Study Reveals The Chinese Zodiac Sign Most Likely To Become Part Of The 1%

We can't all be gazillionaires, but there are certain signs with better chances than others.

hands holding money and chinese zodiac wheel Photos: Sasun Bughdaryan | Design: YourTamgo

Do you ever wonder what exactly determines who gets rich? But like, really REALLY rich? Sure, it's mostly about being born into wealth and then developing well-honed skills at cheating the IRS, but still — there's more to it than that, right?

A new study from Nebula, a platform for spiritual insights and psychic readings, reveals that there's at least some correlation between when you were born and whether you'll enter the hallowed ranks of the 1%, as well as what you can expect for your financial future.


The Chinese zodiac sign most likely to get rich and become part of the 1%.

To dig into this issue from an astrological perspective, Nebula did a deep dive into the who's who of worldwide wealth — specifically, the top 200 richest people on Earth as ranked by financial news platform Bloomberg's Billionaires Index.

Nebula took a look into when all these billionaires were born and under which astrological signs. And it turns out, there is a strong correlation between astrology, including the Chinese zodiac, and mind-boggling wealth.

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The Year of the Dragon is the most common Chinese zodiac sign among billionaires.

If you were born in 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, or 2012 (and if you were born in 2012, why are you reading this? Go do your homework!) good news: You seem to have a higher likelihood of making eff-you money than everyone else!

Nebula found that people born in these Dragon years are far and away the majority among the 200 richest people in the world. And good news for those of you have given birth this year or who are pregnant and expecting a baby by New Year's Eve — 2024 is also a year of the Dragon, so you just might be gestating a future billionaire!

So why is the Dragon such a potent year for insane wealth? It could be because people born under the Dragon sign have their Jupiter in either Taurus or Gemini. Jupiter is the planet of, among many other things, wealth, prosperity and success, and when it's in Taurus or Gemini that tends to mean one thing: Abundance.

It also means they're highly skilled at communication and are natural-born leaders — both excellent skills for, say, running gazillionaire businesses that make eff-you money! Cases in point: Uber co-founder Travis Kalanick, Twitter founder Jack Dorsey, and Nutella scion — yes, that Nutella — Giovanni Ferrero are all Year of the Dragon billionaires.


RELATED: 4 Zodiac Signs That Are Natural Money Magnets, According To An Astrologer

The Year of the Ox and Year of the Tiger also have very good luck when it comes to money.

If you're not a Year of the Dragon person though, don't fret — there's a lot of wealth to go around for other signs, too. Nebula found that those born in a Year of the Ox or a Year of the Tiger are also heavily represented among the top 200 billionaires in the world, including Walmart heiress Alice Walton, BET co-founder Sheila Crump Johnson, and Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

If you or someone you know were born in 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 or 2021, there's a high correlation with wealth, as these folks' Jupiter is in Aquarius or Capricorn. In the former case, that means — you guessed it — abundance, specifically via innovation or even rebellion. As for those with Jupiter in Capricorn, it's all about ambition and self-discipline, both key skills for success.

As for the Year of the Tiger — those born in 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, and 2022 — their Jupiter is in Pisces or Aries. Both bring very good luck, with the former also manifesting in high creativity and the latter bringing a knack for entrepreneurship. No surprise, then, that billionaires like Nike co-founder Phil Knight, Trader Joe's and Aldi owner Theo Albrecht Jr., and French luxury retail giant — and Salma Hayek husband — François-Henri Pinault are all Year of the Tiger. Roar, indeed.


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John Sundholm is a news and entertainment writer who covers pop culture, social justice and human interest topics.