11 Brilliant Phrases That Shut Down Overly Opinionated People
They may think they know it all, but they don't have to keep talking about it.

Everyone has been in a chaotic argument at some point in their lives. Going back and forth for hours on end, it can be nearly impossible to shut down people with super strong opinions. After all, when someone is so deeply engrossed in their own ways of thinking, it can be hard to snap them out of it.
Luckily, there are brilliant phrases that shut down overly opinionated people. From being upfront to finding common ground, there are plenty of things you can say to bring stressful conversations with know-it-alls to an end.
Here are the 11 brilliant phrases that shut down overly opinionated people
1. ‘Thank you for sharing, but I think I’ll stick to my decision’
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The first brilliant phrase that shut down overly opinionated people is, "Thank you for sharing, but I think I'll stick to my decision." Human beings are social creatures that need connection to thrive. As a result, most people want to feel heard and understood. However, when people feel misunderstood it can certainly cause some heartache.
According to a study published in 2022, feeling misunderstood leads to higher stress, lower life satisfaction, and lower motivation. Even so, hearing people's unsolicited opinions can damper things or even worsen an already tense situation. So, to avoid this, people should try using this phrase instead.
After all, this phrase doesn't automatically shut people down. Instead, it uplifts people's opinions while simultaneously telling them that their opinion isn't needed in this situation.
Now, will this phrase completely lessen the blow of telling someone their opinion isn't wanted? No, but at the bare minimum it'll show an opinionated person that while their opinion is being heard, it won't be taken into consideration. Effectively shutting them down from continuing to suggest other opinions.
2. ‘I’m not looking to debate right now’
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There's nothing worse than being in an unwanted debate with someone. And when strong emotions and thoughts get in the way, it can feel impossible to shut down overly opinionated people. That said, one brilliant phrase that shut down overly opinionated people is, "I'm not looking to debate right now."
Sometimes people need to be upfront about what they want or don't want. Like it or not, when people refuse to be upfront about their feelings it can cause confusion and tension.
According to the Journal of Pragmatics, recalled miscommunication leads people to feel frustrated and confused, unintentionally causing the situation to be worse. Despite this fact, many people struggle to utter this phrase for fear of making situations worse.
Thankfully, there are a few ways people can better prepare to stand up for themselves. Psychiatrist Abigail Brenner M.D. explained that it's important to practice assertiveness beforehand. She continued, "Affirm everything you like about yourself. It’s very important to acknowledge all you are and do."
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3. ‘Let’s revisit this at a later date’
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Most people have had the misfortune of going around in circles during a heated discussion. Not wanting to continue arguing these same individuals will completely check out, leaving the opinionated person frustrated. So, instead of doing this, a brilliant phrase that shut down overly opinionated people is, "Let's revisit this at a later date."
Like it or not, there is only so much people can get out of an argument and if people keep pushing, it'll only make the situation worse. For instance, one study from the University of Copenhagen found that men who dealt with the constant demands or worries of their partner and children were increasingly likely to experience a higher mortality rate.
So, when people are overwhelmed and the conversation seems to be going nowhere, what should they do? Besides saying, "Let's revisit this at a later date," they should also follow it up by specifying a later date.
Remember: the point isn't to avoid conversations. Rather, the point is to put conversations on hold until both parties are calm enough to continue.
4. ‘I’ll keep that in mind’
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Although honesty is the best policy, there will always be instances where telling a white lie might not be such a bad thing. When someone is dealing with an overly opinionated person, sometimes, it might be best to pick their fights wisely. So, a brilliant phrase that shuts down an overly opinionated person is, "I'll keep that in mind."
When people won't stop arguing no matter what technique someone uses it's best to relent and meet them in the middle. Saying that they'll consider someone will most likely put an opinionated person's mind at ease as they feel heard and understood.
According to a study in 2023, feeling heard is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship and is important for self-development. Knowing this, even if it's hard sometimes letting go of their pride and saying, "I'll keep that in mind," is the most effective way to shut someone down.
Sure, it might bruise their ego a bit, however, a bruised ego saves a lot more time than going around in circles.
5. ‘Let’s agree to disagree’
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The next brilliant phrase that shuts down overly opinionated people is, "Let's agree to disagree." Let's face it: people aren't always going to see eye to eye. After all, everyone has a diverse way of thinking and as a result, while some people might see one decision as reckless, another person can see it as clever or ideal.
Even so, learning to transition the conversation and end it is far from easy. If someone finds themselves in a tense situation it can feel abrupt to say, "Let's agree to disagree."
In truth, the other person might feel like they're being dismissed, causing resentment to build. This is dangerous, as resentment corresponds to contempt, which according to the Gottman Institute, is the number one indicator of divorce.
So, before deciding to end a conversation always try to ease the conversation down a notch. This can be done by speaking calmly, reassuring the other person that they understand where they're coming from, and most importantly, by taking a break.
6. ‘This conversation isn’t going anywhere’
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You've probably been in a conversation and thought to yourself, "This conversation isn't going anywhere." It's unfortunate, but arguing for hours on end will sometimes happen with an opinionated person. As a result of their stubborn nature, they might refuse to let bygones be bygones or sometimes, they might be so entranced in their argument that they don't even realize how far they've gone.
During moments like these, it's important for people to stay focused and remind the other person when things have gone too far. So, a brilliant phrase that shut down overly opinionated people is, "This conversation isn't going anywhere."
Now, most people won't like being cut off when they're in the middle of making a point. However, sometimes certain things need to be said. Believe it or not, honesty is a lot better approach than most would think. According to a study published in the Journal of Experiment Psychology: General, researchers found that honest conversations cause people to react less negatively.
As a result, it's increasingly easier to find conflict resolution when both parties know where they stand. So, even if it's hard, don't be afraid to say something. Who knows, the person might appreciate it more than expected.
7. ‘Let’s focus on something more productive’
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If someone has ever been in an intense argument with an opinionated person, they’ll likely remember how much time it took to reach a resolution. It’s unfortunate, but sometimes people get so caught up in the minor details that they forget what they were arguing about in the first place.
To avoid this, a brilliant phrase that shut down overly opinionated people is, “Let’s focus on something productive.” Reminiscing negatively about the past won’t truly help people move forward. Like it or not, complaining or picking apart other people’s arguments is a waste of time and energy, even for an opinionated person.
By reminding an opinionated person to stay focused on finding solutions, they’re consciously helping someone realize where they are headed and most importantly, how to steer the ship around.
8. ‘My mind is made up’
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The worst thing about an opinionated person is their belief that they can change others with their logic. Like it or not, human beings are programmed to resist change, even if they're presented with the facts. According to Emerson Human Capitol, the amygdala perceives change as a threat and as a result, releases the hormones for fear or flight.
Knowing this, what is a brilliant people that shut down overly opinionated people? Though this might sound too simple to be true, the best phrase someone can use is, "My mind is already made up."
As stated, opinionated people will continue arguing out of the belief that can change people's minds. So, to ensure that they don't argue simply tell them they won't change their mind. Make it clear that whatever logical reasoning they use will be wasted because your mind is already made up.
Now, will this annoy them beyond belief? Absolutely, as most opinionated people operate off the assumption that their way is the best way. However, if someone's ultimate goal is to shut down a conversation then saying this is their best bet. Otherwise, they'll likely be wasting their breath trying to keep an opinionated person at bay.
9. ‘Let’s focus on finding common ground’
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There's nothing wrong with wanting to find common ground. As human beings, our ultimate goal is to connect with one another through socialization. Even so, just because our biological functions involve connection doesn't mean people need to be a complete pushover. After all, everyone has needs.
So, instead of instantly giving in to an opinionated person, a brilliant phrase that shut down overly opinionated people is, "Let's focus on finding common ground."
Believe it or not, most people are more than willing to compromise. Baylor University noted that the most common thing couples want isn't an apology, but a willingness to give up power. They explained, "Giving up power comes in many forms, among them giving a partner more independence, admitting faults, showing respect and being willing to compromise."
So, even if it's hard don't be afraid to compromise. Whether it's in a relationship or a friendship most people are more than willing to compromise as it shows consideration and respect on your part.
10. ‘Everyone is entitled to their own opinions’
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Most people live in a diverse community or have a diverse family with plenty of opinions to go around. As a result, they may have grown up dreading family holidays as a result of everyone’s differing opinions.
To avoid the awkwardness of another family encounter a brilliant phrase that shut down overly opinionated people is, “Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.”
Most people need to be reminded that everyone has different life experiences and as a result, have varying opinions. Unfortunately, when one too many drinks get in the way, the path to being cordial goes straight out the window. This is why it’s important to remind opinionated people that their thoughts and ideas aren’t the only ones.
Now, will they stop automatically? Maybe or maybe not. Yet repeating this phrase another time or two should do the trick.
11. ‘I said what I needed to so let’s leave it at that for today’
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Finally, the last brilliant phrase that shut down overly opinionated people is, “I said what I said, so let’s leave it at that today.” Sometimes, being strict and firm during a conversation is the only way to go. After spending countless hours arguing and bickering about the same old thing it becomes apparent that both parties won’t relent.
When an opinionated person won’t stop and no amount of calming techniques or phrases will do, sometimes, saying it how it is and bringing a conversation to end is the best bet.
Not only will it save both parties plenty of energy, but it will also prevent the situation from escalating, leaving one another room to calm down and pick back up when both people aren’t overly emotional.
Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's degree in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.