You’ll Have A Better Year If You Avoid Doing These 3 Things On Your Birthday, According To An Astrologer
Your birthday is one of the most important days of the year. Celebrate it right!

For many of us, our birthdays are the best day of the entire year, and we go real big on the celebrations. Astrology, of course, places major importance on birthdays too — it's the entire basis of your zodiac placements, after all. And one astrologer says we might want to rethink how we celebrate on our big day. It's a bit counterintuitive, but she says it can make all the difference.
An astrologer said you'll have a better year if you avoid these three things on your birthday:
In astrology, your birthday is sometimes known as your "solar return," as it's the day each year when the sun returns to the place in the sky where it was shining on the day of your birth. The sun represents illumination in astrology — not just in the obvious sense but in the metaphorical one — highlighting aspects of our lives or making them impossible to hide.
Haley, an astrologer known as @haleycometastrology on social media, said this means we should pay attention to what we do on our birthdays because that's the day of the year when the sun, metaphorically speaking, is shining on you the brightest.
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As such, there are three things Haley recommended not only treading carefully around on your birthday, but which she said she would "absolutely under no circumstances do on my birthday." Yikes!
1. Spending the entire day surrounded by people
Now, that doesn't mean you have to spend your birthday hiding in the back of a closet — birthdays are meant to be celebrated! But Haley said to be careful about spending the ENTIRE day in a sea of loved ones.
"Let the people that you love in your life celebrate you, absolutely," she said. "But it's your solar return; it's the return of the sun. Sun in astrology governs ego, identity — YOU." So it's important to have some alone time mixed in, in order to self-reflect and "bask in your own energy." It's all about balance!
2. Spending the entire day inebriated
For a lot of us, getting lit is, like, the entire point of a birthday. However, you know that whole "in vino veritas" thing? Well, you might not want the sun shining brightest on the things you "realize" while you're tipsy, especially if you're the type to get down in the dumps when you drink too much.
Most importantly, your solar return tends to provide "certain a-ha's and epiphanies" no matter what, and Haley said, "It's very important to stay clear-headed around that, so the last thing that I would want to do is muddy it." She suggested that if partying super hard is your idea of a celebration, just be sure to do it on an adjacent day, not your actual birthday.
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3. Traveling just because your birthday astrology is better somewhere else
Some people who are more advanced at astrology like to take a look at the forecast for their birthday, see where the planets and transits are the most beneficial, and jet off to that location for their solar return. But Haley said this is basically like trying to "cheat fate" or tilt things in your favor. "You were meant to have the solar return charts that you were meant to have," she said.
She admitted this is controversial even among astrologers — by her logic, you would need to spend your birthday in the place of your birth to get the "truest" version of your solar return. Many of us have never even been to that place since the day we left the hospital! So, there's room for a grain of salt here.
Still, that whole not trying to cheat fate thing is good advice. Astrologically speaking, birthdays are a thing we should drink in, not try to work around. "It is incredibly significant, the time and the day that you joined this planet," she said. "Celebrate yourself. Do what fills you with light and joy and what ignites you from the inside out."
John Sundholm is a writer, editor, and video personality with 20 years of experience in media and entertainment. He covers culture, mental health, and human interest topics.