No Viagra Necessary: Weight Loss Boosts Male Libido

Burgers are bad for his libido, but diet and exercise can help him get it up.

fat man

If your man has lost his mojo, replace his potato chips with carrot sticks. A new study shows that dropping a few pounds can increase his libido.

The risks associated with obesity are old news, and adult-onset diabetes is chief among them. But did you know that the disease can cause erectile dysfunction? It's true. According to The National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse, nerve damage or reduced blood flow puts male diabetics at risk for sexual problems and bladder issues some 10 to 15 years sooner than their healthy counterparts. In fact, as many as 75 percent of men with diabetes suffer from such problems, and most of the time, the symptoms go undiagnosed.


A recent study in The Journal of Sexual Medicine points to some good news: Losing just 5 percent of body weight can improve erectile function and enhance sexual desire in obese men with Type 2 diabetes. Only a small number of men were studied, but the results were remarkably consistent across the board. Whether they lost 5 or 10 percent of their original body weight, the subjects showed increased testosterone levels and better erections for as long as they maintained their weight loss. 

Better bod and better sex? Sounds like a win-win. But here's the tricky part. How do you get him to shed pounds when the promise of more (and more fun) sexytime isn't enough? A recent segment on The View offered some helpful hints. Dietitian and Bethenny Frankel lookalike Keri Glassman suggests making "savvy swaps." During barbecue season, for example, replace the fattening cheese on his burger with caramelized onions, an equally flavorful yet considerably healthier alternative to the dairy product. Better still, replace his all-beef burger with a leaner option, like ground buffalo or even ostrich meat. Also, switch his full-bodied brew with a light beer for fewer calories. Finally, instead of drowning his nachos in cheese sauce, try salsa or guacamole in controlled portions. 


Nobody understands the woes of weight loss better than women. So, above all, be gentle when encouraging him to get on the treadmill. Remember, the goal is to get him into shape so he'll ravage you in the bedroom, and there's nothing sexy about a nagging girlfriend or wife. On the flip side, there's nothing sexier than a supportive one.