8 Daily Habits Of Unsuccessful People Who Can't Seem To Get Unstuck In Life

When you can't seem to find a way forward, it's probably time to change your habits.

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Everyone's definition of success is different. Some people measure their success according to their standard of living, their income, and their professional status. Other people view success through a lens of what makes them feel fulfilled and fulfilled. 

No matter how someone sees success, people's daily habits have a major impact on their level of success. Unsuccessful people who can't seem to get unstuck in life often don't realize how their routines are keeping them down.


If people have negative attitudes and behaviors, they usually feel as though their lives aren't moving forward in the ways they'd like. While people's daily habits often hold them back, it's possible for them to change their routine, as long as they put in the effort to shift their mindset as well.

Here are 8 daily habits of unsuccessful people who can't seem to get unstuck in life

1. Procrastinating

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One significant daily habit of unsuccessful people who can't seem to get unstuck in life is procrastination. According to the Association for Psychological Science, procrastination isn't about having poor time management skills, but rather, "True procrastination is a complicated failure of self-regulation."

The APS defined procrastination as "the voluntary delay of some important task that we intend to do, despite knowing that we'll suffer as a result." Various studies have noted the emotional fall-out that accompanies the act of procrastinating, including feelings of shame, guilt, or anxiety.

Psychologist Dr. Joseph Ferrari explained that "Procrastination is not waiting and it is more than delaying. It is a decision to not act."

While some people are situational procrastinators, meaning they put off specific tasks they don't want to do, others are chronic procrastinators, which means they delay in all areas of their lives, from work and school to their household responsibilities and personal relationships. Dr. Ferrari noted, "For those chronic procrastinators, it is not a time management issue. It is a maladaptive lifestyle."

By delaying work that needs to be done and failing to prioritize tasks in an effective manner, procrastinators often miss opportunities and push back deadlines. They don't work up to their full potential, which keeps them feeling unsuccessful and stagnant.

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2. Blaming others for their problems

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People who tend to be unsuccessful and stuck in life blame other people for their problems. While it might seem counterintuitive, people who are successful admit when they're wrong. By owning up to their mistakes, they put themselves in a growth mindset, which means they can learn from what they've done wrong and change their behavior for the future.

In contrast, unsuccessful people shift blame so that their mistakes are always someone else's fault. Their unwillingness to take responsibility for their own actions keeps them operating from a place of a fixed mindset, meaning that they struggle to see themselves as someone who's capable of change. Because they don't take accountability for the decisions they've made, they can't seem to get unstuck in life


3. Focusing on what could go wrong

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Unsuccessful people who can't seem to get unstuck in life have a more pessimistic perspective on the world than successful people. They focus on what might go wrong, rather than searching for solutions to potential problems. Because of their negative outlook, they often don't recognize when new opportunities present themselves. Even if they do notice an opportunity, they rarely take action, as they're too concerned with the ways they might fail.

Certified coach Gretchen Hydo noted that the most successful people in life cultivate their sense of resilience. "People who are resilient have the ability to acknowledge trouble and do whatever necessary to overcome roadblocks," she explained. "But in addition to falling down and getting back up, resilient people take those setbacks and adapt to them, using them as a way to move past any obstacles in their way."

By spending all their mental energy focusing on what might go wrong, unsuccessful people overlook their own resilience, and instead, stay stuck in place. 


4. Rejecting constructive criticism

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Dismissing feedback that's meant to help them is another habit of unsuccessful people who can't seem to get unstuck in life. They can't handle even gentle critique, which means they don't know how to accept well-meaning advice. As a result, they don't learn from their mistakes, so they stay stuck in the same looping patterns of behavior that hold them back in the first place.

Knowing how to graciously listen to other people's guidance is a hallmark of someone who's successful in life. Instead of holding on tight to behavior that no longer serves them, they're highly adaptable and willing to change.

Their ability to receive constructive criticism is a major part of their success, as it allows them to rechart their course when things aren't working out as they'd hoped. In contrast, unsuccessful people reject the guidance that others offer, which keeps them stuck in life.

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5. Comparing themselves to others

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These people are masters of the comparison game. They constantly measure themselves against other people, which leaves them feeling envious and inadequate. While successful people know that comparing themselves to others just leaves them feeling empty and unfulfilled, unsuccessful people can't seem to break that self-destructive thought pattern.

Instead of viewing their progress in life on its own merits, they can't help but compare what they have to what everyone else has. The habit of comparing themselves to others often drags their motivation down, so they can't seem to get unstuck in life. 


6. Overcommitting

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Overcommitting themselves is another daily habit of unsuccessful people who can't seem to get unstuck in life. They might be people-pleasers who have a hard time saying "no," which leads them to taking on too many projects at one time. Instead of focusing on getting one task done well, they split their mental energy among many different tasks, and end up doing subpar work or not fulfilling their commitments.

Their habit of overcommitting leaves them feeling stressed out and overextended. They often experience high levels of burnout, which can be incredibly difficult to come back from. People who find success in life do so because they hone their skills in one specific area, rather than wear themselves thin trying to be everything to everyone. Overcommitting makes it virtually impossible for people to move forward in life, because they always feel like they're one step behind. 

7. Neglecting their self-care

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Unsuccessful people who can't seem to get unstuck in life often rely on routines that don't actually provide them with the kind of care they really need. They often stay up late and don't focus on getting a restorative night's sleep. They neglect to care for their physical and mental health. They avoid practicing true self-care, which psychologist Nick Wignall noted "Means establishing and maintaining habits and routines that support your emotional health and well-being."

"Success depends on a healthy mind," he explained. "And a healthy mind depends on healthy habits... Successful people understand that doing your best work depends on being emotionally strong and mentally sharp." Wignall concluded, "If you want your mind to work for you, you need to work for your mind."

Knowing when to take a break and rest your mind is as important to being successful as working hard is. By paying attention to what they need, successful people are able to stay the course and hit their goals over the long-term, as opposed to unsuccessful people who can't seem to get unstuck in life. 


8. Being easily distracted

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Unsuccessful people who feel stuck are often easily distracted. They struggle to stay focused on the task at hand, as their attention wanders to other things. They might sit down at their desk to work, only to get up and check the mail, fold laundry, or take their beloved pup for a walk. It's not that those tasks aren't important, it's just that they're not urgent.

Being easily distracted can keep unsuccessful people stuck in life because it leads to lowered productivity and poor output. Author David Ahearn revealed the one thing that separates high achievers from everyone else: their sense of purpose and drive.

"Behind every remarkable success lies a deep-rooted sense of purpose — an unwavering belief in a higher calling," he explained. In order to find your purpose, Ahearn suggested asking yourself introspective questions: What brings you joy? What would you pursue wholeheartedly, even in the face of obstacles?

He noted that having purpose might not make the road to success any easier, but it acts as a guidepost when times get tough. "The pursuit of success may involve trials and tribulations, but a purpose-driven individual views these as mere temporary setbacks on the path to greatness," he explained.

Unsuccessful people often struggle to uncover what their life's purpose is, which is what holds them back from getting unstuck in life. Yet once they're able to locate what matters most to them, they'll be well on their way to finding their version of success.

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Alexandra Blogier is a writer on YourTango's news and entertainment team. She covers social issues, pop culture analysis and all things to do with the entertainment industry.