3 Zodiac Signs Face Challenges & Overcome Hardships The Week Of December 2 - 8, 2024
Mars retrograde presents three zodiac signs with challenges the week of December 2.

This week of December 2 brings a great deal of planetary change for all of us, but three zodiac signs in particular face specific challenges they'll learn to overcome.
Mars, the planet that rules our action, aggression, and men turns retrograde on December 6 until February 24th, 2025. Mars retrograde can affect our energy levels and many report low energy, more agitation, rash or ill-thought-out action. Since Mars is in Leo which rules the fifth house of love and entertainment, we may have less fun during this time.
This week Venus enters Aquarius, the zodiac sign representing freedom, uniqueness, and being open-minded. Aquarians generally prefer relationships with a strong basis of friendship. As Venus enters this sign, however, it conjuncts Pluto, which can bring about obsessiveness, possessiveness, relationship conflicts, and financial issues.
Neptune turns direct on December 7. As this powerful planet turns around, events may be revealed for what they really are. Neptunian events tend to appear surprising, but in actuality, the basis of what gets revealed was there all along hidden in a fog of confusion and obscured from recognition. Spiritual and creative issues are internalized when Neptune is retrograde and we may do a great deal of inner work during this time. When Neptune turns direct, we can realize the benefit of our inner work.
Three zodiac signs will face a challenging week, but overcome their hardships by December 8, 2024.
1. Leo
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Love and relationship issues are front and center this week. You may seem cold or standoffish and stubborn to others, or you could experience this yourself through someone else.
Mars retrogrades in your sign, and since Mars rules our actions, we can act in ways that are not in harmony with others and detrimental to ourselves or others without consciously realizing it. Mars rules men and frequently with Mars retrograde, men can seem to go retrograde and back off.
This week, you may feel confused and overwhelmed by a relationship. With two important retrograde planets that rule our day-to-day matters, we are all in a time of reconsidering certain things or even people in our lives.
The planetary energy is difficult — give yourself and the person involved some grace over this. If a relationship is supposed to end, you will know it. Rely on your powerful inner strength — you have more of it than you realize.
If the relationship is worth working through, both parties will know it. In this case, you must get to the bottom of what turned you off or vice versa. Through honest communication, you can resolve it and move forward. You are a direct person anyway, and it's best to approach the issue head-on when it occurs. If you wait, you or someone else may simmer for days.
2. Aquarius
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Relationship issues with a partner or someone who comes across like a partner, including co-workers and those you are very close to, surface this week. An issue concerning jealousy, money, or deep-seated emotional upset crops up early in the week.
As an Aquarius, you are not prone to jealousy, obsessions, or going emotionally overboard. Not that you can’t experience these emotions, because everyone can — but by and large, you like things to be light, upbeat, and open.
The way you deal with this issue will really play into what happens, not only at this time but in the immediate future. Unless this person is another air sign like you, things can get intense. Your sense of right and wrong, values, or morals may be challenged.
So, how can you fight this? First of all, Mercury is retrograde and miscommunication can occur. Along with Mars retrograde, which is extremely powerful right now, things easily get blown out of proportion.
Your superpowers lie in your ability to detach from an issue and look at things objectively. Do this now without minimizing the feelings of the other person involved. Through objective analysis, you rise above the immediate emotions and look at the bigger picture. Your understanding of people and your creativity to come up with unusual solutions should serve you well in terms of working through this issue.
3. Taurus
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You will find it very difficult this week to combine the things you must do, such as work and activities or events occuring at home. There may be an actual problem or issue in the home that will add to your stress such as a breakdown or a person demanding your time when you are already stressed. It's an especially stressful time at work and you have more work than usual that you need to accomplish.
You will of course get through this week, but it won’t all be easy. There may be some overblown emotions that come into the picture before the week is over. You are known for your strong work ethic and adherence to your schedule, so this may throw you off. You are also used to a cozy home life where you can relax.
Change is not easy for you and can disrupt your balance, so the first step is to make sure you process everything going on and keep to your schedule as much as you can. We all suffer disruptive issues from time to time, but you are more affected than others.
You can get through this week by taking time to consider all of your options before committing to anything new at work or home. Prioritize thoughtfulness. Slow down and keep it simple. Start each day by grounding yourself in nature or meditation and set clear post-work boundaries. Have tech-free zones and times in your home and schedule a specific time to indulge yourself in a solo activity that brings you peace.
It will be a stressful week, Taurus, but if you incorporate these steps, you can get through conflicts that become too great between home and work.
Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer offering personal astrology readings worldwide.