Career Coach Shares The Single Most Important Thing To Say During A Job Interview

Many people don't think of this because the interviewer often asks about it, but bringing it up yourself shows how confident you are.

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There are so many different tips out there about what to do to put your best foot forward in a job interview. 

One career coach chose to simplify things and present the single most important thing you can say, which is all about confidence.

There is one very important thing to remember to say in a job interview.

Career coach Erin McGoff calls herself “your internet big sis.” McGoff is known for offering invaluable advice when it comes to applying for jobs and handling problems in the workplace.


Recently, McGoff shared a new tip that she considered essential for success in job interviews. Surprisingly, she said, few people take advantage of it.

“One of the best things you can do in a job interview is so simple, and yet so many people just don’t do it,” she said. “Like, it’s so obvious, but most people just don’t do it.”


McGoff then revealed her secret weapon: “Just say that you’re the perfect person for the job.”

People spend so much time talking about, you know, their past experiences, their qualifications, their hard skills, and that stuff’s all great, but be sure at the end to wrap it up with, ‘And that’s why I believe that I am truly the perfect candidate for this role,’” she shared.

McGoff said you want the interviewer to look at you and think, “I’m the person! You found her! You can stop your search!”

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“I mean, don’t say it like that, but convince them, be passionate, be enthusiastic,” she pointed out. “Because if you don’t believe it, they definitely won’t.”

You can talk about your achievements all that you want, but if you don’t convince the interviewer that you are the best fit for the role, none of that really matters. Qualifications sound nice, but they aren’t enough alone to get you hired.


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What do you do if the interviewer asks, ‘Why?’

Saying you’re the right candidate for a job sounds like a good idea. It seems smart to present that up front to show how confident you are instead of waiting for the interviewer to ask you what makes you perfect for the job.

However, even when you say this before the interviewer gets a chance to ask the dreaded question, there’s still a good chance they could follow it up with, “Why?”

Former Forbes advice columnist Liz Ryan said this “is indeed obnoxious” as far as interview questions go. And, it is admittedly pretty cliche by now. But knowing how to answer it is important.


“What you definitely don’t want to do when you’re asked, ‘What makes you the best candidate?’ is to start listing your greatest virtues, like, ‘I’m smart, I’m hard-working, and I walk old ladies across the street!’” Ryan added.

Instead, Ryan suggested a new way to answer this question. She recommended noting what the interviewer is actually looking for in a candidate — basically, matching your qualifications to the job description.

“Any time you can turn a question-and-answer interview into a human conversation, do it! You will feel better, and the interview will flow more smoothly that way,” Ryan concluded.

Presenting yourself as the best person for the job is essential to a successful interview.

Other workers and bosses who commented on McGoff’s video seemed to agree that it was important to mention being the right fit for the role in a job interview.

@aceinterviewprep How to answer “Why are you the best candidate for this role?” with 2 simple strategies👆👆 #interview #interviewtips #hiringtips ♬ original sound - aceinterviewprep - Ace - AI Interview Trainer

I interviewed eight people,” one person said. “The ninth told me he was perfect for the role. I offered him the position this week.”

“Coming back to report that I did it, and it worked,” another added.


While interviewers are known for posing the question of why you are right for a job, it’s important to answer with confidence and bring that up yourself. 

You are the right candidate for the role, and you should be prepared to share that!

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Mary-Faith Martinez is a writer for YourTango who covers entertainment, news and human interest topics.