3 Behaviors Of A Great Boss Who’s Committed To Nurturing Your Success, According To A Career Expert

A great boss makes all the difference in the workplace.

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A supportive leader who truly cares about their team's success makes all the difference in the workplace. It creates a positive atmosphere where employees feel valued and appreciated, which in turn fosters a sense of psychological safety that encourages innovation, creativity, and problem-solving. Ultimately this leads to improved productivity.

Alec Fullmer, a career expert and content creator, shared three indicators that prove you have one such boss in a recent TikTok. If these signs sound familiar, you work with a dedicated and enthusiastic manager who cares about their team as individuals.


Here are 3 behaviors of a great boss who is committed to nurturing your success:

1. They talk last.

Boss leading a meeting and talking last fizkes | Shutterstock

A good leader values the feedback of their team members, taking all perspectives into consideration. “If there's some deliberation going on, they're gonna seek out the opinions of everybody in the room to inform their own opinion before they share their own thoughts,” Fullmer said. 


Employee engagement increases when workers know that their opinions matter, which is crucial for the overall success of a company. According to the analytics and advisory firm Gallup, engaged employees produce better outcomes, experience less burnout and are more likely to stay at their current organizations.

By being the last one to speak, managers show their employees that their input is valued

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2. They embrace feedback.

Boss embracing feedback insta_photos | Shutterstock


Typically, leaders are the ones who deliver feedback to their team members to help them grow in their positions. However, the best leaders know that they are not above receiving feedback themselves.

“They’ll sit down with you and say, ‘Hey, how can I do my job better? I wanna help you excel in your role. What can I do better?’” Fullmer said. 

Employees bring fresh ideas and perspectives to problem-solving in the workplace, leading to innovative solutions that may otherwise be overlooked by management. Good leaders create a safe space for their employees to share those perspectives, and always strive to do better. No matter how high up they are in the hierarchical structure, they never close the door to new learning opportunities. 

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3. They ask about your career goals.

Boss asking about career goals fizkes | Shutterstock

A great boss wants their employees to succeed at reaching their personal goals and will do what they can to help.

“It's smart on their part because they understand that you are gonna be more engaged and more effective if you feel like the things that you're doing are helping you progress along in your career,” Fullmer added.


Employees want to feel seen and heard by those who are designated to lead them. Bosses who take the time to sit down and talk to their workers about their aspirations and how to achieve them increase overall employee happiness and satisfaction. And research by Oxford University's Saïd Business School found that happy workers are 13% more productive than those who are unsatisfied at work.

As employees, our goals are important to us, so it means a lot when our leaders recognize that importance and help us along the way. 

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Megan Quinn is a staff writer with a bachelor's degree in English and a minor in Creative Writing. She covers news and lifestyle topics that focus on justice in the workplace, personal relationships, parenting debates, and the human experience.