Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On January 12, 2025 — The Sun & Uranus Unite

Step outside your comfort zone to take a chance on yourself — and love.

Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On January 12, 2025 — The Sun & Uranus Unite Design: YourTango | Photo: rustam shaimov / Canva Pro

The January 12, 2025, love horoscope shows how each zodiac sign's relationships improve significantly as we get comfortable stepping outside of our comfort zone with the help of the Sun and Uranus.

Your comfort zone defines what is familiar to you. Though this may not always be what is meant for you, it could be similar to past wounds or heartbreak. You must be willing to leave your comfort zone to break the cycle. The love meant for you will never be like anything you’ve had, nor will it progress in ways you are always comfortable with. The greatest love of your life will always serve to challenge your status quo and the ability to receive what you’ve always longed for. 


Uranus will be retrograde in Taurus until January 30, which benefits as the Capricorn Sun and the planet of awakening align in the sky. When Uranus is retrograde, it focuses on your internal thought process. This comes down to the chances you take, the courage you possess to try something new, and the ability to surrender to the divine plan. 

While you may not find yourself taking action today, it offers you a potent opportunity to make plans to take a chance on love. Reflect on what chance you must take in your life, whether getting back out in the dating world, texting that ex you haven’t stopped thinking of or declaring your feelings about a new relationship. 


Use this time to focus on what has been holding you back, along with the fears that have been a part of that. By harnessing this energy, you can become comfortable with change and plan to take a chance on love and have everything you’ve always dreamed of.


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Each zodiac sign's love horoscope for January 12, 2025:


aries weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

You will never know if you don’t try, Aries. To start progressing in your romantic life, you must believe it’s possible.  If it feels too big of a risk, you are guided to remember that you deserve matters to go in your favor. 

You may not feel ready for a particular relationship or struggle with confidence in attracting love. However, take a chance and start putting yourself out there. 

Practice affirmations, but remember, you don’t need to wait for everything to be perfect to be worthy of your desired love.

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taurus weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Everything is happening for your greatest good, sweet Taurus. You may encounter an unexpected situation in your relationship today that challenges the plans you’ve previously made. 

This may make you rethink your past decisions or see your partner in a new and not-so-appealing light. 

Everything that happens does happen for a higher purpose. Reflect on how you would have handled this situation in the past and hold space for yourself to make a new and radical decision. 

You never have to settle for less than you deserve, and you will never have to sweep matters under the carpet in a relationship that genuinely is healthy.

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gemini weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Embrace the rebellion of your soul, Gemini. You will be keenly tapped into the power of the universe today and may feel called to make a sudden decision or move. 

Your partner will lack the ability to see what you do, but you can’t let that deter you from taking a chance on your intuition. 

Trust yourself and allow yourself to take a chance on what you feel is meant for you. You also may be drawn to a particular setting because of a fated romantic connection. You mustn't disregard any ideas if you’re single and looking for love.

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cancer weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Let yourself grow, dearest Cancer. You have been moving through an incredible growth phase recently, and though the hardest times are now behind you, it doesn’t mean the opportunities are. 

You will receive sudden inspiration for your life today that may make you change your mind about a relationship or shift your focus to other matters. 

Let go of the idea that your romantic status defines you. When you focus on what you don’t have, you continue to attract just that. 

Focus on yourself and make your life everything you’ve ever dreamed of — and love will find you.

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leo weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

You don’t need to prove anything, beautiful Leo. You may encounter a situation today where you don’t feel you are being seen for who you truly are. 

Whether this is coming from your partner or an outside influence on your relationship, you must release the idea you need to prove anything. 

Your life and how you live say more about who you are than any words. Some are destined not to understand the unique way you see the world, but it’s not your job to prove anything to them. Just keep focusing on yourself, and this should pass.

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virgo weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

When you change the way you look at love, it changes everything, Virgo. You will experience a moment of enlightenment today that helps you change how you’ve seen your relationship or love. 

This will help you understand how to adopt innovative approaches to attracting or progressing a relationship. 

By admitting that there is always to learn and that no one is perfect, not you, you will create the space for the relationship you’ve always desired. 

Let yourself change and embrace your beautiful vision for love, as this is the start of an incredible new adventure.

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libra weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Be yourself, Libra. You deserve to live on your terms, but that begins when you show up as your real self. Instead of fitting into a relationship, stand in your own space and become aware of who you attract.

You don’t need to change yourself or become smaller to receive the love you desire, but to wake up to how amazing you already are. 

There may be a pivotal moment in your relationship today that allows you to transform how you’ve been showing up and lead you to take up space.

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scorpio weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Healthy love can be exciting, Scorpio. You crave depth, desire, and magic when it comes to relationships. 

Because of this, you often get caught up in toxic or unpredictable connections because they feel exciting. Eventually, that excitement wears off, and you want someone to wake up with. 

Today may bring about a pivotal moment in helping you clear away those toxic patterns so that you can receive healthy and exciting love. 

Spend time journaling and holding space for your feelings to make a plan to receive what you’ve always wanted.

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sagittarius weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

You deserve to feel your best, Sagittarius. Part of that, though, is that what is familiar or known may not support you as your best self. Whether this is connected to a relationship or your living situation, you must become aware of how you feel today. 

When a person or place is tied to your destiny, it will feel different within your soul. You will feel energized and at peace, which means the opposite is true if you’re in an unsupportive environment or relationship.

 Prioritize yourself and your well-being and refuse to accept anything less than everything you need.

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capricorn weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Take a creative approach in your relationship, dear Capricorn. You tend to let logic lead, though that will transform in the coming months. 

This means you are open to focusing on your feelings and the inner longings of your soul. Instead of looking at your relationship solely through a practical lens, view it creatively. Entertain other forms of commitment than standard marriage or relationship dynamics that align with your soul. 

There are no rules you must follow except to listen to your own heart.

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aquarius weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Become flexible, sweet Aquarius. There has been a strong focus on shifts within your relationship and home life since 2018 when Uranus first entered Taurus. 

With Uranus set to end its journey in Taurus later this year, you also are on the precipice of momentous change. While you have been focused on feeling emotionally safe, you must become adaptable to shifts in your life. 

Try not to turn your partner down over conversations involving the future, moving in together or commitment. 

Be open to change. Recognize that what you’ve built for yourself is internal, which means no matter where this relationship takes you — you will still be home.

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pisces weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Ground yourself in what is real, Pisces. You have been going through what has felt like a contradiction at times. You want safety and comfort but also crave adventure and change. 

This process helped to teach you that you don’t need to choose between paths but have to be open to how you can have it all. Try to convey your feelings to your partner today, especially when declaring your dreams for the future. 

You don’t have to choose between one or the other but can have it all. Adopt an energy of exploration as you try on what interests you, knowing full well that you are not bound to continue anything that doesn’t resonate with your soul.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.
