Your Weekly Horoscope For February 24 - March 2, 2025
Find out how the powerful New Moon in Pisces followed by Venus retrograde influences your zodiac sign all week.

According to the weekly horoscope for February 24 to March 2, 2025, the week encourages discipline and focus before the New Moon on February 27. We feel a push to connect with our community and help others, and channeling the leader within may also become essential.
The New Moon in Pisces on Thursday is a moment to tap into our emotional intelligence and is a good time for self-love and care, which will be important before Venus stations retrograde on March 1, testing our resolve.
Your weekly horoscope for February 24 to March 2, 2025:
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
This is a week focused on winning, Aries, with the Moon in Capricorn giving you the momentum and brilliance you need to handle the intense transformation you're experiencing over the next several months.
While the first half of the week requires discipline, the New Moon in Pisces on February 27 allows you to focus on your relationships.
On March 1, the Moon is in your sign and Venus stations retrograde, an energy that will continue to transform you and provide you with a toolbox of power before Saturn enters your sign in May.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
Romantic energy early in the week makes you optimistic.
Once the Moon is in Aquarius on Tuesday, focusing on your career can help you structure your goals, which helps you climb the ladder and create solid foundations for your next project or idea.
The New Moon in Pisces makes a positive aspect to your sign, making this a very valuable moment that shapes how you see yourself over the next several months.
Venus stations retrograde while the Moon is in Aries over the weekend, giving you new insight into how well you are taking care of yourself. Make sure to rest when needed.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
The Moon in Capricorn early this week provides a brief moment to consider all that you’ve learned during this Saturn in Pisces transit that began in 2023.
Having the Moon in fellow air sign Aquarius on Tuesday is a lighthearted experience that reconnects you with friends and shows you how potent your imagination can be. Put those ideas on paper and see how they take off!
The New Moon in Pisces on February 27 is a powerful transit that helps you set the foundation essential to your continued transformation.
The Moon and Venus in Aries close the week, with Venus retrograde adding an element of surprise with how you approach your responsibilities for the next several weeks.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
The Moon in Capricorn makes a melodramatic entrance early in the week. The energy is concentrated in your relationship house, making you more conscious of how you engage and interact with others, especially with Mars, the planet of aggression, in your sign.
The Aquarius Moon on Tuesday gives you strength and courage right before the New Moon in Pisces on the 27th, an overall positive transit that helps you find and embrace what you love as you learn to incorporate more optimism in your life.
On March 1, the Moon enters Aries but Venus will station retrograde, showing you the importance of balancing power when you’re in leadership roles.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
The Capricorn Moon starts the week with lessons on being as courageous as possible when pursuing what you want. This is a week that helps you to connect with your inner warrior.
The Moon in Aquarius will be in opposition to your sign on Tuesday, drawing your attention to how you protect your boundaries. The New Moon in Pisces on Thursday is an awakening — continue to fight for what you want. You will see the importance of your experiences and how they have shaped you as you continue making powerful strides.
The Aries Moon on March 1 is a memorable one considering that Venus will be stationing retrograde at the same time. Dream big and don't lose sight of your goals.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
Channel the Capricorn Moon energy early this week to feel more romantic and capitalize on your creative energy. Don’t be afraid to embrace this moment and conjure up some wonderful ideas that carry you through the next several months.
This is a week to set some practical plans in motion as you feel more connected to yourself and your routines, especially if you need to get back on track.
The New Moon in Pisces on February 27 provides just the energy you need to make new connections and strengthen your existing relationships.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
The Capricorn Moon's motivating energy early in the week helps ground you and keeps your thoughts very realistic.
Once the Moon moves in Aquarius on Tuesday, you're open to taking on new tasks, initiatives, or projects. You are also learning how you can best work with others and be more efficient when planning ahead.
The New Moon in Pisces on the 27th is a positive transit that helps you release any of the pending stories from when the South Node was in your sign.
The Moon in Aries over the weekend brings new energy to your relationship house. With Venus stationing retrograde in the same sign, expect to see changes in how you view love over the next several months.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
With the Moon in Capricorn making a positive aspect to your sign at the start of the week, you can finally tie up loose ends and finish anything you've fallen behind on. This is time for you to continue growing professionally and academically.
Take time around Tuesday to find relief from responsibilities and release stress from the comfort of your home. This is a time to take care of yourself and not get too overwhelmed with your pending responsibilities.
As a water sign, you can fully embrace the New Moon in Pisces on Thursday. If you’ve been apprehensive about love or if your relationship has been a little rocky, this is a time to develop more trust in yourself and your partner. With Saturn in the same sign, existing relationships can feel more powerful.
The Moon in Aries closes the week as Venus in Aries stations retrograde. Consider things that bring you happiness and joy and focus on yourself.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
On Monday, the Moon in Capricorn teaches you how to be more mindful of your energy.
As the Moon enters Aquarius on Tuesday, take on the spotlight and be more receptive to making new friendships. Socialize and network, but do not close your heart to meeting new people.
The New Moon in Pisces is a reminder to work hard to get to where you want to be. With the Moon in Aries making a trine to your sign on March 1, you're optimistic about your future, even with Venus stationing retrograde on the same day.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
You feel a lot more in your element early in the week with the Moon in your sign on Monday, a wonderful transit that sets the tone for what you will experience over the next six months.
You experience some potential breakthroughs in your thinking process this week, especially around the New Moon in Pisces on Thursday. It is time for you to be more outgoing and make new connections and friendships because it will benefit you over the next six months. The Moon in Aries closes the week, helping you find your power.
You're more open to making changes to your home with Venus stationing retrograde in Aries on March 1. Home improvement may be on your mind for the next several weeks.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
The Capricorn Moon early in the week is a reminder to go slow and take it easy, especially with the New Moon just a few days away.
The Moon in your sign on Tuesday helps you find your strength, courage, and power. This is a week to recognize the wonderful parts of yourself that you have neglected. Show yourself some love and practice self-care.
The Pisces New Moon brings more positive energy to your financial houses, initiating a positive era for your finances.
The week closes with the Moon entering the sign of Aries followed by Venus stationing retrograde. For those creatives, this can be quite an energizing transit, allowing you to believe in your projects and share them with the world once Venus stations direct.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
Take time throughout the beginning of the week to rest and recharge. This is a reflective period as you prepare for the New Moon entering your sign on the 27th.
The Pisces New Moon helps you take control of your future and be more conscious of the plans you want to make moving forward. You are more content with releasing relationships that do not work for you at this time.
This week may feel heavy, but the Aries Moon over the weekend brings the energy you need to prepare for Venus re-entering your sign during its retrograde phase.
A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.