Relationship Struggles End For 3 Zodiac Signs The Week Of February 17 - 23, 2025

This week marks a turning point in relationships for three zodiac signs.

happy couple zodiac signs relationship struggles end week february 17-23, 2025 Photo: Helgy | Design: YourTango

Every relationship has its fair share of challenges. But with a little work and effort relationship struggles end for three zodiac signs the week of February 17.

To have a lasting relationship, you must continually choose your partner and love them through the madness. You can have it all, but that doesn’t mean you can expect everything to work out. Instead, it comes down to realizing that your choices also affect the person you love—and your relationship.


This week, there is a turning point for partners going through tough times in their relationship. Thursday, February 20, the Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius rises, questioning what you choose to let go of during this time. While this can be a beneficial time for letting go of past pain or grudges, you want to make sure it’s not your relationship you’re letting slip through your fingers. 

Sagittarius is the zodiac sign known for resisting commitment the most, so you must be mindful that your choices truly support the life you want to live. Rebel if you must, but try not to rebel from the person you love.


Also occurring on Thursday, February 20, Mercury in Pisces will square off with Jupiter in Gemini, creating friction in your relationship. Mercury in Pisces may bring in a new offer or possibility that seems too good to turn down, but it could have disastrous consequences in your romantic life. Involve your partner in your decisions if you want this connection to last.

The tension continues into Friday, February 21, as the Moon in Sagittarius creates a tense aspect with Saturn in Pisces. Saturn is often unforgiving in relationships as it dominates harsh karmic lessons and reminds you of the importance of boundaries. Yet the Sagittarius Moon wants to explore and live freely. 

Watch for feeling trapped or restricted in your relationship, leading to irreconcilable differences. The idea is to figure out a way through any challenges — rather than taking the easy way out, which you would regret.

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Three zodiac signs who may experience relationship challenges, February 17 - 23, 2025:

1. Gemini

gemini zodiac sign relationship struggles end week february 17-23, 2025 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva

It’s up to you whether you’ll let your relationship challenges make you better or bitter, Gemini. There is no denying that your romantic life hasn’t exactly been the smoothest journey. It has brought loss, heartache, and pain that you thought you’d never overcome. Yet the choice is up to you whether you let these experiences harden your heart or soften it so you can receive the love you’ve always wanted. 

While you crave a committed and loving relationship, as an air sign, you can find it difficult to stay invested in a connection. This is especially true if you feel monotony in your partner's day-to-day routine or if they wow you with their expression of love.


The Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius will rise on Thursday, February 20, in your house of relationships. While a Last Quarter Moon is the perfect time to reconcile or let go of past hurt, it can also give you a wandering eye. 

You may think that any relationship is better than the one you’re in. Sagittarius likes to explore, which often represents a challenging journey to commitment. It also loves to explore and experience relationships — just as you do. 

This energy could be used to your advantage to heal and reconnect in your current relationship, yet it also may be the final push out of this connection. Be mindful of how you treat your partner around this time and if you’re talking with anyone else — if you say it’s just as friends because you know that isn’t the truth. How you end a relationship matters as much as how you begin it, so do take your time figuring out what you want.

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2. Virgo

virgo zodiac sign relationship struggles end week february 17-23, 2025 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva

The right relationship is the one that is aligned with who you are, Virgo. You can get so caught up in making a relationship work that you forget to stop and ask yourself if it’s meant to. 

The right relationship for you isn’t about how it looks to the outside world or the life you can create together. Instead, it comes down to how aligned you feel with your partner. 


You and your partner are growing despite challenges, so you must reflect on this question often. You may have outgrown your current connection. Your dreams for your life matter, but that doesn’t necessarily mean this relationship can contribute to that vision.

On Thursday, February 20, Mercury in Pisces will square Jupiter in Gemini, which creates clashes in communication and the possibility of arguments. Mercury in Pisces is in your house of relationships, indicating that this conflict will arrive in your connection because of what Jupiter in Gemini is bringing in. 

Jupiter in Gemini highlights your house of aspirations and career. With Jupiter being the planet of luck, it also seeks to expand this area of your life through positive changes. 

However, with the clash between Mercury and Jupiter, your partner won’t support this new opportunity you receive. They want the version of you they fell in love with; the only problem is that person may no longer exist. Be willing to walk away from what isn’t aligned and trust that you deserve to have your dreams come true — if that means it won’t be with the same partner.


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3. Scorpio

scorpio zodiac sign relationship struggles end week february 17-23, 2025 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva

Challenges often arise so you can be motivated to change what isn’t working, Scorpio. You haven’t been feeling great about your relationship or your life. So much doesn’t resonate with you, yet you’ve been talking yourself into accepting it because of what it would take to change it. You are settling. You are settling your life and relationship, and it isn’t working. Yet there is no magic answer. 


There will be no divine redirection or instant answer, as this process is meant to help you become the person who can live the life you’re dreaming of. Feel your feelings, hold space for the fears, but dust yourself off and get back up because nothing will change unless you do it for yourself.

The Sagittarius Moon will create a tense aspect with Saturn in Pisces on Friday, February 21. The Sagittarius Moon is highlighting themes connected to financial restrictions, as well as your worthiness. 

While you may have been using finances as an excuse for not making changes in your life, it may be that you don’t feel worth making those changes because a part of you doesn’t feel you deserve to be happy. 


As the Sagittarius Moon aligns with Saturn in Pisces, the ruler of your house of happiness and romantic commitment, you must face the truth. The energy of this transit makes you so uncomfortable that you have no choice but to overcome it by embracing change. Just ensure you’re not taking your feelings out on yourself, making the situation worse. 

While your life may not reflect what you want, it doesn’t mean that it still can’t become what you’re looking for. At a certain point, you realize that if a partner isn’t contributing to the life you want, they are preventing you from living it.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.
