10 Weird Ways Women's Turn-Ons Change As They Age
Ladies' lists of turn-ons and turn-offs mature with age.

We all have our own specific turn-ons and turn-offs. But what you may not have known is that what turns us on and what turns us off can change with time. Yes, our turn-ons and turn-offs do not stay the same forever. How could they? We change as we grow older, and so does our taste.
So, ladies, while older definitely does mean wiser, that doesn't just apply to your intellectual prowess — it also applies to your taste in potential partners, too. That's right, what turned you on at 25 will probably not be the same as what turns you on at 45. And it shouldn't.
So, how do a woman's turn-ons and turn-offs change as they age?
In a 2011 Yourtango survey of more than 20,000 people, we found that 90 percent of people believe that a relationship's fading flame can be rekindled. But it's exactly how men and women fuel the fire that provided the most interesting results.
For women, 77.7 percent of them said that the qualities that they seek in a potential partner had changed as they aged. But exactly how had they changed? And what are these qualities that women found to be more attractive when they were younger and less attractive when they were older?
With the wisdom that age can often bring us, our list of turn-offs seems to mature right along with it.
Here are the top 10 turn-offs that become increasingly unappealing to women as they grow older:
- Lack of drive/ambition
- Immaturity/childishness
- Lack of romantic love
- Lack of intelligence
- Narcissism/lack of empathy
- Boredom/lack of adventure
- Lack of bedroom skills
- Racist or prejudiced ideologies
- Extreme views on religion
- Poor personal hygiene
- But getting older also comes with having a new, sophisticated set of turn-ons, catered more to maturity and a need to be stimulated both mentally and physically.
According to our survey, as women age, these are the top 10 turn-ons that become increasingly important:
- Communication skills
- Listening skills
- Kindness
- Intelligence
- Sense of humor
- Ambition
- In a similar life stage
- Sexual prowess
- Altruism
- Location (close enough to see daily)
In short, an immature, unintelligent man without drive, passion, or a sense of adventure (and that's both in the bedroom and in the world, by the way) is a definite turn-off.
And especially so if he is racist, and if he smells. You want someone who can make a great first impression. He needs to be able to take care of himself before he can ever imagine taking care of a woman.
But give us a partner who can hold a conversation, who can make us laugh out loud, and who is on our level — in terms of maturity, intelligence, and sexual spirit—and man, we're set.
Kait Smith is an editor who writes on topics of love, relationships, and marriage.