3 Zodiac Signs Experience Major Success On March 16, 2025

This day is a celebration of commitment.

zodiac signs major success march 16 2025 Design: YourTango | Photo: SanneBerg from Getty Images, Canva Pro

Three zodiac signs experience major success and forward momentum on March 16, 2025. This is a day that shows us our own ability to let go of the past. Astrology brings us the waning gibbous Moon in Libra, and whenever we've got a Libra transit, we've got the power and the stamina to see things through.

What three zodiac signs may take place is a rush of determination. We are no longer content to simply dream about results, even if those dreams feel good. We are at the stage where we want to see results, not just dream about them.


That's where the waning gibbous in Libra comes into play and lets us take advantage of our drive and commitment. This day is a celebration of commitment, in fact, and that is how we can progress at the rate we're going.

Three zodiac signs experience major success on March 16, 2025:

1. Gemini

gemini zodiac signs experience major success march 16 2025 Design: YourTango


Ah so there it is, the hope you've needed to wrangle up those negative thoughts and officially get rid of them. You have stood in your way for so long that you got used to being there. However, it's time to move forward during the Waning Gibbous in Libra.

The thing with you, Gemini, is that you're practically a genius; in fact, maybe you are, and your ideas are the stuff that dreams are made of. But your self-doubt takes over, and you're holding yourself back before you know it.

That's why it's important to pay attention during the Waning Gibbous in Libra, as this Libra energy is vital to your making significant progress in art, work, creativity, and even health. Go with what your heart tells you, Gemini. Libra brings courage.

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2. Cancer

cancer zodiac signs experience major success march 16 2025 Design: YourTango

You've had a project in mind for a while now, and you feel you keep putting it off for another day. Yet, you don't know why you keep on doing it. Perhaps you feel that it will bring about too great a change, and that scares you.

March 16 shows you the Waning Gibbous in Libra, and while the energy is soft and calm, it is still powerful enough to evoke courage in you, and this bravery is what will get you out of that stuck place and into something more progressive.


All it takes is for you to make the first move, Cancer. Once you go there, you won't be able to stop the significant progress you make, and it will be noteworthy. Start up that engine, Cancer. You can do it.

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3. Scorpio

scorpio zodiac signs experience major success march 16 2025 Design: YourTango


During the Waning Gibbous in Libra, you'll want to take advantage of the fleeting moment of super inspiration because you sense that it won't last, and you want to get up and do something now. You are tired of missing the boat, and this wave of Libra energy will have you up and on your feet, heading toward the dock.

Whatever it is that you've been working on, it's not time to take it to the next level, Scorpio. You are unhappy when you are stagnant, and you like it even less when nothing is produced. You need movement and progress, and you will find it all starting to happen on March 16, 2025.

Now is the time to make significant progress. Now is the time to make a name for yourself and to go after that dream, Scorpio. You know that mediocrity is not your game, so create something significant and worthy, as only you can.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
