Why Highly Spiritual People Are Convinced We’ve Officially Entered A New Timeline
Does the earth's "heartbeat" prove how quantum physics affects our lives?

The quantum physics concept of multiple timelines certainly isn't anything new, but according to many spiritual people, we may have just hit a whole new level without most of us even realizing it. In fact, they're convinced we jumped to a new timeline recently, all because of a phenomenon sometimes called the "heartbeat" of the earth.
Spiritual people say we entered a new timeline on February 27 due to the Schumann Resonance.
If you have any super-spiritual friends, you may have heard them talking about something called the Schumann Resonance — the sort of background hum of the Earth's electromagnetic activity that is sometimes referred to as the Earth's "heartbeat." On February 27, it went off the charts, or almost, anyway.
The Schumann Resonance results from the constant lightning-related electrical activity between the Earth and its ionosphere, the upper layer of the atmosphere that reflects electromagnetic radio waves. When some of those waves are a matching wavelength, they vibrate together and increase in strength to form the Schumann Resonance.
Just before midnight on February 26, 2025, the Space Observing System station in Tomsk, Russia registered the Schumann Resonance going absolutely crazy. Color-coded graphs of the resonance show an abrupt intensification of all this electromagnetic activity out of nowhere that lasted well into the next day. For many spiritual people, this means one thing: We all jumped to a new timeline.
This surely sounds wacky to many, but the idea of multiple, parallel universes is a very real area of inquiry in physics, and when it comes to "jumping timelines," many spiritual people believe it's a very real concept that just hasn't been scientifically proven yet.
For them, timeline jumps constitute a sort of spiritual up-leveling or rerouting, whether individually, collectively or both. And many believe a period of rapid, chaotic timeline jumps began with the surprising results of the November election and have only been intensifying since, culminating in the huge one that happened over the 26th and 27th of February when the Schumann Resonance went bonkers.
The Schumann Resonance vibrates at the same frequency as our most intuitive brain waves.
So is there any scientific basis for all this stuff, which likely sounds malarkey to most of us? A little bit, at least in theory. One Japanese study, for instance, found that participants' blood pressure was affected in "statistically significant" ways by the Schumann Resonance, while others have found correlations between it and sleep quality. So it seems the Schumann Resonance does likely affect us.
Even more compelling is the impact some studies have found it may be having on our brain waves. A 2016 study in Canada, for example, found "unexpected similarities" between the human brain and the Schumann Resonance when it comes to certain patterns and intensities of their electromagnetic activity.
Then there's the Schumann Resonance's frequency, which sits at 7.83 Hz, within the 4-8 Hz range of the brain's theta waves — the waves the brain falls into during spirituality-related activities like prayer, meditation and even daydreaming.
Hence, the belief that when the Schumann Resonance goes through the roof, so does our spiritual connection and intuition — or that it might even perhaps be happening in the other direction as well. Ratchet it all up high enough — like on February 26 and 27 — and it's thought to be enough cosmic spiritual energy to thrust us onto a different timeline, like a real-life "Everything Everywhere All At Once."
The high Schumann Resonance also correlated with the New Moon and Planetary Parade, giving it astrological significance.
Lending even more weight to spiritualists' feelings that we jumped timelines was the fact that the Schumann Resonance's spike happened right as we entered a New Moon phase, a significant event in astrology that signifies the closing of one chapter and the beginning of another — which is really just another way of saying "jumping timelines," if you think about it.
Underlining this more boldly still was the February 27 "Planetary Parade," when Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, Venus, Neptune, and Mercury all aligned in the night sky for the first time since 1982. Since all planets are said to have intense and impactful energy on their own in astrology, a major line-up like that makes for one heck of an astrological wallop.
Whether or not there's any actual connection among all this is certainly up for debate, and most scientists would of course say no (perhaps especially where astrology is concerned). But while the connection may not be provable, most of these disparate elements—from the theories about parallel universes to the correlations between the Schumann Resonance and our brains—do have some science to them. So maybe, just maybe, we really are in a new timeline now. Only time will tell, as the saying goes.
John Sundholm is a writer, editor, and video personality with 20 years of experience in media and entertainment. He covers culture, mental health, and human interest topics.