Luckiest Day Of The Week For Each Zodiac Sign From March 17 - 23, 2025
Slow down so you don’t miss the magic this week on your zodiac sign's lucky day.

Each zodiac sign's luckiest day of the week is here from March 17 - 23, 2025. With Venus and Mercury already retrograde in Aries, you are guided to hold off on making new decisions. However, that energy will intensify this week as asteroids Juno and Vesta both station retrograde.
Asteroid Juno, which governs themes of home and contracts, will station retrograde in Sagittarius on Wednesday, March 19, bringing introspection and the ability for growth. You can’t rush the process you’re in right now because it’s meant to be one of reflection and not action.
Once Vesta stations retrograde on Friday, March 21, the energy of transformation will be magnified as you are called to uncover truths that will allow you to heal fully. Vesta governs your dedication and commitment, and retrograde in Scorpio is all about the truth. Not just your truth but also the reality of any situation that may have worked against you in your process. Revelations are coming; you just need to ensure you’re in the place to receive them.
While two planetary bodies are retrograde this week, Aries Season begins on Thursday, March 20. Aries Season is typically a time to harness your inner boss and make things happen. However, with Venus and Mercury both retrograde in Aries until the end of the month, it’s important to use this energy to focus on your inner self instead.
Rather than becoming frustrated by the lack of movement or your inability to take action, use Aries Season to focus on your well-being and dreams. You can get to work planning for your dreams or devoting greater time to your healing process. This will allow you to be in a beneficial place once Venus and Mercury leave Aries, beginning March 27.
As the week draws a dramatic close, the Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn will rise on Saturday, March 22. Last Quarter Moons represent a time of reflection and release as you work to figure out the plans needed to make progress.
With so many planets now retrograde, this is a time to embrace solitude and be honest about what is working and what isn’t so that you can move forward with clarity and the ability to see the magic within the madness.
The luckiest day of the week for each zodiac sign from March 17 - 23, 2025:
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Luckiest day of the week for Aries: Wednesday, March 19
Take a deep dive into your sense of spirituality, Aries. Spirituality isn’t some woo-woo experience or something you must do singularly but the connection you feel with the source — regardless of how you define that.
You have been through a great deal in the past year, and with the start of the Aries Season, you will want to rush headlong into new adventures. But you need to give yourself time to process and heal from everything before just moving ahead, which is precisely what Juno's stationing retrograde in Sagittarius on Wednesday, March 19, will bring to your life.
Focus on your connection with the universe to heal and find greater acceptance for recent events. This will let you know which path is lucky and help renew your self-confidence.
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Luckiest day of the week for Taurus: Saturday, March 22
Invest in what fuels your soul, sweet Taurus. Like everyone else, you are being urged not to make any decisions you can’t easily get out of. However, that doesn’t mean that you’re not meant to make progress in your life. The Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn will rise on Saturday, March 22, in your house of luck, bringing in possibilities for travel and learning about what you genuinely want from your life.
With the grounding energy of Capricorn, you will feel stable and centered, which will also allow you to realize a dream you’ve recently talked yourself out of pursuing. Use this time to listen to your inner self and be willing to learn something new — not just about yourself but about the universe. There is so much benefit from letting go of the beliefs holding you back so that you can feel confident you’re building the life that resonates with your soul.
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Luckiest day of the week for Gemini: Thursday, March 20
Receive what you’ve worked so hard to achieve, Gemini. You are still working with a strong Pisces energy in your life, which is activating themes surrounding your career. In this space, you’ve been working to make changes to your professional life that align with your mission and desires in this life.
However, part of this was finally being seen for all you are. While you need to ensure you do not place too much value on external validation, once Aries Season begins on Thursday, March 20, you will receive the accolades and recognition you’ve been searching for.
Aries Season is a lucky time to collaborate and work with others in what you are trying to achieve, but make time to soak in all the positive attention — after all, it's what you’ve worked so hard to achieve.
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Luckiest day of the week for Cancer: Thursday, March 20
Everything serves a higher purpose, Cancer. Aries energy rules over your house of career, and currently, Mercury and Venus are both retrograde in this area of your life. This energy is to help you review your professional goals or your current job.
Receive the position and compensation you truly deserve. While you may have felt challenged by recent events, there is a silver lining as Aries Season begins on Thursday, March 20.
Aries Season highlights the Sun’s ability to bring positive changes and give you a clear direction. Although you may need to wait until the second half of the Aries Season to make changes, that doesn't mean you can't start pursuing options. Remember, your dreams work best when you work to make them a reality.
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Luckiest day of the week for Leo: Thursday, March 20
Embrace your adventurous spirit, Leo. Adventure is one of your strengths. You have an uncanny ability to want to explore and make the most of every single day in your life. While you can often get caught up in how you are seen by others or the picture you had in your head of how life would go, this is a time to cast off any doubt and listen to your heart. Aries Season begins on Thursday, March 20, in your house of luck and adventure.
While Mercury and Venus are retrograde in this area of your life, it doesn’t have to deter you from reflecting on what you want for your life. Use this time to plan future adventures, including travel, experiences, or new beginnings in education and career. Just be sure that you’re listening to your heart, realizing that it doesn’t matter how your life looks to others but how it feels to you.
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Luckiest day of the week for Virgo: Friday, March 21
Take a walk on the wild side, dear Virgo. Asteroid Vesta will station retrograde in Scorpio on Friday, March 21. Asteroid Vesta rules over your inner fire and what you feel is called exploration.
At the same time, Scorpio encourages you to explore esoteric and spiritual themes in your life as the ruler of your house of communication. This is a powerful time to explore astrology programs or learn to read tarot. It represents more than just picking up a new skill, though, as you are invited to explore a new part of yourself — which can also help you learn what it means to embrace your authenticity.
Take time to journal what you’ve always wanted to learn or expand on, especially if it relates to spiritual themes you don’t always allow yourself to explore. While this may open up a new path of purpose, it can also help you develop confidence in your psychic skills, allowing you to understand how to manifest all of your dreams.
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Luckiest day of the week for Libra: Friday, March 21
You are entering an incredible phase of transformation, sweet Libra. Asteroid Vesta will station retrograde in Scorpio on Friday, March 21, in your house of wealth. You’ve been urged to focus on yourself recently. Learn that you must accomplish some dreams alone, and a new and exciting collaborative energy will enter your life. Asteroid Vesta will bring up themes related to shared finances and goals, signifying that this is the time to start networking or collaborating with others.
You do want to wait until after April 7, once Mercury stations direct, to sign any new contracts, but you should still allow yourself to use this time for your benefit. This energy may also help you sort out any financial details in your romantic relationship, which is part of creating greater stability and overall success.
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Luckiest day of the week for Scorpio: Wednesday, March 19
You can’t experience true freedom without financial freedom, Scorpio. You have spent much time dreaming of what financial freedom would look like, but you’ve always attached it to others, thus giving your power away.
This has looked like the perfect job, coming in with your dream salary or meeting someone wealthy. Focus on what you want to do with your life. However, as the asteroid Juno stations retrograde in Sagittarius on Wednesday, March 19, you are being urged to create luck and financial freedom for yourself.
This energy not only brings up a reflection on your finances but also creates the need to separate yourself from others. You may want to separate finances as part of a change in your romantic life or another situation in which you felt financially responsible for another. Juno retrograde in Sagittarius will have you prioritizing your freedom so that you can do whatever it takes to create the financial wealth that will allow you to do anything you dream of.
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Luckiest day of the week for Sagittarius: Saturday, March 22
A setback is never permanent, Sagittarius. The Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn on Saturday, March 22, may feel like a financial setback or a test of your self-worth. However, this isn’t permanent and is meant to serve as a divine test.
Last Quarter Moons in Capricorn are a time for reflection and release, so use this energy to shed any lingering beliefs that you don’t deserve everything you’ve ever dreamed of.
You may also want to consider curbing your spending or letting go of some extraneous expenditures that may not be helping your financial goals.
This is not the end of the story, Sagittarius, but an opportunity to make significant changes so that you are in the place to manifest the life of wealth that you desire.
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Luckiest day of the week for Capricorn: Wednesday, March 19
Focus on your karmic lessons, Capricorn. To understand your karmic lessons, look at the patterns and cycles within your life. Whether it’s solely in your romantic life or part of a bigger picture reflects where you keep trying to attain something from others that it seems you can never fully get. The first step of learning your karmic lessons comes from understanding the patterns and how you have control over the narrative in your life.
On Wednesday, March 19, asteroid Juno in Sagittarius will station retrograde in the deepest part of your psyche, inviting you into a deep healing space. Try journaling around this time or connecting with your spirit guides (yes, you do have them!) to finally understand your life's karmic cycles so you can finally see what it means to heal and move into your most abundant life.
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Luckiest day of the week for Aquarius: Friday, March 21
Reclaim your inner power, Aquarius. You’ve been focused recently on working individually toward your dreams. This may have also meant that you were independent in your career or lacked support.
However, once asteroid Vesta stations retrograde in Scorpio on Friday, March 21, you will attract connections and opportunities into your life to help further your aspirations.
You will work closely with others during this time, so be sure to open yourself to support — or better yet, ask for what you need. There is a sense that you’re feeling depleted after working solo for so long, so let yourself reclaim your inner power and ask for whatever it is you need or want so that you can manifest the professional success you deserve.
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Luckiest day of the week for Pisces: Wednesday, March 19
Prepare for new opportunities, Pisces. Asteroid Juno will station retrograde in Sagittarius on Wednesday, March 19, in your house of career. This brings transformational energy to your life, helping you reframe your public image and bring new opportunities.
Sagittarius also brings a sense of expansion into whatever area of life it touches, so you may have to travel for work or receive a new job offer.
While you should be mindful of not signing any contracts until after April 7 once Mercury stations direct, you should use this energy to explore new possibilities and offers. You don’t have to work to embrace this divine energy in this life, but keep being yourself and trusting that you will always attract what is meant for you.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.