6 Legit Reasons You SHOULD Date A Guy Who Lives At Home
Even though this is a pretty unpopular opinion, there are definitely some perks!

So you've met a great guy. He's handsome, he's well-educated, he runs marathons, and he can even assemble an IKEA bookshelf in under an hour (the perfect score in the dating game). Like most things in life, though, there is a catch: he still lives with his parents.
It's not even as if he's 22, his parents are sick and need extra care, or that his bachelor pad just happened to burn down, leaving him out on the streets. Apparently, he just really enjoys being around Mom, Dad, Rusty the dog, and having immediate access to homemade cannoli.
Deal breaker? Don’t act too fast. Dating an adult male who still lives with Mom and Dad certainly has its perks, including the following:
1. Clean laundry!
We've all dated that guy who will play Halo for five hours straight, but who somehow can't afford to spend two hours doing his laundry. Maybe his mom is a laundry monger, or maybe she just complains about the scent of sweaty clothes before you do, but chances are, a guy who lives with Mom will wear a crisp shirt and a fresh pair of jeans every day.
If you're lucky, they might even be starched and ironed. Isn't it nice cuddling with someone who smells like fabric softener instead of the men's locker room?
2. Less competition from other women.
Let's be real: a 28 year-old male who still lives at home isn't exactly a hot commodity. So what? Do you really want other women clamoring for dates with your Chris Pine look-alike?
3. The possibility of being caught in the act is sexy as hell.
You'd be surprised how creative this guy is at finding ways to sneak around the parentals. He knows what time they sleep, and he knows what time they putter around the upstairs hallway near his bedroom. He also knows how to shut doors quietly, tiptoe around the squeaky stair, and silence a barking dog.
Sure, sexy time might take place just 20 feet away from his sleeping parents, but when it comes to the fine art of secrecy, dating a guy who still lives with his parents is the closest you'll come to dating a ninja.
4. Indirect access to an extensive DVD, music and book collection.
While the average boyfriend's DVD collection would consist of South Park, Rambo, and The Godfather I – III, the combined tastes of at least three different people guarantee that in Mom and Dad's house, there will be something that you'll like. Plus, isn't it refreshing to visit your guy and hear someone other than Young Jeezy playing through the speakers?
5. Goodbye $5 deli breakfast, hello homemade waffles!
Not all of us can have boyfriends who know how to cook, and we easily tire of eating coffee shop bagels and month-old Captain Crunch the morning after a sleepover. Think about it: a guy who lives with his parents will more than likely spend the AM feasting on fresh omelettes with warm bread.
Whether or not she knows you're upstairs, the odds are that his mom's made enough banana pancakes for you and your guy to share once the coast is clear.
6. The money he saves on rent can be put towards longer-term objectives, like graduate school or his own house.
Or it can be spent on you. Just think, even if he isn't completely mooching off Mom and Dad, the hundreds of dollars he saves by not living in his own apartment surely can be spent on an extravagant dinner for two!
In all seriousness though, if the guy's living at home for a legitimate reason like saving money for school, and he actually pitches in around the house, you might want to consider giving him a chance. Right now, he might be merely a Chris Pine clone living with Mom, but eventually, he could be Chris Pine Clone with a Ph.D. in Biochemical Engineering living in a mansion.
In the meantime, hold the sleepovers at your place and do mind his parent's unofficial 1a.m. curfew.