Luck Favors 3 Zodiac Signs On March 14, 2025
Good fortune arrives, finally!

Luck favors three zodiac signs on March 14, 2025 during the Moon opposite Neptune transit. No more striving or wishing life would improve. We stop worrying about what could happen and watch how our desires unfold in natural, organic ways.
We conquer our minds on March 14, and don't let our thoughts ruin the good fortune that is trying to be a part of our lives. If you were feeling as if the stars and all of the cosmos were not on your side, you can take that feeling and get rid of it. This horoscope proves your luck will improve, especially if you're a Leo, Libra, or Pisces zodiac sign.
We tend to overthink things. Isn't it just typical of us humans to overthink only the bad? Why now overthink the good, or rather, why not just believe that good things can and do happen? Luck not only improves, but it also comes easily because we conquer our minds when the Moon aligns with Neptune. We don't let our thoughts ruin our good fortune. We choose positive thinking over fear for our lives. Success! Luck wins.
Luck favors three zodiac signs on March 14, 2025:
1. Leo
Design: YourTango
Are you ready for luck to favor you, Leo? It's time to let go of those nagging negative visions because a secret part of you wants to see what would happen if you believed luck could work in your favor just in case.
It's time to work with the astrology forecast, desperately trying to influence your life, which would be the Moon opposite Neptune. This transit is spiritual, and it creates good luck. You are about to get out of your way so that the flow of good luck can finally enter the scene.
Once you realize this is what March 14 is all about, you'll laugh, giggle, and then tell your mind to enjoy all that's heading your way finally. It's a good day in Leo Town, so cozy up to it, as the luck is all yours.
2. Libra
Design: YourTango
It takes a transit like the Moon opposite Neptune to open your eyes and remind you that you're on a good luck streak, and this would be a bad time to forget it suddenly. Your luck is steadily improving, and there's no evidence to show it will stop any time too soon.
March 14 brings you good news, and Libra, it will be up to you to take your brilliant mind and not make a drama out of the new information you've been given. Understand that from this moment on, you have a goal to work on that secures your right to be happy.
Happy, healthy, and strong-willed. Don't let your strong will steer you back into the dark. Moon opposite Neptune helps luck come easily to you. You see both dark and light; go for the light! Good luck to you, and continue with the work.
3. Pisces
Design: YourTango
Well, your luck is about to take a turn for the better, Pisces, and not only that, it comes easily to you. You knew something like this could happen. See, just knowing it or feeling it proves you need to understand that life will improve for you.
You aren't going to fight good fortune this time, Pisces, and during the transit of Moon opposite Neptune, you'll know exactly what good fortune means, and you want it all. You are going to choose it consciously.
Moon opposite Neptune shows you that you can use your thoughts and habits to make life better. If you are brave enough, things work out for you. You are going to take the reins and go for the gold. Luck is about to show you what it's made of.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.