5 Zodiac Signs Whose Relationships Improve Once Venus Enters Aries The Week Starting February 3
When you change, your relationships are instantly affected in a positive way.

Five zodiac signs will see an improvement in their relationships the week of February 3 - 9, 2025, and the catalyst of change is hope. No matter what your zodiac sign is, this week, we experience emotional steadiness, which helps us to understand what we want and create good relationships with others.
We feel a sense of hope that things will work out in the name of love all week. Hope happens when you set an intention, even if you don’t know how it will manifest what you desire. You can easily attract the relationship you desire when you hope for love or a positive outcome.
Regardless of what has occurred or what the last few months have brought to you this year, allow yourself to return to hope as Jupiter stations direct in Gemini on Tuesday, February 4, bringing positive energy to our love horoscopes.
Let hope lead you in love this week since Venus shifts into Aries on Tuesday, February 4. Although Venus can be uncomfortable in Aries because of its straightforward and often blunt nature, it does allow you to follow your heart. Be mindful of your temper and controlling the relationship, and you can enjoy all of the benefits of this transit without worrying about the potential downfalls.
Your feelings and emotions will be steady, despite all of the astrological shifts, thanks to the First Quarter Moon in Taurus on Wednesday, February 5. First Quarter Moons represent a time to take action on your intentions around the New Moon and can help you see positive shifts in your relationship.
Taurus is one of the ruling signs of Venus and brings a sensual and caring energy to your life, which can help you open up to receiving love. Don’t shy away from the planning process to bring your intentions to fruition, as the First Quarter Moon does invite you to take action.
Five zodiac signs whose relationships improve from February 3 - 9, 2025:
1. Libra
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You're learning to be open to love, and that's what improves your relationships this week. Let yourself believe in love, Libra, and happy endings. You’ve been tested in the past year to see what healthy, mature love looks like rather than just flirtations or trysts.
This belief has required that you put in the work to create a long-lasting relationship, which hasn’t always been easy at times. Yet, as you begin to emerge on the other side of these lessons, it’s important to remember that love is as magical as it is a choice.
Just because you have gone through so many tests doesn’t mean you aren’t on track to see your relationship improving or attracting that great love into your life. Take what you’ve learned, but also let yourself wish on shooting stars, knowing life is a balance — and so is love.
Venus will return to Aries on Tuesday, February 4, lighting up your romantic sector and shifting your focus to matters of the heart. Venus is the planet of love and relationships, and in Aries, it helps improve your romantic life and provides opportunities for new love. To make the most of this positive shift, though, you must allow yourself to have hope.
Try to create plenty of space in your life for dates and romantic pursuits, as this will become your main focus in the weeks to come. You are ready to move into a new beginning and receive easy love. Now, all you must do is have faith that it’s all possible and that every step of your journey has led you to this moment.
2. Sagittarius
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Inner healing helps your relationships improve this week. Big dreams take a while to manifest, Sagittarius. The time spent alone or trying to work through a situation in your existing relationship was all part of a divine purpose. You had to take time for yourself to reflect and heal. This has and will continue to allow you to show up healthier for the person you love.
You are certain about what you want for yourself and the person that truly resonates with your heart. This was necessary as you had been previously enmeshed within your family or social circles so deeply that it influenced the choices that you were making.
Jupiter will station direct in Gemini on Tuesday, February 4, bringing hope, movement, and lightness to your romantic sector. Jupiter doesn’t just bring luck or abundance but expansion, so you should see positive developments in your romantic life during this time. Take all you’ve learned and healed the last few months, and allow yourself to move forward.
Be conscious you are choosing differently and challenging yourself to show up in a transparent and committed fashion. It has been a journey to reach this place, but it is all worth it because never again will you let the opinions of others dictate the choices you make for yourself.
3. Scorpio
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Because you're learning to focus on what matters most, it improves your relationships. You can build a love that can last forever, sweet Scorpio. You have grown so deeply in how you view love. This has meant you are walking away from karmic relationships and learning that excitement doesn’t need to include unhealthy behaviors. You want amazing love but must also learn the importance of consistency and stability to attract it.
As you approach the end of this cycle in your life, it’s important to reflect on what you are choosing versus what you are settling for. This can help you surrender to your current circumstances instead of being overly stubborn or possessive because you’re afraid of letting go.
On Wednesday, February 5, the First Quarter Moon in Taurus rises in your house of relationships, creating a powerful desire for a stable and consistent relationship. Taurus rules over your romantic sector, and the First Quarter Moon is a call to action.
This can allow you to focus your energy on what you need versus controlling external circumstances. Be mindful of making choices due to finances, especially if it means remaining in a connection you’ve already outgrown. You have learned everything you need to improve or attract the healthier relationship you seek.
4. Virgo
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Honor the needs of your soul, dear Virgo. You have already seen improvements in your romantic life, which has led you to wonder if it could get any better. While you’ve had to moderate your tendency to keep working, you will be guided to embrace a profoundly intimate phase in your relationship.
This will allow you to grow deeply with your partner and help you discover the purpose for this relationship and yourself in this lifetime. You want your love to be more than just love, and this is when you will finally understand how to make that happen. You never needed to work to improve this relationship, but allow yourself to be.
Give yourself plenty of downtime as Neptune unites with the North Node in Pisces on Friday, February 7. Neptune brings intensity to your intuition and romantic feelings while helping you believe anything is possible. At the same time, the North Node is directing you toward your romantic fate.
You will receive spiritual guidance that will help you improve and deepen your relationship. Be open to exploring new modalities and ways of connecting with your partner.
5. Leo
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Letting go of what others think of you helps your relationships to improve. Love should be more than just beautiful, dear Leo. You often associate a relationship’s value with how your partner looks or the outside world views your partnership. This led you through a series of heartbreaks with people you thought you should be with and had you turn down offers from those genuinely aligned with your needs.
All of that has shifted, though, as you’ve taken the brave step to tune into your inner self and focus on validating what feels good. This has freed you from thinking that love is merely meant to be beautiful and allowed you to understand the true value and presence of a partner.
Embody an attitude of optimism as Mercury cazimi occurs in Aquarius on Saturday, January 8, in your house of love. Mercury Cazimi happens when the planet of communication crosses through the heart of the Sun, beginning a new cycle. In Aquarius, newfound freedom and independence will emerge.
This will help you honor all your recent emotional growth so that you can feel confident in your decisions — no matter how the outside world sees your relationship.
Let this begin a new phase where you can pursue who you love and create a relationship that meets your authentic needs. You don’t need everyone to agree with your choices, though you must demand respect.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.