3 Zodiac Signs Being Tested By The Universe On December 9, 2024

It's all about the balance; that's how we learn.

Zodiac Signs Being Tested By The Universe On December 9, 2024 Chanut is industries | Canva Pro

While some zodiac signs might feel as though our daily astrology on December 9, 2024, is testing us, especially considering the Aries Moon tends to 'be that way,' we will also see that it's on this day that we appreciate the tests we must undergo.

We've come to realize that nothing comes easy in this life, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the hardships we endure are 'bad' for us, in fact, three zodiac signs will appreciate the painful lessons that got us where we are on Monday, December 9.


So, if we are tested, we already know in advance that this isn't about passing or failing; it's about having the experience to use the knowledge gained from it in the future. Nothing goes to waste in a universe that grants us such great lessons. And during the Aries Moon, we welcome the negative with the positive. It's all about the balance; that's how we learn.

The three zodiac signs being tested by the universe on December 9, 2024:

1. Sagittarius

Sagittarius Zodiac Signs Being Tested By The Universe On December 9, 2024 Sparklestroke | Canva Pro


At this point, you feel like 'it ain't over 'til it's over,' and that's a wise way to look at it, although you need to understand that if 'it' is defined by 'stress' then hang in there, Sagittarius, it will be over soon enough. You've got the Aries Moon to give you strength and backbone, so no worries there.

You definitely feel as though you're being tested, and there are times when you simply don't get it; you aren't sure why life has to be such a test all the time, and yet, don't you always rise above each and every time? Yes, you do, and you know you do.

What you'll find is that you really can't go wrong when the Aries Moon shines above you because, as a Fire sign, you draw strength and endurance from such a transit. OK, so there's stress in your life ... right now, 'Tis the season for stress. Will you make it through this test? Heck yeah, you'll pass with flying colors.

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2. Aquarius

Aquarius Zodiac Signs Being Tested By The Universe On December 9, 2024 Sparklestroke | Canva Pro

OK, so once again, you're in that position where you don't understand someone's behavior, and all this really shows you is that you want to control the outcome and are frustrated because you can't. Many emotional swings occur for you during the Aries Moon, but it's nothing you haven't seen before.

What you need to know is that on December 9, you're only at the beginning of this understanding, and what that means is that if you've disagreed with someone or something feels 'off,' don't rush into believing it's all negative; it's isn't.


With the Aries Moon, it's all about endurance and trust. Trust that the universe will test and guide you to making the right decision regarding how you understand what's going on between you and this other person. In the long run, it will all turn out right, and you know it.

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3. Pisces

Pisces Zodiac Signs Being Tested By The Universe On December 9, 2024 Sparklestroke | Canva Pro


You've experienced the Aries Moon before and it always does you a good turn, Pisces. If you feel a bit tested on this day, December 9, it's not so much that 'its for your own good' but that it's more along the lines of 'it's just another day, and you'll be fine.'

You may find that you and someone in your life exchange words that leave you feeling confused, or even upset. Don't worry. First of all, those words are not as meaningful as you make them out to be. You, being a Pisces, tend to look too closely at words, and during the Aries Moon, it's easy to misconstrue what a person says to you.

So, your best bet on this day is to stand back and witness what takes place so that you don't see yourself as right in the middle of it all. In a way, what feels like a test is all about how you perceive what's happening. If you feel like you're being tested, you could easily shift your perspective and see it as 'just another day.' It's all good, hang in there, Pisces.


RELATED: How Each Zodiac Sign Acts When They're Angry


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
