What Are The Kinkiest Cities In The U.S.?
San Francisco and New York made the list—but so did Roselawn, Indiana.

America The Kinky? Thanks to Craigslist ads and online dating profiles, AlterNet has singled out where in the U.S. people like to spice things up. Comic-Con Is Full Of Kinky Sex, Just Check Craigslist
According to AlterNet, the top 10 kinkiest cities/places, starting with No. 10, are as follows: San Francisco; Chicago; Southern New Mexico/Southern West Virginia (tied); Austin; New York; Atlanta; Hurley, Wisconsin; Las Vegas; New Orleans, and Roselawn, Indiana. That's right—Roselawn, Indiana is the No. 1 city to let your freak flag fly. Between their thriving nudist resort and annual "Nudes-A-Poppin" pageant, it's no wonder they snagged the spot. (One has to wonder about their number of STD-testing clinics).
We can't say we're surprised cities nicknamed "The Big Easy," Sin City" and "Hotlanta" round out the top 5, but Hurley, Wisconsin?! It turns out that this small town has one strip club for every 238 residents (that's six total). It even beats Portland, Oregon — nicknamed "Pornland" — in number of strip clubs per capita. Plus, Hurley was one of the few places to reject alcohol prohibition in the 1920s, and entertained some of Chicago's notorious mobsters back in the day, like Al Capone and John Dillinger.
As for the rest of the list, we would've thought New York would rank a little higher, considering their seemingly infinite amount of sex clubs, sex toy stores and sex-related events. Even Austin is ranked relatively low, given Texas' naughty reputation and the fact that Men's Health ranked it "America's Most Sex-Happy City." Then we have Southern New Mexico and Southern West Virgina—regions, not cities—which were ranked highly on artist R. Luke DuBois' "Kinky States of America" map, and Chi-town, where the annual International Mr. Leather and Mr. Rubber competitions are held.
Last but not least, we have San Francisco. I quote District Attorney spokesperson Debbie Melosh from 2004, "Being naked in San Francisco is not a crime." Take their annual Folsom Street Fair, which "draws upward of 400,000 people each year, and covers 13 city blocks with exhibitions, live dominatrix demos and enough naked men to completely desensitize you for life." It is the largest leather/fetish event in the world, and we're sure that's partly why Trojan Condoms has ranked San Fran the most promiscuous city in the nation.
What do you think of AlterNet's list? Would you add or remove any of the cities? How does your own hometown rank?
Image is of the Giant Lady's Leg Sundial in Roselawn, Indiana. Courtesy of RoadsideAmerica.com.