10 Types Of Women Who Often Make Very Bad Daughters

Rebels at heart.

rebellious woman with pink hair Max kegfire | Shutterstock

Having a daughter is a unique and challenging experience for anyone, but unfortunately, not all parents are blessed with a nice, easy time raising their kids. In fact, some young women can be quite challenging to raise into adulthood and beyond. 

Parenting is not easy, but certain children make it even harder than it should be.

Whether it's due to disrespectful or manipulative behavior or difficulty regulating emotions, some women end up making what some would claim are very bad daughters. From bad attitudes to a lack of respect for authority, these difficult daughters know how to make their parents' lives a nightmare.


Here are 10 types of women who make very bad daughters in the eyes of their (exhausted) parents:

1. Women who manipulate their parents to get what they want

mom comforting her daughter fizkes | Shutterstock

Women who manipulate people — especially their parents — tend to make for tough daughters to raise.

Most parents do their best to provide stability and love within the home. When it's back-to-school shopping or providing for their wants and needs at home, parents aren't afraid to spend some serious money to ensure their daughters are well cared for.

This is why it's frustrating when their efforts don't seem enough to satisfy her. Manipulative daughters may use tactics like crying, guilt, or emotional outbursts to get what they want out of a situation, leaving parents scrambling to figure out how to improve things.

Often, parents who only want the best for their daughters feel pressured to live up to their high expectations—no matter how they manipulate their emotions to achieve them.

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2. Women who neglect their responsibilities.

woman scrolling through phone fizkes | Shutterstock

As she grows older, a daughter typically has a checklist of responsibilities she needs to complete. Yet, the type of woman who makes for a bad daughter will choose not to.

In her eyes, it's 'too much work' to get up in the morning and go to work. Or it's too much work to complete her school assignments on time.

This type of daughter tends to neglect her duties entirely. Instead, she prioritizes 'more important things' to her, like spending time with their friends or scrolling through TikTok.

Many parents who make hard sacrifices to get their daughters into a position of privilege feel like they're being slapped in the face. Neglecting her responsibilities is hurtful and a betrayal of trust, which can impact a daughter's relationship with her parents if she's not careful. 

A study published in the National Library of Medicine found that people who knew they would be betrayed were less willing to engage in social exchange. This shows that these feelings of betrayal can cause tension in everyday relationships, including those between a daughter and her parents.


3. Women who can't keep their emotions in check.

woman yelling on the phone fizkes | Shutterstock

Drama queens often make very difficult-to-raise daughters. These ladies don't listen to reason or know how to control their emotions. When faced with a minor inconvenience, they blow up and take it out on everybody around them.

As one could imagine, this is highly stressful for her parents, who have no choice but to get involved.

Unfortunately, this type of stress doesn't help anyone long term. An article published on Taylor & Francis Online, "The Effects of Chronic Stress On Health: New Insights Into the Molecular Mechanisms of Brain–Body Communication," explained that constant stress might lead to cardiovascular dysfunction, diabetes, cancer, autoimmune syndromes, and mental health problems like anxiety or depression.

This is why daughters should think twice about stirring the pot to avoid hurting the people closest to them.


4. Women who are self-centered.

woman taking selfie Pheelings media | Shutterstock

Most people understand that the world doesn't revolve around them. Unfortunately, certain women adore being the center of attention and believe they should get whatever they want out of life.

Women with these self-centered tendencies don't understand that it's sometimes necessary to step away from the spotlight and let others shine. 

Parents often want to do whatever it takes to make their daughters happy, but allowing her to be self-centered doesn't always result in a happy, confident woman, either. In a research article titled "Self-centeredness and selflessness: Happiness correlates and mediating psychological processes," published on PeerJ, researchers from the Université Clermont Auvergne discovered that selfishness doesn't always help someone get what they desire and ultimately doesn't make them happier.

5. Women who spread gossip and rumors.

two women chatting Ilona Kozhevnikova | Shutterstock

Some would say nothing's wrong with a bit of gossip if it's done in good taste. Yet a woman spreading lies about her family certainly wouldn't make it onto the "World's Best Daughters" list.

Unfortunately, some children don't fully understand how powerful words can be, and this behavior could result in significant consequences. It could ruin a family's reputation, cause irreparable tension, and destroy social bonds. 

Research found that gossiping doesn't just destroy the other person's reputation—it could also cause permanent damage to the relationships inside the family. Studies published in Frontiers in Psychology found that negative gossiping decreases in-group trust and psychological safety. It also increases negative conscious thoughts and emotional exhaustion.

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6. Women who aren't accountable.

woman turned away from mom on couch fast-stock | Shutterstock

It's not uncommon for people to make mistakes or unintentionally hurt someone else. You could say something wrong to a co-worker or lose your temper with your parents after a bad day. Yet, taking accountability is the greatest way to let bygones be bygones. For most, being accountable is a humbling experience.

Unfortunately, the types of women who make very bad daughters don't tend to be accountable for their words or actions. They don't care to be humbled — they want to be right. These daughters may even jump through hoops to avoid admitting fault, often gaslighting their family members to try and change the narrative in their favor.

Unfortunately, not being accountable for their actions will slowly destroy their relationships with their family, leaving them alone to navigate life with little to no support. 

7. Women who are perfectionists.

woman doing an assignment fizkes | Shutterstock

Daughters who are obsessed with perfection tend to slowly destroy their relationships with their family members, often belittling their parents and refusing to compromise when necessary. 

Like being self-centered, always needing things to be her way isn't realistic. People will have their own way of doing things or running things in life, but learning to step back and allow others to take control of a situation is important for anyone to learn to maintain healthy relationships with others.

Perfectionism may sound like a positive trait, but when it becomes an obsession with controlling every situation, it can become challenging to parent a daughter who won't change her ways.


8. Women who always have something to complain about.

woman holding pillow turned away from mother Andriii | Shutterstock

Another indicator of very difficult daughters is the ones who complain ... about everything. They don't know how to take it in stride when life doesn't go their way.

Refusing to see the brighter side, they'll complain about how their life 'isn't fair' and always have a negative opinion to share. Constant complaining can quickly become too much for parents. 

As published in Psychology Today, licensed mental health counselor William Berry found that people who constantly complain are unbearable to be around and can drive people apart — ultimately destroying once-healthy relationships. Berry explained that people naturally prefer balance in life. 

So, it's unsurprising that some parents with daughters who complain often need a break from the constant negativity. 

9. Women who are self-destructive.

two women arguing outside Ekateryna Zubal | Shutterstock

Self-destructive women make difficult daughters because they don't know how to cope with stress or sadness in healthy ways, and often their self-sabotaging behaviors affect the people closest to them too — especially their parents.

Instead of taking time to learn healthy coping mechanisms, these women make a habit of rebelling and taking unnecessary risks to make themselves feel better. This constant cycle of reckless behavior not only puts other immediate family members at risk but also causes them to stress and worry.

Additionally, "Impacts of Unhealthy Behaviors on Mental Health among Public Health Residents: The PHRASI Study," published on MDPI found that engaging in unhealthy behaviors leads to sleep problems, mental health distress, and physical inactivity. All of which can impact overall health to both the daughters and the parents over time.


10. Women who hold grudges.

two women upset and turned away from each other fizkes | Shutterstock

They say life is too short to hold grudges, but some daughters tend to live with the weight of their grudges on their backs forever.

Every parent has to discipline their daughters at some point, but when she carries that resentment into future arguments, the turmoil can sour their relationship. 

Grudges can eat away at the relationship between daughters and parents, and if that resentment builds up for too long, it can destroy any chances of mending that much-needed bond down the line.

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Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.