3 Zodiac Signs Being Tested By The Universe On January 29, 2025
Think of this day as victorious.
Three zodiac signs are being tested by the universe on January 29, 2025. We've got the New Moon in Aquarius to start things off on the right foot, and astrologically, this means that for three zodiac signs, it's time to see what we have as pure potential. New Moon energy is tricky; we know we can have it all, but first, there will be tests.
Anything worthwhile is worth fighting for, and while we can't say that we'll be fighting during this day, we can say that we will endure whatever we must to reach our goal.
And oh what a nice feeling it will be to be on the other side of that endurance test. Have no fear, zodiac signs, getting through it is what we do best. Think of this day as the last day before the major victory sets in.
Three zodiac signs are being tested by the universe on January 29, 2025:
1. Aries
Photo: warmjuly | Design: YourTango
What you'll be fighting for today is patience, Aries, and that might not surprise you much. Things are going on that are beyond your control, and while that inner feeling tells you that it will all turn out alright anyway, you can't help but feel stressed and tested.
Whenever we have a New Moon, we're in a state of flux, and with the universe, it's even more precarious simply because Aquarius energy is based on pure fantasy. So, to break it down, Aries, you'll be living inside your frantic mind during this day, January 29, 2025.
Overthinking will lead you nowhere except to stress and nervousness, and by day's end, you'll realize that worrying didn't change anything, nor did your worst dream come true. It's all good, Aries ... wait the New Moon out and you'll see.
2. Virgo
Photo: warmjuly | Design: YourTango
For you, Virgo, the universe has you feeling tested, as if you are too alone in your thinking and that it's a place you don't like being in. It's not that you feel lonely, per se, but it's more about the feeling that others have moved on and you have not.
First, this is in your mind, and you know it. You aren't being abandoned or left behind; what you are doing is comparing someone else's forward movement to your stuck position. The thing is, you like where you are; you're not stuck ... this is a choice on your part.
So, if a friend of yours has decided to try something new, let them. Let them experience their life without it feeling like a test to you. Live your life your way, and don't sweat the small stuff, Virgo. You'll be OK.
3. Libra
Photo: warmjuly | Design: YourTango
It's a new day for you, Libra, and you feel as if the universe tests you. You know exactly what you want. Being that February is right around the corner, you want to ensure that what you want begins promptly and on time; this may not be the case, during this New Moon.
What you're dealing with on January 29, is the feeling of not being in control — and that's OK. It's one of those lessons you need to learn because truly, no one can be in control all the time. Sometimes we have to relinquish that idea and just roll with it.
You'll have all you need, so don't over-worry the idea of when it all begins. You may feel as if you're being tested during the New Moon in Aquarius, but so is everyone else, and we're all-knowing to survive this kind of stuff. Hang in there, Libra, and know that your time will come when it's ready.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.