Astrologer Says These Are The 2 ‘Sweet Spots’ Of 2025 When Life Will Make The Most Sense
We're all looking for a little clarity.

Sometimes, we need a break from the chaos. We need a moment to breathe, reflect, and find peace. Thankfully, astrology offers us a time frame that makes it easier for this to happen.
“When looking ahead of our calendar year, I like to find that small part of the year where nothing is retrograde, and all planets are direct, that I like to call the ‘sweet spot,’” astrologer Cody Springer explained in a recent TikTok. If you're feeling a little unsettled, Springer said to keep these two times of year in mind so you can regroup and reshape your thinking.
An astrologer confirmed there are two ‘sweet spots’ in 2025 when life will make the most sense.
Springer noted that these "sweet spots" in the calendar year are "when life is happening exactly as it should."
"This doesn't mean that life is feeling amazing or great. Hopefully, it should and will be, but it's not that it's going to be an amazing time for everybody," he clarified. "Everyone's always going through lessons and challenges and their own obstacles in life, but it is supposed to be a timeframe that tells us, 'Hey, everything you're encountering or experiencing or feeling during this time frame is exactly right on track for you because nothing is clouding your judgment.'"
According to Springer, these two dates will be an opportunity to put things into perspective, even if they are times filled with struggle and growth. During this time, you will be able to see with clarity what you need to do to get, as Springer described, "from point A to point B."
The two 'sweet spots' of the year are between February 24 - 29 and between April 19 - May 2.
Springer realized that his message seemed a bit unsettling, so he made sure to stress that a year of struggles is not necessarily a bad thing and that these times of clarity are important for inner growth. He said, "The reason I wanted to get that information out to you is, I want you to, like, go ahead and save that time frame within your phone or something and know that everything you encounter within that time frame is meant to happen in life."
That wasn't a foreboding message, either. As he said, "It's good; you're right on track, and hopefully, the vibes and energy feel really good and very different than what we are experiencing now."
Springer's ultimate message was one of hope. Even when you are feeling out of control, the Universe is teaching and guiding. He said it's important in times of uncertainty to look at the bigger picture and ask, "What am I being taught? What am I going to receive or learn from the aftermath of this?"
Springer reveals the "sweet spots" are times during the year when nothing is in retrograde.
But what does he mean by that? When a planet goes retrograde, it appears to move backward in its orbit from our perspective here on Earth. This optical illusion carries significant meaning astrologically.
A retrograde period is a sign to pause and reflect on the areas of life governed by that planet. For example, when Mercury goes retrograde, it’s often associated with disruptions in communication, technology, travel, and daily activities. During this time, it’s a chance to focus on improving communication, practice patience, and embrace flexibility.
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In an article for CBC, astrologer Bryanna Collier wrote, "Each planet moves at a different rate and is thought to vibrate at a unique frequency, influencing how we think, act, and feel in specific ways. When a planet goes retrograde, its power diminishes, and we're encouraged to slow down, reflect, and redefine our paths forward. Inconsistencies and bad habits are often brought to light during retrograde cycles, highlighting areas of improvement."
Collier's explanation is exactly why the times of the year when "all the planets are direct," as Springer described, are so important for clearing confusion and taking stock of what the lessons from retrograde have taught us.
When all planets are direct, we experience a kind of retrograde relief.
It’s a time of cosmic alignment, where the flow of energy feels smooth and uninterrupted. During this period, there’s a sense of harmony, and we’re reminded that everything is unfolding just as it’s meant to. It’s an opportunity to move forward with clarity and confidence.
In these moments, we can reconnect with our true purpose, ground ourselves in the present, and realign with our goals. It’s a time to make progress in achieving our dreams. These moments of tranquility are crucial this year, as they give us the space to establish our path. “I’m not trying to exaggerate the intensity of 2025, though I wish I could,” said Springer. “I’m just being real with you — this year is going to be a tough ride.”
Mina Rose Morales is a writer and photojournalist with a degree in journalism. She covers a wide range of topics, including psychology, self-help, relationships, and the human experience.