Luckiest Day Of The Week For Each Zodiac Sign December 30, 2024 - January 5, 2025
It’s never too late to manifest a divine new beginning.

There is no such thing as it being too late to manifest your fate or the new beginning that will take you where you desire. Although the clock is ticking on the final days of 2024, each zodiac sign's luckiest day of the week beginning December 30 brings a rare and magical energy that may be just what you need to manifest the new beginning you’ve been working all year to achieve.
The week begins with the rise of the New Moon in Capricorn on Monday, December 30. Since this is the second new moon this calendar month, it signifies a rare and unique chance to manifest your destiny. In this case, it holds an even deeper meaning, as 2024 both began and ends with Capricorn New Moons, inviting you to look at what you’ve created between these two lunations.
As you celebrate the new year, Asteroid Vesta moves into Scorpio and Venus into Pisces on Thursday, January 2. Asteroid Vesta brings emotional healing which may help you process what the past year brought so that you can embrace a clear and hopeful heart for the year ahead. Vesta in Scorpio intensifies your desires and creates a stronger need for authenticity and is amplified by Venus in Pisces which craves meaning and purpose.
Luckiest day of the week for each zodiac sign December 30, 2024 - January 5, 2025:
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Luckiest day of the week for Aries: Monday, December 30
The New Moon in Capricorn rises in your house of career on Monday, December 30, signifying a new professional beginning for you. This is a lucky time to focus on getting your resumes out, applying for new positions, and angling for that promotion.
You have experienced setbacks in this area of your life recently, and though it’s been hard to believe a turnaround would occur, you’ve continued to persevere. Remember what you are worth and continue to plan for what you hope to accomplish so that you are sending out the energy of attraction.
You are setting yourself up for a remarkably successful 2025 — don't give up! Continue putting your best out there, knowing that you will soon achieve success.
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Luckiest day of the week for Taurus: Monday, December 30
Make room for new beginnings, Taurus. You may not have a clear idea about what direction to move in at this time, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t make progress. Instead of thinking solely logically about your inner dreams and their possibility of becoming reality, try listening to your intuition.
You enter a new phase of your life on Monday, December 30, starting with the New Moon in Capricorn which will make you question everything to better determine what you want. Likely, you already have been. There is a truth within you about what you are no longer willing to accept, so you are beginning to look at life in new and exciting ways.
Reflect on what you’ve always wanted to accomplish, whether that involves traveling to an exotic locale, returning to school, or diving into your spiritual practice. New beginnings don’t necessarily happen because of logical choices, but in the decision to finally listen to your intuition and follow your heart.
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Luckiest day of the week for Gemini: Thursday, January 2
Everything you put out into the world will come back to you, Gemini. You’ve been diligently working on your dreams by being committed. Through this process, you haven’t always known your ultimate end goal, but you knew you were meant to do something different. Honoring this feeling has allowed you to discover your soul’s purpose and a new meaning in life.
All the work you have been putting in will finally start bringing in rewards as Venus shifts into Pisces on Thursday, January 2. Although Saturn has been in Pisces since 2023 intensifying your work ethic, Venus will now bring a sense of fulfillment, financial bonus, or the clarity of you’re no longer searching for your purpose but confident that you have found it.
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Luckiest day of the week for Cancer: Thursday, January 2
There is nothing more beautiful than having a blank canvas, Cancer. A blank canvas means that you can start fresh, but also that you are in charge of what you create. Try not to fear the ability to do anything you wish and instead see that this is what you’ve been waiting for.
Venus will shift into Pisces on Thursday, January 2, bringing themes of abundance, wealth, and freedom into your life. But Venus is also the planet of love, which means, sweet Cancer, that it’s time to invest your energy into what you love.
Focus on what brings you the greatest joy or that secret dream you’ve always had. You can do anything during this period, and there is no better way to start off a new year than finally having the freedom to follow your dreams. Paint your canvas with all you’ve wished your life to be.
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Luckiest day of the week for Leo: Monday, December 30
Let yourself slow down, dear Leo. As a fire sign, you tend to always be on the go and thinking about the next great moment that you want to make happen. In this process, you can often feel guilty for resting or taking it slow as there isn’t evidence that you are being productive.
You may be feeling tired around this time — not just physically, but energetically. It’s time to call your power back to yourself and care for yourself. This feeling of tiredness isn’t just about always being on the go, but the pressure you often carry to always be on.
It’s not your job to keep everyone else going or be the star of the show. Let yourself slow down so that you can rebuild your energy. Focus on the self-care that you need, such as quiet nights in, a spa day, or returning to therapy. Anything that helps you feel your best is what you need right now, so you can begin the new year feeling rejuvenated.
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Luckiest day of the week for Virgo: Thursday, January 2
Before you launch into the new year, give yourself time to heal, Virgo. You are the zodiac sign that represents the healer, but all too often, you take on this role for others, neglecting yourself in the process. Giving yourself time to heal means refusing to carry past energy into new situations, ensuring that you are aware so you can feel greater confidence that you are on the right path.
Take advantage of this time as Vesta shifts into Scorpio on Thursday, January 2, highlighting your house of communication and understanding. Try to give yourself time to reflect on what you have been feeling or what has been arising recently, journaling if you feel called to.
Once you are aware of what requires healing, open the space of conversation with another, likely a romantic partner. This can help you feel better and also ensure you are starting off the new year on a fresh note.
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Luckiest day of the week for Libra: Thursday, January 2
You must forgive yourself, dear Libra. You have been on an intense journey since last year developing a deeper level of self-worth and understanding around your needs. As you are just beginning to implement these changes in your life, you may need to spend some time with yourself.
As Vesta moves into Scorpio on Thursday, January 2, forgive yourself and give yourself for what you didn’t know in the past. The most important truth is that you have grown and learned. Because of this, you will be able to seize amazing opportunities in 2025, especially once Jupiter stations direct on February 4, 2025, in Gemini.
Until then, work on making sure that you value yourself in the same ways you ask others to do.
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Luckiest day of the week for Scorpio: Thursday, January 2
Life is made up of shades of grey, beautiful Scorpio. When you can see and appreciate this fact, you can find creative ways to solve problems that have plagued your life. You don’t need to give up your dreams or settle into a life that doesn’t resonate deeply with you. To see a way out, embrace a creative approach.
As Venus moves into Pisces on Thursday, January 2, you are gifted with an opportunity to look at matters in your life with a new lens. This will help you see how to move forward, infuse greater joy into your life, and have the space for the romance your heart desires.
Don’t discount anything as impossible. Instead, give yourself time to reflect and devise a creative solution to what has been holding you back from truly living your life.
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Luckiest day of the week for Sagittarius: Monday, December 30
Give yourself credit for how far you’ve come, Sagittarius. It’s easy to look at your life and still see everything you want to accomplish, but that won’t necessarily give you the inner validation or confidence you need. You have already changed your life in incredible ways. You’ve risen to the challenge, and most importantly, you’ve never given up.
Now, as the New Moon in Capricorn rises on Monday, December 30, you receive a boost to your finances that helps you feel like you have finally made progress. The New Moon in Capricorn helps to bring an opportunity or offer for increased finances through a gift, bonus, or investment.
You have to be in the place to accept it, though, which is why giving yourself credit for how far you’ve come is so important. Trust yourself enough to know that everything already is different, and that you deserve to thrive, not just survive.
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Luckiest day of the week for Capricorn: Monday, December 30
Give yourself permission to release the past, dear Capricorn. You don’t have to continue punishing yourself for what happened in the past (or what didn’t). But you are the only one who can permit yourself to let go of regret or self-sabotaging thoughts.
You deserve to start fresh, and by using the energy of the New Moon in Capricorn on Monday, December 30, you finally can. The New Moon in Capricorn highlights your ability to honor your inner truth, become authentic, and reintroduce yourself to the world.
Don’t allow yourself to hide in the shadows or any patterns from the past. Instead, let this be the start of you trusting in your growth and showing the world who you truly are. Consider a New Moon ceremony that focuses on setting intentions that you hope will occur during the new lunar cycle, especially those connected to you living in your authentic truth.
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Luckiest day of the week for Aquarius: Thursday, January 2
When you ask, you do receive, sweet Aquarius. It can be challenging to stand up and ask for what you want or need, but doing so creates the space to receive everything you’ve always dreamed of.
You’ve done a great deal of work advocating for yourself, but as much as you’ve grown in this area of your life, you’ve still struggled with feeling like it’s been genuinely worth it. All of this changes as Venus moves into Pisces on Thursday, January 2, helping you finally receive what you’ve always desired.
Venus in Pisces will help increase your finances but also make you feel valued by those in your professional and personal lives. It’s as if the universe is finally hearing your requests — all you must do now is open to receive.
Know that you not only deserve this abundant time in your life, but that you’ve put in the work to achieve it.
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Luckiest day of the week for Pisces: Thursday, January 2
Embrace your dreams and what they represent for your life, mystical Pisces. You are a dreamer and an intuitive, so many of your ideas don’t come from logic but the spiritual world. Give yourself time to get in touch with this part of yourself as Vesta moves into Scorpio on Thursday, January 2.
Vesta rules your inner fire and motivations. In Scorpio, Vesta highlights your relationship with spirit, intensifying your dreams as you receive divine messages about the path you must take in this life. Keep a journal with you at all times and be willing to take risks, even if it means changing your life in unforeseen ways.
Vesta in Scorpio will help you return to your inner truth and honor your dreamy nature knowing that you will always be guided to where you are meant to be.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.