Hardships Come To An End For 3 Zodiac Signs On December 29, 2024
Bye-bye, hard times. Hello to better days ahead.

It sure would be a nice thing to know that our hardships are finally at an end, and during the astrological transit of Moon square Neptune on December 29, we see how this is no longer in the 'hope' phase; hardships are about to end, once and for all.
Moon square Neptune reminds three zodiac signs to keep up the good work and never doubt oneself. We've all seen how destructive self-doubt can be, and we'll learn how doubt is at the heart of why we can't let go of certain hardships.
And yes, it is about letting go. Moon square Neptune is a powerful cosmic statement telling us that we are about to enter a brand new year filled with opportunities. It's up to us to leave the past where it belongs ... in the past. We own the idea that moving on is best.
Hardships come to an end for three zodiac signs on December 29, 2024:
1. Aries
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While you don't always find life fair, you know that whatever negative experiences you have, there are lessons within them, and the great thing about you, Aries, is that you learn them well. You have come to understand that you've really spent too much time thinking about that one person and that now, it's time to let them go ... emotionally.
During the Moon Square Neptune transit, you'll spend a lot of time sorting things out in your head so that everything makes sense. You know the new year is approaching, and you don't want to tug around this old heartache.
And so, you summon up that magnificent Aries power of yours and do the right thing by yourself. On December 29, you make it officially known that you are no longer part of the situation that created such hardship in your life. You are now free.
2. Taurus
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The interesting thing about you, Taurus, is that the hardships in your life made you stronger, so much so that whenever you encounter a difficult situation, you take it in stride, knowing that a solution will present itself, as it always does.
On December 29, you'll see how the transit of Moon square Neptune supports this kind of thinking, and by example, you'll see that what could be worse, is just ... not that bad. Not anymore, at least. You just don't let things get to you because you've learned your lessons.
On some deep level, you believe that life is great and that people are good; you don't want to fall into that idea that everything is terrible and hopeless; ugh, that's so not you, Taurus. And so, during Moon square Neptune, you'll affirm life and love, and you'll move forward, free from hardship and worry.
3. Sagittarius
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The main reason hardships are about to end for you, Sagittarius, is because you've worked hard to become organized and put together. Sure, you could make life chaotic for yourself if you let it all wait around, but not this time and not in this coming year.
Moon square Neptune seems to tap into that place in your psyche that craves order. You feel you've tidied up so much business this past year that it's OK for you to feel less stressed. You walked into this year feeling burdened by baggage. Now, you're walking out a free person.
Because Moon square Neptune is a mental transit, you'll be able to see just how far you've come this year, Sagittarius, and now that you can identify exactly what caused you hardship, you know also what to do to avoid it. You have completed the year! It's time to celebrate.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.