3 Zodiac Signs Overcome Mercury Retrograde’s Challenges The Week Of November 25
This time is about re-thinking, re-organizing, and re-doing as opposed to starting new ventures.

Mercury turns stationary retrograde on November 25, 2024, and remains retrograde until December 15 in the sign of Sagittarius. This stationary period of the retrograde is when things tend to start going wrong, and three zodiac signs face challenges in the retrograde's wake — but overcome them by week's end.
This time is about re-thinking, re-organizing, and re-doing as opposed to starting new ventures. Things and people from the past tend to re-surface and in many cases, we find out information that we need to move forward during the retrograde.
While Mercury retrograde isn't necessarily a negative time, frustration can occur. We can’t run full speed 24/7 and expect all things to work out, so if you take this view, you should be fine.
On November 27, the Sun trines Mars. This is energetic and we tend to move forward, but the retrograde could change this somewhat. By December 1 we will experience a New Moon in Sagittarius. New moons signify new starts, and this one rules the ninth house like Mercury does.
Three zodiac signs overcome Mercury retrograde's challenges from November 25 - December 1, 2024
1. Gemini
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With your ruling planet Mercury retrograde in your seventh house of partners, an issue with a partner crops up this week. This could include business partners, personal relationships, or someone in your life on a day-to-day basis. Glitches and misunderstandings can occur so the important thing to remember is not to blow up or react without all of the facts.
The New Moon on December 1 also falls in your seventh house, squaring Saturn, which can lean toward negativity, depression, and endings. The energy could affect your relationship, so being aware is important at this time. Are you getting what you want out and receiving as much as you are giving in this relationship?
You are a great communicator and generally willing to hear your partner’s point of view. You are a tolerant and open-minded person — these are some of your best qualities. If it is hard to verbalize deep feelings, you can connect with others through empathy. By recognizing and utilizing your powers of persuasion and truthfulness, if there is an issue to be resolved, there is no doubt you can do it.
2. Taurus
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Mercury retrograde not only brings people from your past to the forefront, but issues as well. Turbulence in a relationship related to a past issue crops up this week, bringing up deep-seated issues from past emotional wounds. It may take a few days to get beyond this, but the point is that you will.
Resist blowing off the relationship in a flash or doing something you may regret. It's hard to re-cross a bridge once you have burned it. That said, it's important to deal with what's been triggered deep inside you so you can heal it once and for all.
You are a very sensitive person who excels at making others feel grounded and safe — now you need to do this for yourself. Short of seeing a therapist, there are several ways that Taurus can heal themselves.
First of all, Taurus is connected to nature and the natural world. If you have access to this, you may start to feel more grounded. Secondly, touch therapy works well for Taurus, such as massage.
Retreat into your shell for a while to process your feelings. When you have done this long enough, you will come back out and be done with this issue. When Taurus makes a move like this, it is typically final.
In terms of the person who upsets you, only you can determine if you want to continue the relationship. If you do, consider that Mercury is retrograde and people sometimes unexpectedly say the wrong things. If it isn’t worth it, then you will know and have your answer.
3. Virgo
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This week, Virgo, you seem to have a problem with communication that affects immediate family, co-workers, or neighbors. This could also involve literal trouble with being able to communicate, such as cell phone or internet problems, which aren't unheard of during mercury retrograde. While your problem may involve any of these individuals, it most likely has to do with work.
Few people are more efficient or detailed than you are; this is one of your greatest strengths. You also have the best organizational skills around. There is not much that slips by you, and when you have finished studying something, there is nothing left to study!
This issue involves a blow-up from someone who looks like they are at the end of their rope — perhaps this person is you. If this is an immediate family member, take some time away from them to consider the issue in depth before discussing what happened.
If it’s a co-worker, this is a little different. Remember that we are under retrograde Mercury and its opposition to Jupiter tends to blow things out of proportion. Use your analytical approach to talk to the person who upset you and address the conflict logically. Don’t come across as nitpicking or judgmental and you will be able to tackle things head on. If anyone can do this, it is you, Virgo!
Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer offering personal astrology readings worldwide.