11 Admirable Things Smart People Do To Make Incompetent People Hate Them

People who can't seem to get anything right often have it in for people who know what they're doing.

Admirable Things Smart People Do To Make Incompetent People Hate Them stockfour / Shutterstock

Whether it's a coworker or a friend, most people have been in a situation where the person they need most was completely incompetent. By wasting too much time or simply not showing up, incompetent people create the worst reputation for themselves. As a result, they are likely to lose people's respect, which makes them resentful of people who are smarter than they are.

There are some particularly admirable things smart people that make incompetent people hate them. From working well without any assistance to remaining calm under pressure, incompetent people can't seem to help being jealous.

These are 11 admirable things smart people do to make incompetent people hate them

1. They ask questions with zero hesitation

woman raising hand while sitting in class Drazen Zigic | Shutterstock

The first admirable thing smart people do to make incompetent people hate them is asking questions with zero hesitation. Smart people understand that they don't know the answers to everything. Whether at work or school, everyone, even intelligent people, could use a hand from time to time. 

Unfortunately, most incompetent people are far too reserved to ask for help when they need it the most. According to research scientist at Stanford SPARQ Xuan Zhao, some people fear asking for help because they think they will come off as incompetent, weak, or inferior.

That said, their fear of coming off as incompetent is the exact reason they're viewed as incompetent in the first place. Because of their inability to ask those questions, they're increasingly likely to mess up.

On the flip side, smart people have the confidence to ask for assistance when necessary, making them seem more competent in the eyes of those around them.

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2. They hold themselves to a higher standard

confident woman crossing arms insta_photos | Shutterstock

It's unfortunate, but most incompetent people are that way because of their lack of standards. Not wanting to put in the work necessary to go above and beyond they're content with mediocracy.

This is why an admirable thing smart people do to make incompetent people hate them is to hold themselves to a higher standard. Smart people truly have the best work ethic out there. Not content with doing the bare minimum, intelligent people are increasingly likely to be thorough with the work they do.

One study published in 2021 backs this up, noting that cognitive ability is related to a higher pursuit of personal standards. So, it isn't all that shocking that smart people are so hard on themselves. Compared to incompetent people, smart people have a higher standard that makes incompetent people feel inferior.

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3. They remain calm while other people panic

man relaxing in his office chair fizkes | Shutterstock

It can be hard to remain calm under pressure when everything is out of control. Constant arguments and mishaps can make the strongest most competent person lose their cool. That said, an admirable thing smart people do to make incompetent people hate them is they remain calm while under pressure. 

Not only do smart people score the highest, but they also have high emotional intelligence. According to research published in Intelligence, higher intelligence leads to higher emotional sensitivity, which explains why smart people care so much about others and most importantly, why they can read others so well. 

On top of that, higher emotional intelligence has also been linked to more pro-social behavior, according to a study in 2022. As a result, highly intelligent people are excellent at not just understanding others, but navigating tough social situations with ease.

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4. They see through other people’s manipulation and call it out

woman observing someone New Africa | Shutterstock

Some people are simply great at analyzing other people. Unfortunately, incompetent people aren't. As it stands, most people are fairly unobservant in their daily lives. Whether it's at the grocery store or at a family gathering, most people can't pick up on other people's intentions or how they're feeling. 

Despite this, many people still believe they're more observant than those around them. One study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that people incorrectly believe that they observe others more than others observe them.

However, if there's one group of people who are increasingly likely to be observant, it's smart people. As a result, an admirable thing smart people do to make incompetent people hate them is to see through other people's manipulation and call it out.

Smart people aren't only highly observant, they're honest as well. One study published in 2023 found that honesty was positively associated with intelligence. Because of this, smart people can easily see through another person's manipulation and if it benefits them, call that manipulative person out with zero hesitation.

Now, is this awkward for everyone involved? Absolutely. However, intelligent people understand that sometimes laying everything out on the table is the quickest way to keep a situation from escalating further.

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5. They solve complex problems accurately

woman working on laptop Gordonkoff | Shutterstock

If there's one admirable thing smart people do to make incompetent people hate them, it's their ability to solve complex problems accurately. Sure, incompetent people might be the first to turn in their tests. Assuming that they did well these individuals will walk away feeling relatively good about themselves.

Unfortunately, someone's ability to solve complex problems is much bigger than how fast they can complete a math test. One study published in 2023 found that not only are smart people increasingly likely to solve complex problems accurately, but it also takes more time for them to do so.

The researchers found that brains with reduced functional connectivity literally jump to conclusions when making decisions as opposed to waiting until their brains can complete the processing steps necessary to solve the problem. This can explain why incompetent people can't stand intelligent people. When all is said and done and everyone gets their test scores back, incompetent people are left confused about how intelligent people accurately solved these complex problems while simultaneously taking the most time to do so.

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6. They stay focused on facts rather than their emotions

woman smiling while holding tablet insta_photos | Shutterstock

There will always be times when people's emotions must take a back seat. During an intense conversation when emotions are high, getting emotional will only make an already tense situation worse. That said, most incompetent people can't keep their emotions in check because they are so focused on how they're feeling and what they think to be right that they allow these thoughts to drive them wild, resulting in them losing control.

This is why an admirable thing smart people do to make incompetent people hate them is to stay focused on facts rather than their emotions. Smart people have a large amount of self-control. As a result of their own pro-social behavior, these intelligent people know when to react and when to keep a cool head.

For instance, a smart person might suggest taking a break, which has been linked to better conflict resolution, according to research published in the Journal Communications Psychology. While this a good characteristic to have, this gift tends to make those around them increasingly jealous, especially incompetent people.

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7. They adapt quickly

woman eating while walking to work in a rush Estrada Anton | Pexels

Another admirable thing smart people do to make incompetent people hate them is they adapt quickly. Believe it or not, the human brain hates to change. According to Emerson Human Capitol, our brains are hard-wired to resist change, as the amygdala interprets change as a threat and releases the hormones for fear, fight, or flight.

As a result, most people, but especially incompetent people, can't stand to change their routines. This is why they struggle to continue to grow and why they might not be the first to climb the ladder. It's unfortunate, but people's success often depends on their ability to change and keep an open mind. 

On the flip side, smart people don't struggle to change. As a result of their flexible nature, these individuals are able to adapt to a change in their work environment with little effort on their part. Though this characteristic is an amazing one to have, it also causes those around them to hate them, wishing that they were as adaptable themselves.

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8. They challenge assumptions and keep an open mind

man thinking while listening to woman Pheelings media | Shutterstock

Although most people would like to believe that they’re open-minded, the truth is that many stick to the same belief systems they were born with. As a result, incompetent people become even more incompetent as they struggle to step outside of their comfort zone and learn something new.

That said, an admirable thing smart people do to make incompetent people hate them is they challenge assumptions and keep an open mind. According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, openness is a personality trait that has been linked to intelligence and divergent thinking. 

Knowing this, it’s unsurprising that smart people are intelligent in the first person. Due to their open-minded nature and endless curiosity, they’re unafraid to change their mind or hear a different perspective. This is great, as someone’s ability to absorb new information directly impacts their ability to grow.

But in the case of incompetent people, their ability to continue to grow is often stunted by their close-minded nature, causing them to resent intelligent people as a result of their own failures.

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9. They stay disciplined and consistent

woman working diligently GaudiLab | Shutterstock

People try their best to be disciplined. Whether it’s eating healthier or exercising consistently, having good discipline is often the difference between failing or succeeding. Even so, not all people have the drive necessary to hold themselves accountable and remain consistent.

For instance, incompetent people are likely to go back on their word or live their lives without any concern as to how their actions impact them in the long run.

In the same breath, an admirable thing smart people do to make incompetent people hate them is that stay disciplined and consistent no matter what. Unlike incompetent people, smart people plan ahead and understand that their actions have consequences.

Whether it’s for better or worse, their ability to stay disciplined and consistent can either make all their dreams come true or be the cause of their failure. This is why smart people stay on top of things and it’s also a huge reason why they’re so focused.

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10. They effortlessly recall information

man thinking while staring at his laptop fizkes | Shutterstock

The next admirable thing smart people do to make incompetent people hate them is that they effortlessly recall information. Their perfection doesn't just stop at their test scores. Throughout their daily lives, intelligent people use their brilliant brains to recall and connect information.

On the surface, this might not seem like a big deal. I mean sure, recalling information is great, but there's no reason to get jealous about it, right? However, someone's ability to easily recall information is often the difference between being deemed competent versus incompetent. For instance, people who can recall what happened during the last work meeting are increasingly likely to be seen as competent, compared to those who barely remember what they had for breakfast.

Now, is this necessarily their fault? No, some people are just born at remembering things better. Unfortunately, recalling information quickly does give smart people a leg up, leading to plenty of envy from incompetent people.

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11. They work well independently

man smiling at the camera while sitting and working insta_photos | Shutterstock

Finally, the last admirable thing smart people do to make incompetent people hate them is they work better independently and don't need constant guidance and reassurance. The talent of being able to work better alone isn't as common as most people would think. While it's true that most people would prefer to work alone, the truth of the matter is that everybody needs guidance and reassurance along the way. 

When it comes to smart people, these individuals need minimum guidance and interference. Intuitively knowing what to do and using context clues, these gifted people don't feel the need to reach out to their boss every hour or two.

Because of this, not only are they appreciated and looked upon favorably in the eyes of their coworkers and bosses, but their excellent work ethic causes them to soar through the corporate ladder at faster rates than the average person. All of which causes an incompetent person to grow tired and despise intelligent people.

RELATED: 12 Questions Smart People Hate Being Asked, According To Psychology

Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's degree in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.
