — Unknown
5. "Better to lose a lover than love a loser." — Unknown
6. "Not everyone who is single is lonely; not everyone who is taken is in love." — Unknown
7. "Happy Valentine's Day to myself. I love you." — Unknown
8. "If I'm not with somebody who really excites or inspires me, then I'd rather be by myself." — Blake Lively
9. "After a breakup, th loyal one stays single and deals with the damages until healed. The other one is already in another relationship." — Unknown
10. "Valentine's Day sucks: I'm only bitter about this because I'm single. If I was in a relationship I'd be hearts-and-candy-tastic. I assure you." — Unknown
11. "You know that tingly little feeling you get when you like someone? That's common sense leaving your body." — Unknown
12. "Love is like a box of chocolates. It's sweet at first, and then you wanna puke." — Unknown
13. "Too many girls rush into relationships because of the fear of being single, then start making compromises and losing their identity. Don't do that." — Katy Perry
14. "Stay single until someone actually compliments your life in a way that it makes it better to not be single. If not, it's not worth it." — Unknown
15. "It takes a strong person to remain single in a world that is accustomed to settling with anything just to say they have something." — Unknown
16. "Someone said to me: 'You're too pretty to be single.' I said: 'No, I'm too pretty to be lied to, cheated on and played with.'" — Unknown
17. "I enjoy long, romantic walks to the fridge." — Unknown
18. "Happy unimaginative, consumerist-oriented and entirely arbitrary, manipulative and shallow interpretation of romance day." — Unknown
19. "My boyfriend is so handsome, looking all invisible and shit." — Unknown
20. "Single and ready to get nervous around anyone I find attractive." — Unknown
21. "I'm single, but I ignore people like I'm taken." — Unknown
22. "Love is in the air... try not to breathe." — Unknown
23. "Happy singles awareness day." — Unknown
24. "People: 'You're going to end up alone because you're too picky.' Me: 'You're going to end up divorced because you settle for less.'" — Unknown
25. "Single and fabulous, exclamation point." — Carrie Bradshaw
26. "Cheers to being single and ready to stay in bed and watch reruns and drink wine." — Unknown
27. "I like being single. I'm always there when I need me." — Unknown
28. "Instead of single as a status, I prefer independently owned and operated." — Unknown
29. "I'm as single as a dollar and I'm not looking for change." — Unknown
30. "Cupid is stupid." — Unknown
31. "I can already smell the roses I won't be getting on Valentine's Day and can already taste the chocolate I'll be buying for cheap the next day." — Unknown
32. "My soulmate is out there somewhere, pushing a pull door... I just know it." — Unknown
33. "Whatever. I'll just date myself." — Unknown
34."Relationship status: sleeping in bed diagonally." — Unknown
35. "People call it Valentine's Day, I call it Thursday." — Unknown
36. "If you see Cupid, bitch-slap that little punk for me, will ya?" — Unknown
37. "I'm not really single, I'm dating myself. I take me out to eat, I buy me clothes. I love me." — Unknown
38. "it's not that I hate Valentine's Day... It's just that it sucks all the fun out of being single." — Unknown
39. "I can't wait for Valentine's Day this year! Said no single girl ever." — Unknown
40. "I am single on Valentine's Day because I have not yet met someone who can handle all of my awesome." — Unknown
41. "Everyone's posting all these anti-Valentine's Day pictures and I'm just over here like 'Lindor dark chocolate truffles will be 50% off on the 15th! wheeee!'" — Unknown
42. "I'm going to spend Valentine's Day with my true love... food." — Unknown
43. "Let's celebrate not having to celebrate Valentine's Day." — Unknown
44. "Box of chocolates: $10, flowers: $20, dinner and a movie: $40. Keeping your $70 on Valentine's Day because you're single: priceless." — Unknown
45. "Screw Valentine's Day, tomorrow is discount chocolate day!" — Unknown
46. "Roses are red, violets are blue... I'd rather be single than be with you." — Unknown
47. "I am ready to admit that I hate being single." — Unknown
48. "I may be single now, but one day I will be taken and happy." — Unknown
49. "Yes I am currently single. No that doesn't mean there is something wrong with me." — Unknown
50. "I'm not just single. I'm in a long-term relationship with fun and freedom." — Unknown
Lauren Margolis is a writer who covers astrology, pop culture and relationships.