3 Zodiac Signs Will Experience An Incredibly Lucky Scorpio Season 2024 From October 22 - November 21

The astrological energy of Scorpio season works heavily in these zodiac signs' favor.

woman with zodiac sign experiencing lucky scorpio season 2024 Photo: Janis Dzenis | Design: YourTango

As inch closer to the end of the year, Scorpio season is the perfect way to start the transition from old to new. Three zodiac signs will have an incredibly lucky Scorpio season, which lasts from October 22 to November 21, 2024, by embracing the natural powers of this astrological month for change and transformation.

As a zodiac month ruled by both Mars and Pluto, Scorpio season is the time to bring out your intuition and set tasks that strengthen your inner power and outer shine in the world in motion.


The October portion of Scorpio season will call on us to seek balance and harmony within as we set positive change and transformation in motion. A blend between Scorpio and Libra energy, this can include letting go of the wrong partner or friends, tidying up your home, or ending a toxic habit. The November part of Scorpio season will blend more with Sagittarius energy and call on us to be forward thinkers and future planners as we change, grow, and transform areas of our lives and ourselves.

Given all this, three zodiac signs will be incredibly lucky during Scorpio Season: Pisces, Cancer, and Leo. Let's find out what is in store for them during this zodiac month.


Three zodiac signs will have a lucky Scorpio season from October 22 to November 21, 2024:

1. Pisces

pisces zodiac sign experience lucky scorpio season 2024 Photo: Olha ZS | Design: YourTango

Pisces, you will have a fabulous time during Scorpio season 2024, especially if you have Sun and Mars in Pisces in your birth chart. But even those who have other planetary or Moon in Pisces placements will experience an influx of good luck during this zodiac month.

Sun in Pisces will discover an abundance of creative power during Scorpio season. Your inner genius and inner child will refuse to play small. Don't let naysayers or a fear of being judged hold you back. Instead, take deep breaths whenever you feel a block coming on and ask yourself: would you really like to live in a world where you cannot express yourself freely (a la George Orwell's 1984), or the opposite?


Those with Mars in Pisces will be a force to be reckoned with this zodiac month. If anyone has wronged you in the past, your luck will unfold as karmic retribution and a great leveling of the playing field. Plus, whatever you set your sights on now will be easy for you to manifest and achieve. Tap into your Neptunian side to be as unconquerable as the ocean.

If you feel called to, work the crystals blue calcite, calcedony, and pyrite (fool's gold). They will help you unlock the power within you while helping you stay true to yourself and not absorb what is not yours, whether consciously or unconsciously.

RELATED: The Zodiac Sign Stepping Back Into Its Power By The End Of November 2024

2. Cancer

cancer zodiac sign experience lucky scorpio season 2024 Photo: Olha ZS | Design: YourTango


Those who have Sun, Jupiter, and Venus in Cancer will be the luckiest Cancer placements during Scorpio season, so check your birth chart! If you have two or more of these, your luck will be through the roof.

Cancer, you will be in a state of constant observation during Scorpio season 2024, almost as if you can sense something great unfolding behind the scenes but know that the time has not come yet for it to show itself to the world. That's part of your luck during this zodiac season.

Sun and Jupiter in Cancer will have similar experiences in this regard. They will find mentors, emotional support, money, and power when they need them. As long as you remember that “with great power comes great responsibility," you will know what to do and what may be detrimental in the long run for you and everyone impacted by such decisions.

Venus in Cancer will feel truly blessed during Scorpio season 2024 as you will attract all your wishes to you without even needing to move a finger, so be extra careful of the energy you give out into the universe and the thoughts you have.


If you feel called to, work with gold (the real metal if you have access to it), moonstone, or selenite for a beneficial accessory effect on your life.

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3. Leo

leo zodiac sign experience lucky scorpio season 2024 Photo: Olha ZS | Design: YourTango


Leo, be prepared for some shenanigans because Scorpio season 2024 is a period of fireworks and ecstasy for you. If you are a Sun, Moon, Venus, or Mercury in Leo, you will have an especially powerful time during this zodiac season.

Sun in Leo will discover the source of their inner convictions and power during Scorpio season. It will tell you, once and for all, why you do what you do and why your life path is what it is. There will be an immense sense of freedom once you figure this out as it will directly turn you away from ever falling for criticisms that are not in alignment with this inner goal or need.

Venus in Leo and Moon in Leo will feel like sisters during the November portion of Scorpio season but the October portion will be luckier for Venus in Leo placements. Your romantic life will be off-the-charts good, plus there will be a need to transition away from old behavior patterns that don't serve to new habits and ways of living that appeal to you and your consciousness.

Mercury in Leo will discover all the information it needs from both expected and unexpected sources this zodiac month. That's a powerful blessing because it can set you up for success long before others even know what's happening. So pay attention to this superpowered gift of Scorpio season 2024.


If you feel called to, work with calcite, honey calcite, chalcedony, or jasper this season to help you discover yourself and lean into what's beautiful and true.

RELATED: Luckiest Day Of The Week For All Zodiac Signs During October 21 - 27, 2024


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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
