11 Tiny Gestures That Speak Loudly When Someone Truly Admires You
They say actions speak louder than words, but so do nonverbal body language cues.

We all want to be admired for our glowing personalities and values. And while people can use their words to offer that praise, there are certain tiny gestures that speak loudly when someone truly admires you, often using nonverbal cues and body language. Actions unconsciously express how you feel, and they also have the power to enhance relationships as these subtle behaviors can make you more connected.
Whether it's listening intently, smiling bright, or position their hands in an open position, this type of body language is a good indicator of how someone feels about you. Because if someone didn't admire you, they wouldn't go out of their way to express their true feelings.
Here are 11 tiny gestures that speak loudly when someone truly admires you
1. They actively listen
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When someone actively listens while you talk, it's a tiny gesture that speaks loudly that someone truly admires you. Instead of interrupting or trying to make the conversation about them, a nonverbal gesture like leaning in close while you speak conveys love and support.
And doing this is important, as it actively shows connection. According to a study in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, feeling connected helps improve physical and mental health, with researchers concluding that "connection distills down to a vital human need."
Active listening isn't just great for connection or support, it also helps to create a safe space in which people feel understood. And, arguably, that's something people who admire you want to do.
2. They mirror your body language
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It can be hard to tell if someone holds you in high regard or if they're just listening to the words coming out of your mouth. But if they mirror your body language, it's a clear indication that someone not only admires you, but that they are empathetic.
According to professor and licensed counselor Suzanne Degges-White PhD, "Empathetic people tend to not only pick up on others' feelings more easily than less empathetic people, but they also are more likely to mimic other people more often. Their higher attunement to others' emotions is likely the cause of their increased level of mirroring others."
Anyone can make you feel admired and respected by adjusting their body language, though doing so naturally is far from easy. Mirroring body language is something that people do unconsciously when they're walking side by side with you, having a venting session, or meeting someone new.
3. They remember the little things
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Whether it's a relationship, friendship, or acquaintanceship, people who remember little things as they pertain to you is one of the tiny gestures that speak loudly when someone truly admires you. It's easy to remember someone's birthday or their favorite color, but remembering small things is how people feel heard.
According to a 2023 study in PLoS One, feeling heard is considered a cornerstone to every relationship and is crucial to healthy self-development. People who are committed and admire you aren't remembering those minor details for the fun of it; rather, it's because they clearly admire and respect you.
If someone remembers that you like your coffee a certain way or really enjoy a specific sweet, and they take the time to give those things to you, it's important to thank them. Because as much as you like feeling acknowledged, the other person does too.
4. They check in
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When you're going through tough times in life, someone reaching out to you is basically a lifeline. Not only does it show that they care about you and want to make sure you're okay, but they admire you as well.
Everybody needs someone to lean on. When going through a rough patch, having a solid support system is often the difference between keeping it together and losing it completely. And according to a study published in Nature Mental Health, the more social support systems a person has, the lower risk there is of developing depression.
Besides showing consistency, someone who truly admires you will always check in, regardless of the season. Whether you're having a good day or a bad day, their respect is present across all areas of your life.
5. They smile with their eyes
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Most people would assume that smiling bright is a sign of happiness, but smiles can be deceiving. As psychology professor Ronald E. Riggio PhD points out, smiling can be used in different circumstances.
"People smile all the time — many times per day. Yet, those smiles can mean many things besides happiness and amusement. The key to successfully decoding all those smiling faces is to look carefully at the entire array of body language cues," Riggio states.
To tell if someone truly admires you,
A study from Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications suggests that humans can see emotions in the eyes of others, even when their mouths are covered. But when a smile is present, it's best to pay attention to what that smile really means.
6. They tilt their head
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Someone tilting their head doesn't necessarily mean they are confused; rather, it's a sign of consideration. In fact, tilting the head actually makes a person look less threatening and more approachable, according to research from Perception.
Tilting the head causes people to look at the upper eye rather than both eyes, making you appear more docile and less dominating. So, when someone truly admires you, they will unconsciously find ways to make you feel more comfortable, even if it's something as simple as a head tilt.
7. They touch their hair or face
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Conversations ebb and flow, but sometimes, people will touch their face or hair a lot. It may seem a bit strange, but one of the tiny gestures that speak loudly when someone truly admires you is just that.
People who do this want to impress you, and they become hyper-aware of their appearance. They go out of their way to make themselves presentable to you, and may adjust themselves mid-conversation to appear more confident in your presence.
Expert on nonverbal communication, Joe Navarro, says that the way we touch our faces or hair can provide insight into whether we are stressed or in need of support.
"How, where, and when we touch our faces matters. Taking context into account, these behaviors can give us useful insights into an individual's internal state, such as changing degrees of worry, concern, doubt, insecurities, or stress," he says.
8. They nod when you speak
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Nodding while you're speaking is an unconscious, nonverbal body language cue. Whether it's discussing an array of topics with co-workers, classmates, or loved ones, nodding can reveal how a person truly feels. And corporate communicator Audrey Nelson, PhD adds, "Nodding is an empathic gesture that makes others comfortable and encourages openness."
But nodding when another person speaks is a helpful way to pull people closer. For example, if you're in the middle of a passionate conversation with your friends, you might feel tempted to touch their shoulder to reel them back in, but nodding will let them know that you're offering support and acknowledgment.
9. They have their hands open
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Having open body language while conversing with others is important. It keeps tensions low, unconsciously makes the other person feel calm and collected, and is a tiny gesture that speaks loudly when someone truly admires you. That's especially true for keeping your hands open.
According to experts at the University of Mary Washington, keeping your palms open shows both sincerity and openness. In fact, Navarro states, "attorneys, or for that matter witnesses, that hide their hands are perceived as less open and less honest by the jurors." He concludes, "The hands really are exquisite transmitters of our emotions and thoughts, even our well-being; we can't afford to ignore them."
Of course, trying to discern if someone is trustworthy isn't easy, as people struggle to let their guard down and let someone in. But if a person has open hands, it means they feel comfortable in your presence.
10. They blink slowly
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In animal behavior, it's a known fact that slow blinking with cats shows love and encourages bonding. Research indicates that slow blinking is a way for people and cats to communicate with one study from Scientific Reports finding that cats were more likely to approach strangers who blinked slowly at them, as opposed to those who didn't.
A study from PLoS One determined that blinking during a conversation sends a subconscious message that the other person can perceive. The researchers concluded, "Our findings show that one of the subtlest of human movements — eye blinking — appears to have a surprising effect on the coordination of everyday human interaction."
While in a discussion with someone, consider their slow blinking to be a gesture that they truly admire you. It shows they are in tune with what you're saying.
11. They raise their eyebrows when you talk
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People who raise their eyebrows when you talk are expressing their admiration. They want to hear what you have to say, and by raising their eyebrows, they are actively engaged in the conversation. If they weren't actually interested, they would mindlessly nod or stare off into space.
One study published in the journal Perception found that not only are eyebrows the most expressive part of the face, but that faces lacking eyebrows are significantly more difficult to recognize in terms of the emotions being expressed.
When someone raises their eyebrows in a conversation with you, pay attention to the context. Are they shocked or surprised by what you said, or do they have a question as a result of listening so intently?
Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's degree in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.