28 Charming Gestures Men Use When They're Into You
How he expresses the depths of his love.

People usually wait until the holidays to give gifts, but if you're in a relationship, there's no reason to slack off on showing you care for your significant other. Still, saying "I love you" doesn't always come easy or convey the depth of feeling as much as simple actions do. There are ways to tell her "I love you" without actually saying it. (And ladies, plenty of these can apply in reverse!)
Here are 28 charming gestures men use when they're into you, according to psychology:
1. Buying your favorite flowers
Yeah, flowers don't last long but he looked at something pretty and thought of you. One study conducted by a professor of psychology at Rutgers showed that flowers made women happier than any other gift.
2. Picking up tampons from the grocery store
We're already hormonal monsters, but now we don't have to be hormonal monsters inside a grocery store.
3. Making food for you when you're sick
Even if it's just a can of soup, it still counts. One survey conducted by OnePoll states that 2/3 of Americans love a partner who can cook.
4. Being willing to pick you up at the airport, even if he doesn't have a car
The Uber ride back is a lot less awkward now.
5. Caring about your friends when they have love woes and giving them the male point of view
We love a boyfriend who loves our friends.
6. Lying on your side of the bed to keep it warm for you
There's nothing better than jumping into a warm bed with the man you love.
7. Giving impromptu foot rubs
The best part? You didn't even have to ask.
8. Bringing a pint of your favorite ice cream home
Sometimes we just want to waste a day in bed with pizza and ice cream.
9. Not finishing the last of the ice cream because you know she'll want to finish it
Some days are harder than others, and require a whole pint of ice cream to get through them.
Karolina Kaboompics / Pexels
10. Making spaghetti sauce without meatballs forevermore because you're a vegetarian
He's giving up meat for you, that says something.
11. Politely eating dinner with your most unpleasant relatives
We don't like them either but having him by your side makes it easier.
12. Switching over to your favorite brand of shampoo, soap, or toothpaste
Romantic, and it saves money.
13. Setting the car radio back to your favorite station before you get out of the car
He knows how much you love your silly radio talk shows in the morning on your way to work.
14. Cleaning up data on your computer/making it run more smoothly without being asked
Because we know nothing about technology.
15. Being the designated driver on a night out
Isn't it fun driving a bunch of drunk girls home from the bars?
16. Walking the dog on a cold snowy morning when he knows you need an extra 30 minutes of sleep
There's something about having an extra 30 minutes to sleep when it's all frozen and cold outside, and you get to stay in bed.
17. Making the bed while you're in the shower
We'll have so much fun messing up the bed again.
18. Letting you complain about your friends/family/work ad nauseam without rolling his eyes or zoning out
Sometimes the most romantic thing you can do for us is listen. One study from 2017 even proved this with moths.
Eduardo Simões Neto Junior / Pexels
19. Going to your family's place for the holidays without complaint
You know how much we miss our 26 cousins we only get to see once a year. It's been proven with research from 2017 that having close family ties can lead to a happier life.
20. Taking allergy injections so you and your two cats can move in
That's real love.
21. Going out in the rain on a Sunday morning and picking up a latte and whole wheat bagel with cream cheese for you
Nothing beats a Sunday bagel.
22. Telling you that you're beautiful even when you know for a fact that you're not looking your best
As long as you think we look beautiful, nothing else matters.
23. Not rearranging the Netflix queue
We want to watch what we want when we want it.
24. Listening to your problems without always trying to fix them
Sometimes the best thing you can do is just sit there and nod along.
25. Bringing you Chick-fil-A
And not interrupting you as savor/scarf it down.
26. Taking a shower hotter than he likes because you're in there and that's the temp you prefer
We can only be in a shower that's hotter than the sun. There's a scientific reason for this, with one doctor explaining that women have a higher body core temperature than men.
27. Making you a playlist
He listens to love songs and thinks about you.
28. Thinking your "flaws" or "imperfections" are cute
Even your weird cowlick or stubby feet entice him.
Amelia McDonnell-Parry is a writer, reporter, and editor with over 16 years of experience in digital, print, and broadcast media.