Do These 7 Things With Your Front Door To Attract Financial Abundance, Says A Feng Shui Expert
Blessings in the door, bad vibes out the door!

Times are tough and we could all use a financial blessing nowadays, right? So what if you could turn your house or apartment into a literal abundance magnet?
Okay, "literal" might be an overstatement, depending on your view, but the ancient art of feng shui says you can turn your home into a trap for blessings, and you need look no further than the front door.
A feng shui expert shared seven things you can do to your front door to attract financial abundance:
Feng shui is the ancient Chinese art of interior design that approaches the layouts and decor of our homes from a perspective of spirituality, blessings, and good fortune. The philosophy states that where things are placed in your home and their spatial relations to each other can have an impact on the chi, or energy, flowing through and thus affect everything from your relationships to your wallet.
One of the most important aspects of any home in feng shui is the front door. It is the portal through which all chi flows into and out of your home. And according to feng shui expert Natalia Kaylin, there are seven things you can do with your front door that will have it pulling good money chi into your home in no time.
1. Make your front door appealing and eye-catching
Nazrin Babashova | Unsplash
For most of us, the front door is… well just a door, a utilitarian thing to keep the squirrels out and the warmth in, or whatever. But Kaylin says to get the good money chi flowing, take the opposite tack.
"It is important that you love your front door. It should make you feel welcomed and proud when you approach the house," Kaylin said. "It’s good if it feels welcoming and beautiful to your visitors as well." Feng shui traditionally says red is the best color, but Kaylin said how you feel about the door is most important. A glass element can help with energy flow as well.
2. Decorate your front door
Once you've found a beautiful and appealing design, get to decorating with a wreath or some flowers, whatever you like. Kaylin says you can change this seasonally, too, if you like. Just as long as it's balanced, harmonious, and the decor matches the design. If your door faces the southeast, the best direction for money flow, the color purple can be beneficial, while white or yellow are good if it faces northwest.
3. Place plants on either side of your door
Planters, raised pots or other displays of plants on either side of your front door help attract good chi too, because plants are linked to good financial chi in feng shui. Kaylin says artificial plants are fine if you're not much for the green thumb life because wilting or dying plants have the opposite effect. Just make sure your planters don't overwhelm your door or block the path. This, too, will block your blessings.
4. Choose doormats carefully
Don't just throw any old mat in front of the door and call it good. Get something of good quality, attractive design, and something that both appeals to you and goes with the overall aesthetic of your front door. And Kaylin says you shouldn't hesitate to have a bit of fun with your doormat if that's your taste.
5. Add light fixtures
Reshma Mallecha | Unsplash
Lighting, Kaylin says, acts as an energy booster around your front door, especially if there is a light on either side of the doorway. This symmetrical design promotes harmony and energy flow and brings a sense of stability to your front door's chi pathway.
6. Fix any repairs and make sure the door moves freely
It's vital that if your door needs any repairs, you get them fixed — and that includes doors that stick when being opened or closed. This, Kaylin says, is because these flaws tend to make us feel stressed or annoyed whenever we open or close the door, which messes with what kind of chi you're attracting into your home. The same goes for any objects that obstruct or hinder the door from opening all the way. Move that stuff somewhere else!
7. Use your front door even if it's not your main entrance.
Many of us tend to only use our front doors for decoration or deliveries, but actually enter and exit our homes through a side door or garage door. Kaylin says that's fine, but to be sure to make an effort to still use your front door periodically. Opening it up on sunny days, for example, is a great way to do this, especially since the sun's warmth and brightness amps up the chi even more. Keeping it closed all the time, however, lets the energy stagnate, which is counterproductive.
And as an added bonus, Kaylin says adding a talisman like six Chinese feng shui coins on a string or ribbon, or a windchime on your front porch, can up the chi flow as well. If you use them, the coins should be hung from the doorknob on the inside, she says.
As for windchimes, she says to only use them if you enjoy the sound and they don't cause disruptions for you and your neighbors — which will have the opposite effect on the good chi trying to flow into your house.
John Sundholm is a writer, editor, and video personality with 20 years of experience in media and entertainment. He covers culture, mental health, and human interest topics.