Moms Prefer Skinny To Smart, Girls To Boys & Sleep To Sex
A new survey also reveals that 25 percent of moms would choose a different husband if they could!

Ever have a sneaking suspicion that your mom wished you were a boy? You may be right. According to an anonymous survey of more than 26,000 moms conducted by and, 10 percent say they wish their child was the opposite sex. And of that 10 percent, 60 percent have boys. Sorry, boys.
Think that's shocking? It's just one of several startling statistics for new moms Jessica Alba and Tina Fey to consider. The study also reveals that more than half of mothers are sleep-deprived, and would opt for an uninterrupted night of slumber over one of heart-pumping passion, if given the choice. If only they had the time to sleep! Looks like a full quarter of moms would choose a different spouse now if they could: It's no surprise then that sexy time isn't a priority. Sorry, men.
Among its other surprises, the survey shows that moms are more dissatisfied with their bodies than their kids' intelligence. Forty-four percent would rather lose 15 pounds than add 15 points to their child's IQ. Also, roughly 20 percent have medicated their kids to endure a special occasion, one in 12 moms does it on a regular basis, and half have knowingly sent an under-the-weather youngster to school. Yikes! New Pregnancy Test Knows Baby's Sex After 7 Weeks
Then come the regrets. Of everything they miss from their pre-motherhood days, 23 percent say time alone is what they miss most. But, if they could do it all over again, most moms would. Just four percent admit that if they could do it all again, they wouldn't have kids at all. New Website Shows How Your Body Compares To Other Women's
Perhaps the most astounding finding from the survey is that 88 percent of moms judge other moms for their parenting techniques. Come on ladies, no one is perfect. Let's stop judging each other and lend a sympathetic ear instead!
Do you wish your child were a different gender? Would you rather lose 15 pounds or add 15 points to your child's IQ? Sound off in the comments.