Nevada Legalizes Male Prostitution
A brothel operator helped get Nevada's law changed but not everyone is down with male prostitution.

Our buddies over at Gawker have some interesting news for us: Nevada's de facto ban on man-hos has come to an end. Prostitution has been legal in the Silver State for nigh 40 years, but had not included men on account of a stipulation that all sex workers have regular STD-wary cervical examinations. The male anatomy, ever resplendent, sorely lacks a cervix, and 9 out of 10 members of the gender couldn't even tell you what the cervix does, or where it is located. Read: Brothels Feel The Economic Crunch
Back in the 1970s, men traded sexual services for things like walking-around money, solid gold chain bracelets and trips to Palm Springs (and the occasional male perm). But we labeled these fellows "kept men" and generally derided them as ne'er-do-wells, charlatans and roustabouts. But girls (and gay men) just wanna have fun too. Read: UK Woman's Essay: "I pay a man for regular sex"
To that end, an enterprising brothel operator named Bobbi Davis petitioned whatever body oversees the Nevada skin-biz to change the language to include male prostitutes. You would think that this spirit of inclusiveness would be roundly cheered by the pimps and mama-sans of the desert but, alas, sometimes even male prostitution has its critics. Former minister and current prostitution lobbyist George Flint has a burr in his bonnet regarding this change.
Per Salon, his primary concerns are the transmission of HIV and the sullied good name of the Nevada flesh trade (as Dave Barry would say, I swear I'm not making this up). Nevadans are all for a man or a woman paying to have sex with a woman. It's natural and just thinking about it produces strong feelings of pride. But a man or a woman paying a man has never even happened in the Bible. What's New In The World Of Sex For Money
Is this a good thing? Is celebrating a man's right to swing his sweet thing for a little ka-ching a dubious victory along the lines of being the first in line for a Cher concert?
Fun fact: Gigolo is one of the funniest words in the English language, according to me.
What do you think? Is this a step towards equality? Is it weird that Nevada allows hooking, but Clark County (Las Vegas) doesn't? Why not just let the good times and sinnin' roll?
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