11 Brilliant Phrases Classy People Say Often, According To Psychology
Being classy isn't just magnetic aura and charisma, it's also intentionality and brilliant self-awareness.

While there's certainly been a demise in traditionally "classy" appearances and clothing styles, making way for modernized new-age aesthetics, like author Dena Kouremetis argues, the mindset and mentality behind a truly self-aware, intentional, and thoughtful person is still ever-present.
Whether it's connecting with a stranger, expressing gratitude, or problem-solving at work, there are certain brilliant phrases classy people say often, according to psychology experts, that allow them to make better connections and convey the persona of excellence we're all striving for. By acknowledging how these phrases best serve classy people in their conversations and daily lives, we can not only adopt them ourselves, but learn how to better support and advocate for our emotional well-being and social belonging.
Here are 11 brilliant phrases classy people say often, according to psychology
1. 'Thank you for sharing'
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In emotional and vulnerable conversations, it can be easy to resort to problem-solving and advice, even when the other person is only looking for support. Classy people generally take a different approach to their social interactions, crafting healthy and safe space for people to speak without judgement or unprompted advice.
As better listeners and intentional communicators, self-aware classy people don't take up too much space in conversations. While they're able to advocate for themselves and their opinions, they're not worried about sacrificing time to help support others.
While insecurity might urge people to jump in, interrupt, or divert from discomfort, classy people jump in head first, willing to communicate and support in whatever way helps other people to feel most heard and valued.
Many of the brilliant phrases classy people say often, according to psychology experts, revolve around this basic empathy and respect — carving out space for people to share, feel gratified, and safe in their presence.
2. 'I hear you, but I don't appreciate your tone'
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According to a study published in the International Journal on Organizational Analysis, rational thinking, best reflected in self-aware and intentional communicators, is the key to conflict resolution in relationships.
Truly classy people have the capacity to take a step back from the discomfort and emotional nature of conversations like an argument and figure out the best way to communicate their needs and advocate for themselves.
Classy people not only understand the benefits of advocating for themselves and setting boundaries, they also recognize their words won't get far with someone constantly on the defensive. They use phrases like this to help other people to feel heard, while still standing their ground.
3. 'How can I support you right now?'
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Truly classy people may be fierce self-advocates, but they also live their lives leading with empathy and compassion. They're not afraid to give people grace in challenging situations or lend a helping hand at the expense of their own schedule and time.
With the self-awareness that indulges their secure identity and confidence, they're also cognizant of the fact that not everyone needs the same things. They know that amid stress, anxiety or grief, everyone copes in their own ways.
Rather than making assumptions or avoiding difficult conversations, classy people step up and communicate with their loved ones, open to supporting them in whatever way suits them best.
4. 'I know my worth'
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Whether it's in a relationship or in prioritizing their alone time, a truly classy person has a high sense of self-worth and isn't afraid to advocate for themselves. As transformation and career coach Lisa Petsinis argues, being confident and self-assured means recognizing your value in every situation.
Even amid an argument, a brief period of self-doubt, or in the face of judgment, classy people have the self-awareness to reassure themselves. They may not say this phrase out loud — although it can be the perfect way to reassert boundaries and expectations in conversation — but they do believe in themselves enough to believe it.
5. 'I'm proud of you'
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While insecure people tend to resort to judgment and criticism in uncomfortable situations or vulnerable conversations, like a study from Personality and Individual Differences argues, classy people have a secure enough sense of self-worth that they can celebrate and empower others to challenge themselves.
Even amid the success of their peers, where others may adopt an envious mindset, classy people make space to celebrate other people's accomplishments, reassuring and supporting them in their endeavors.
With a phrase like "I'm proud of you," they not only encourage others to succeed, they cultivate space for them to share about their experiences without negative energy or guilt.
6. 'I made a mistake'
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Owning up to your mistakes and hurtful behaviors can feel disorienting and uncomfortable for anyone, but the practice of taking accountability is something truly classy people commit themselves to.
They understand that their actions and words have power, even if it's not always for the best, so they aren't afraid to take responsibility when they make a mistake or say the wrong thing. Offering basic respect to others isn't just about kindness for classy people, like a report from the International Organization of Migration explains, it's also about consideration and acceptance in challenging or uncomfortable circumstances.
By offering up genuine apologies and working together to figure out how to best move forward, classy people not only build healthier connections with others, but relieve themselves of the emotional burdens associated with growing resentment and unresolved conflict.
7. 'I respect your opinion, but I disagree'
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Committed to respecting other people's space and respect in conversations, classy people don't feel offended when people have differing views or opinions. Not only are they comfortable having discussions and listening to people with different opinions, they're okay with simply "agreeing to disagree."
While challenging conversations and differing opinions often makes for stimulating discussions, there's certain situations where compromise is best. Classy people are self-aware enough to recognize when a conversation is no longer productive, using a phrase like this to respectfully acknowledge their input, but still set healthy boundaries.
8. 'Could you help me?'
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Despite research, like a study from Management Science that suggests people who ask for help are often perceived as more competent and confident than those who don't, many people avoid seeking out advice or assistance, fueled by misguided assumptions that it correlates with weakness or inferiority.
Classy people don't let these misguided societal expectations impact their productivity or well-being. They're comfortable asking for help, putting themselves in new situations, and challenging themselves in different environments.
9. 'I'm sorry, how can I make this right?'
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Admitting your weaknesses and being cognizant of how they impact other people is a true strength in social connections and relationships, according to neuroscientist E. Paul Zehr, PhD. While others may sabotage their social interactions by turning defensive or avoidant when their weaknesses become apparent, classy people embrace the discomfort of challenge.
Whether they're making a genuine apology for their behavior or figuring out how to fix an issue at work, the brilliant phrases classy people say often, according to psychology, work to make everyone feel more heard and comfortable — even themselves.
10. 'I want to understand where you're coming from'
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According to author and coach Derek Gaunt, classy and self-aware people tend to perfect the art of "tactical empathy" in their conversations — the ability to understand where someone is coming from, rather than simply agreeing or disagreeing. By leading with compassion and empathy, they're not only able to make other people feel understood and heard in conversations, but celebrated in their identity and opinions.
Even if they don't agree with their perspective, classy people make an effort to understand others. They know healthy relationships and conversations are dependent on people's ability to share a sense of mutual understanding and they're willing to use phrases like this to ensure they find it.
11. 'Let's work together to find a solution'
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Despite living in a competitive society where many people are pitted against each other in the pursuit of success and happiness, the brilliant phrases classy people say often, according to psychology experts, revolve around a more collaborative and thoughtful approach to life.
Classy people are not only advocates for their own happiness and success, they also find ways to pull people in, collaborating and empowering others along the way. The magnetic energy and charisma that classy people often exude comes from conversations where phrases like this are used.
They're willing to put their own productivity to the side to help others. They don't mind taking a step back to ensure everyone is on the same page. And, most importantly, they're committed to collaboration, rather than unhealthy competition.
Zayda Slabbekoorn is a staff writer with a bachelor's degree in social relations & policy and gender studies who focuses on psychology, relationships, self-help, and human interest stories.