3 Zodiac Signs Have The Best Horoscopes From Now To The End Of November 2024

Grand dreams and extraordinariness are in store for these three zodiac signs.

woman with zodiac signs having best horoscopes november 2024 Photo: ŞULE MAKAROĞLU | Design: YourTango

Three zodiac signs have the best monthly horoscopes throughout all of November 2024 thanks to several powerful astrological energies conspiring in their favor.

The beginning of the month has a lot of astrology transits to contend with, so don't be surprised if everything feels like it's in a constant state of transformation — Scorpio season can do that. Most prominently, we have the November 3 transit of Mars in Leo to look out for. This is a powerful placement for the planet that represents drive, energy, and our willpower. so don't hold yourself back this month. Once you give yourself permission to shine, you will surprise yourself with how far you can go and how high you can soar!


Venus enters Capricorn on November 11, significantly impacting our collective experience in love. Flings and short-term things may not appeal anymore. Instead, the need to find someone you can build something substantial with in love will be at the forefront, just in time for cuffing season.

We'll experience a shift of zodiac seasons once the Sun transits to Sagittarius on November 21. But we also have a Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius to deal with from November 25 till December 15, bringing things to a head.

Three zodiac signs with the best monthly horoscopes for November 2024:

1. Virgo

virgo zodiac sign best horoscope november 2024 Photos: Sketchify, Carla C Designs | Design: YourTango


Virgo, the month of November will be a period of reckoning for you. Half of you will feel the draw of a new transition phase thanks to Scorpio season, while the other half will feel in your gut that something is shifting behind the scenes in your favor (even if it's not yet ready to come out).

The New Moon in Scorpio on November 1 will be a period of immense power and joy for you, mainly because Scorpio energy works well with Virgo. Don't be surprised if your manifestation powers are heightened over the next two weeks during the moon's waxing cycle.

The middle of the month will bring another boost of power to your doorstep when Venus enters Capricorn on November 11. As a cardinal earth sign, Capricorn energy will help your mutable nature find concreteness. Plus, Venus is also a planet of luck and manifestations, so the saga of bringing your wishes to life will continue in this Venus transit as well. 

If you feel called to, live life with more intention this month. It will help you hit your milestones, reach your goals, and discover inner peace more swiftly than usual.


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2. Pisces

pisces zodiac sign best horoscope november 2024 Photos: Sketchify, Carla C Designs | Design: YourTango

Pisces, the month of November is going to be about unleashing your raw creativity and not letting the world stereotype you. One would think that the zodiac sign synonymous with creativity would escape such a thing, but alas, that's not true. So don't be surprised if you find naysayers frowning at your “eccentricities” (a.k.a creative genius) when you do something out-of-the-box. That's literally the point of this month for you!


Your blessings this month will unfold around the middle and end, so be patient. Once the Full Moon in Taurus occurs on November 15, you will start seeing the fruits of your labor and hard work. 

The Pluto transit to Aquarius on November 19 will also be beneficial for you, showing you why it's so important to break down barriers to creativity and what is considered possible and impossible. Lean hard into your inner genius and don't be afraid to shine!

RELATED: Specific Effects Of Pluto In Aquarius On Each Zodiac Sign Throughout 2024

3. Sagittarius

sagittarius zodiac sign best horoscope november 2024 Photos: Sketchify, Carla C Designs | Design: YourTango


Sagittarius, the month of November is going to be powerful and very significant for you. Watch out for some supernatural activities or messages from the cosmos coming your way in the most unique ways. Whether you find random feathers, a glittering rock in a lake, have an object returned to you after many years, or something else, there will be something magical about November for you.

Your main blessings will begin right after November 2 when Mercury enters Sagittarius. So don't be surprised if you are more inspired than usual or get the itch to travel and chat with people while on the road. 

Of course, there's a November 25 Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius to deal with too (which will last through Sagittarius season), but this will bring you positive experiences and hidden blessings. It's almost like all the retrograde planets shall create their own vortex of something never seen before.

Journal your experiences if you can. Or scrapbook! Deeper insights will be revealed when you flip through the pages after some weeks or months.


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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
