Struggle Ends For 3 Zodiac Signs On February 15, 2025

May no enemy be formed against you.

struggle ends zodiac signs February 15 2025 Design: YourTango | Photo: Jacob Lund, Canva Pro

Struggle ends for three zodiac signs on February 15, 2025, during the astrological transit of the Moon opposite Neptune that encourages these signs to put a stop to a tough situation.

Three zodiac signs will leap at the chance to take action, and what better support system is there than the Moon opposite Neptune? Neptune's energy has us thinking things out, and because it's opposite the Moon, we're covering all bases.


Here, we have a day that helps us better ourselves and advance to a superior position while also helping us choose wisely. Three zodiac signs will find a way out of a problem, and the rewards are remarkable.

Struggle ends for three zodiac signs on February 15, 2025:

1. Taurus

taurus struggle ends zodiac signs february 15, 2025 Design: YourTango


You are ready for the struggle to end. You have a history of lessons learned from making bad mistakes, which goes for us all. But in your case, Taurus, you do remember what you did wrong because it means a lot to you not to make the same mistakes twice.

You're on a mission to self-improve, and once you start that engine up, you become unstoppable. During the transit of the Moon opposite Neptune on February 15, you'll have thought out all of your options, resulting in the perfect right move.

Moon opposite Neptune brings in the idea of critical thinking, which you are practically an expert in. You see things from every angle, and if self-improvement is the name of the game, then all things are considered. You are well on your way to improving your life, and it starts with saying goodbye to an unwanted hardship.

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2. Virgo

virgo struggle ends zodiac signs february 15, 2025 Design: YourTango

Things have begun to change rapidly in your life, Virgo, and that's no surprise as the transit of the Moon opposite Neptune is all about drastic change and how you handle it. You know you want your struggle to end, but you aren't sure you want to be the only one moving things along.

The good part is that you are not alone, so if this huge new adventure in change is something you are serious about, then it's time to ask for help. You've got someone in your life who feels you; they want change, too.


Now, it's all about putting together your resources and doing it together. Yes, you are way up for drastic improvement, and you know how desperately you need it, but you can't do this alone, so speak up and ask for help, Virgo. It's OK to do so.

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3. Pisces

pisces struggle ends zodiac signs february 15, 2025 Design: YourTango


What started as a glimmer of an idea only a few weeks ago now feels like an inspired path to major change and improvement. You feel almost giddy about how struggles come to an end. This day will unfold for you, Pisces, and during the Moon opposite Neptune, you get to see some big improvements.

The only thing that is required of you on February 15 is persistence. Don't get lazy, and don't stop until you've at least reached a certain goal. You'll find momentum is key here, and with the transit of the Moon opposite Neptune on your side, you'll manage to stay the course.

What's most important for you, Pisces, is knowing that believing in yourself drives this train all the way home. You want drastic improvements in your life, so you have to stick with your priorities and standards and live up to your demands. It's all good!


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
