9 Reasons Bosses Don’t Want To Hire Gen X Anymore

The things that once made them competitive might just be holding them back now.

Gen X woman looking for a job on her computer Shutterstock / lightpoet

For Generation X, it can feel daunting to secure a high-paying job or to move up the corporate ladder. Surprisingly, there are many bosses who don't want to hire Gen X anymore.

When applying online it's not uncommon to face rejection or to be ghosted by a potential employer. This can be understandably frustrating, especially since many people in Gen X are more than qualified to do the job. 

Unfortunately, if Gen X wants to make the cut they have to have more than strong qualifications. It's sad, but the very things that should be opening doors for them might just be holding them back now. 


The following are nine reasons bosses don't want to hire Gen X anymore 

1. They're over-qualified

man going over document with other man fizkes | Shutterstock

The first reason bosses don't want to hire Gen X anymore is because they're too qualified.  With 20-plus years of experience, Gen Xers are increasingly likely to be more qualified than the hiring manager. 

Though this might sound good on paper, this great achievement is costing Gen X dearly, as most employers don't want to cough up six figures for an employee. The median salary for Gen X is currently $101,500, which is higher than that of all other age groups.

People who recently graduated from college don't have enough qualifications to warrent super high salaries. Feeling desperate, these young people will work for pennies if it means getting the experience they need to boost their career.

And with so many people working for less, the need to pay over-qualified Gen Xers has bascially plummeted.

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2. They aren't as tech-savvy

woman looking at laptop Chay_Tee | Shutterstock

Another reason bosses don't want to hire Gen X anymore is because they're not as tech-savvy as younger generations.

With new programs popping up and new methods being incorporated it can be hard for Gen X to keep up. They didn't grow up in the technology era, which makes it harder for them to adjust. Unfortunately, companies don't want to make the time to hold their hand and teach them how to use Google Sheets.

This is why they skip out on Gen X. If they hire people from younger generations they don't have to train them as much or keep them up to date. Younger generations already know how to use different forms of technology since that is what they grew up with.


3. They can't provide a work-life balance

couple chatting and drinking hot beverage on couch fast-stock | Shutterstock

Another reason bosses don't hire Gen X anymore is that companies can't provide a work-life balance.

Most of Gen X has children or grandchildren to take care of. Due to this, they don't have time to work extra hours or clock in on a Saturday night.

Amy Glass, Senior Facilitator at BRODY Professional Development, notes that Gen X is increasingly likely to switch jobs for more flexible hours and work-life balance. 

Unfortunately for Gen X, this isn't preferable in the eyes of an employer. It's sad, but most employers don't care if someone needs a work-life balance or extra time off. All they care about is making money, which means if Gen X won't work overtime they're not viewed as worth hiring.


4. They're closer to retiring

older couple holding hands and eating ice cream Nomad_Soul | Shutterstock

Some bosses don't see the point in investing in someone who will just leave in a few years. If they're going to invest time, money, and resources into hiring someone, it might as well be someone who plans to stay long-term.

A review of ageism in hiring found that discrimination based on age is a real workplace phenomenon. Specifically, researchers found that those between the ages of 40-49 were increasingly less likely to be considered for employee, and this trend worsens as people get older.

RELATED: 10 Old-Fashioned Things Gen X People Refuse To Do Anymore 

5. They lack collaboration skills

man and woman looking frustrated while working PaeGAG | Shutterstock

Some bosses assume that people in older generations don't know how to get along with others due to their closed-minded ways.

Though this stereotype is messed up, it does have some merit to it as people have been found to become increasingly close-minded as they age.

This may explain why bosses are hesitant to hire older people. To avoid drama and misunderstandings most bosses won't hire Gen X because they don't want to deal with them in the workforce.

Is it fair? No, but when weighing the pros and cons many employers prefer to keep it safe.


6. They're not enthusiastic workers

woman looking bored while staring at laptop Stock-Asso | Shutterstock

This might come as a surprise, but another reason why bosses don't want to hire Gen-X anymore is because they're not viewed as enthusiastic workers. 

On the surface, this might sound completely ridiculous. The older generations are known to put their heart into everything they do. However, looking at the research might paint a different picture, as Aflac found that 57% of Gen X workers are burned out.

Considering this, it isn't surprising that Gen X might struggle to be enthusiastic at their job. And this lack of enthusiasm is another reason bosses don't want to hire them.

7. They won't work overtime if they're not being paid

man looking at document while sitting at desk fizkes | Shutterstock

The next reason why bosses don't want to hire Gen X anymore is because they demand fair pay for working overtime. It's ridiculous, but many companies don't like paying people their fair wages. In their eyes, employees are replaceable.

Due to this they may not have an issue denying Gen X overtime pay. They believe that if Gen X doesn't step up and work overtime they'll simply find someone more desperate to fill the role. 

Additionally, some companies will refuse to hire Gen X because they know how strict Gen X is with their boundaries. Not wanting to argue about working overtime they'll bypass Gen X and find someone more accommodating to hire. 


8. They aren't up to date with trends

man looking at phone confused voronaman | Shutterstock

Another reason why bosses don't hire Gen X anymore is because they're not up to date with trends. In the age of technology, many companies use social media to push products. However, reaching a broader audience isn't easy.

This is why companies need someone who is up-to-date with trends and can use these trends to push sales. Unfortunately for Gen X, most bosses don't believe they have it. 

It's terrible, but most companies prefer hiring younger generations to get the job done. This is likely because younger generations are always on social media and know the current events trending.

9. They don't meet the education requirements

woman in graduation robes smiling PeopleImages.com - Yuri A | Shutterstock

Finally, the last reason bosses don't want to hire Gen X is because they don't meet the educational requirements.

It's ridiculous, but nowadays you need a bachelor's degree to get your foot in the door. This means that if Gen X wants better job opportunities they have to suck it up and take out a student loan.

Realistically this isn't possible for most. But despite Gen X's years of experience employers remain firm in their need for a higher education. 

According to Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, by 2031 72% of jobs will require a postsecondary degree and or training. Which is why many bosses refuse to hire Gen Xers who, while more educated than the generations before them, tend to have less education than Millennials.

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Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's degree in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.
