Healing Energy Surrounds 3 Zodiac Signs On November 10, 2024
We are happy to be 'us.' It's that simple.

November 10, 2024, brings intensely healing energy to three zodiac signs. If we forget what that was like, we get to believe in ourselves once again. Moon conjunct Saturn is the astrological event that catapults us from doubt into power, and three zodiac signs will make the very best of this transit.
Moon conjunct Saturn showers us with rays of good energy, and shows us that we no longer need to nourish our weak spots, meaning that what hurts us is not something we need to keep alive anymore. We do this out of habit; we start to believe that we are who we are because our wounds define us.
November 10 allows us to move past our pain and into a healing place. Here, we can not only rid ourselves of the guilt, the mistakes, and whatever else we carry around unnecessarily but also feel healthier, happier, and more comfortable in our skin. We are happy to be us. It's that simple.
Healing energy surrounds three zodiac signs on November 10, 2024:
1. Aries
Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni, sparklestroke | Canva Pro
Heartache? Check. Pains of the past? Check. Memories of people gone by. Check, check, and check. Okay, you've got it all, Aries, and if you dwell on all of this, after a while, it will just bring you down, down, down, and as an eternal optimist, that's the last thing you want.
You've got the transit of Moon conjunct Saturn to remind you just how fortunate you are right now. It's November 10, and while the rest of the world is bemoaning their fate, you stand a shining beacon of positivity; you will not go down with this ship.
This day warms you with its amazing display of healing energy, and you let it all in. Your horoscope shows you that you have a choice: you can dwell in the past and let it get the best of you, or you can let those healing vibes in to do their job, and naturally, you opt-in for the healing because you're smart and your sense of self-preservation is number one.
2. Taurus
Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni, sparklestroke | Canva Pro
Moon conjunct Saturn is one of the transits that brings you healing energy. You feel in touch with gratitude, reminding you that it could be worse. While that's not your go-to expression, it works as you realize how true the saying is.
Today's horoscope tends to push our minds into the past, where we'll dwell on the bad old days, you'll see this happen on this day, but you'll steer clear of it as soon as you recognize where it's all going. You are one hundred percent not into going over the old crap; you want a fresh start, and you want to be happy.
As soon as you show the universe you are dead serious about leaving the past behind where it belongs, you open the floodgates to healing rituals and energy. With Moon conjunct Saturn working its best magic to support your efforts, you'll feel free and clean by the end of the day. Onwards!
3. Libra
Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni, sparklestroke | Canva Pro
Let's face it: this hasn't been an easy time for you, and while you've always known that things would eventually work out for you, you're getting anxious about when exactly things will pan out happily. Well, you can rest assured that November 10 is the day when you can finally relax.
When we talk about healing energy, we're looking at how a transit like the Moon conjunct Saturn can produce exactly what is good for you, Libra. You need to heal, and only you can judge what will make this feel authentic for you. It has to be real and last; those are the conditions.
Thankfully, the universe is tossing you a solid on this day, and you'll feel like it's all finally coming to a head. The pain of the past feels more like a ghost story, a fiction, and the time you spend feeling bad about the past no longer has any validity to you. You are free. The healing you receive on this day is the real deal.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.