Relationships Improve Significantly For 5 Zodiac Signs The Week Of October 14 - 20, 2024

Embrace the bolder side of love.

Relationships Can Improve For 3 Zodiac Signs The Week Of October 14, 2024 stylishdesign, stockeye | Canva Pro

Great news. This week's astrology reveals how relationships for five zodiac signs can grow stronger and improve overall. Several planets boost horoscopes positively, helping to increase intimacy and communication in all the right ways.

Venus enters Sagittarius, and the Full Moon arrives on Thursday. Venus, the planet of love, will move into the fire sign of Sagittarius on Thursday, October 17, just as the Aries Full Moon brightens the evening sky. This compounded energy of two major transits on the same day, including the significance of the North Node, is also in Aries.


Aries represents that this moment in your life is connected to your fate. But this also brings the emergence of two fire signs being represented, Aries and Sagittarius, helping you to be bolder when it comes to matters of the heart. Don't hesitate to take action to create movement and new developments in your romantic life.

Venus in Sagittarius ushers in new energy for love and relationships. Venus in Sagittarius wants to explore but also deeply craves love that is more than just love. While you may crave more excitement during this transit, you also will want everything you do to have a deeper meaning. You may focus more on quality time together and interesting and profound conversations in your love life.


Venus could also help you look at an old problem through a new lens as you find a more creative way to repair the situation and reach a balance point. Venus in Sagittarius can sometimes create a feeling of boredom in a relationship. 

If you feel you lack that emotional connection, or love has become more routine than an adventure. Being aware of what this will bring up in your relationship will help you to use the energy to your advantage, as Venus in Sagittarius doesn’t only follow its heart but its truth as well.

The Full Moon in Aries will rise when Venus shifts into Sagittarius. It will make you realize where you’ve been giving away your power or simply waiting for something to happen instead of making it happen for yourself. 

Traditionally, the eclipse window closes at the next lunar cycle following the most recent eclipse; however, because Aries is connected to the North Node and part of the current eclipse cycle, you may continue to feel that energy lingers into the beginning of November and the New Moon in Scorpio. 


This means that what will be highlighted around this time is connected to your fate and is also likely linked to where you’ve been having to focus your energy for the last year. However, as this eclipse cycle is winding down, with only one more to go in Aries in early 2025, the lessons and rewards of this phase should also become more evident. 

As long as you trust yourself to know what you want, then the Aries Full Moon reminds you that there is no time like the present to make your feelings known and create the relationship that resonates the most deeply with your heart.

Relationships improve for five zodiac signs from October 14 - 20, 2024:

1. Capricorn

capricorn zodiac signs whose relationships improve october 14-20, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva


Although you are known for craving career success, dear Capricorn, a little-known fact is that you also have a deep desire for your domestic dreams. This isn’t solely about the quality time spent with someone you live with but the home, family, and life you can create together. 

This often means you have a lesson of balance regarding how you prioritize your time; your romantic life is just as important as any success you achieve in your career. As the Aries Full Moon rises on Thursday, October 17, you will see what's important to you — your relationship.

The Aries Full Moon will highlight your close personal relationship, domestic intimacy, and matters surrounding the home. Because this is connected to the eclipse cycle, allowing you to have a breakthrough moment. Venus in Sagittarius will help you to heal. You can create the relationship and home you have always dreamed of. 

During this time, create conscious moments with your partner. Know how important they are to you, and dream about the future. Whether this means talking about themes involving family or looking at houses together, this energy isn’t only meant to help you improve your relationship. It connects you with your fate. This is an incredible time for romance and for realizing that love matters most.


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2. Libra

libra zodiac signs whose relationships improve october 14-20, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva

You may still be reeling after the Solar Eclipse and New Moon in your sign, dear Libra, which occurred earlier in the month, and now here it is, the Full Moon in Aries on Thursday, October 17. 


With the nodes of fate currently in Libra and Aries, as they’ve been for the past year, you are having a breakthrough year, but it doesn’t mean there still aren’t important moments ahead of you. The Aries Full Moon will rise in your house of relationships and will help you understand more of what you deserve. 

This can either help you go deeper into your current relationship or realize that you’ve grown so far apart it’s impossible to find your way back to one another. While breakups are always a last resort for you, if that is the case in your life, try to see it as a product of your growth. If a breakup does occur during this time, it is because it was only meant to help you heal your childhood wounds, and now that you have moved through so much, it’s a relationship that is no longer needed in your life.

But for others, this lunation will be one of the brightest moments of the year for you. In Aries, it can help you understand how much a particular relationship is meant to be and how deeply you care. While you may need to wait until the Aries Eclipse in March of 2025 to understand the purpose of this current process fully, it doesn’t mean that you must wait to follow your heart. 

Whether you are newly dating or considering committing to a specific partner, take this as your sign to listen to your inner self and take action toward achieving your dreams. While you are always deeply connected to your intuition, you can often talk yourself out of taking a chance because of fear of what might happen. 


Your intuition is working overtime to help you understand the relationship and love that is meant for you so that you not only continue to heal but also start to enjoy life by being in alignment with your fate.

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3. Gemini

gemini zodiac signs whose relationships improve october 14-20, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva


Gemini, you must trust yourself to seize the benefit of the current energy. That means, as much as you’ve always had a hard time committing or catching that wandering eye, all of that has changed. Not only are you more committed to love, but you are also ready to cultivate a healthy relationship. 

This realization may surprise you as you find yourself reacting in new and different ways, but if you’re still accustomed to this healthier and more committed version of yourself, it doesn’t mean that it’s not safe to trust it. Part of making amends in a relationship or repairing what has occurred comes down to trusting yourself.

When you can trust that you are no longer who you used to be and how you are currently feeling, you can also make the choices necessary to create or save a romantic relationship. Everything that you have been through has prepared you for what is currently happening in your life. 

While you’re excited and a bit nervous, you can also fully transcend who you used to be and let all the lessons root themselves into your soul so that you don’t only trust in yourself but also in your ability to act in alignment with your fate.


Venus will shift into Sagittarius on Thursday, October 17, highlighting your romantic relationship and how you give and show love to one another. With Mercury currently in Scorpio, bringing up themes of well-being, you can use this energy to have the conversations necessary to take your relationship to the next level. In this case, you may need to have an honest conversation with your partner about why they can trust you now, going into your own growth and healing process. 

Try not to feel as if this is a confrontation, but instead, it’s your opportunity to clear the decks and give your relationship a fresh start. No matter what has happened before, you deserve love, Gemini, and now that you can cultivate it, there is no point in holding your past transgressions over yourself. 

Be honest, take accountability, and request the same from your partner if needed. Be willing to renegotiate the agreements within your relationship and set better boundaries with others as you work to protect your connection. You are fully supported in taking this journey and truly making the best of it, but it all begins with trusting yourself enough to do so.

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4. Virgo

virgo zodiac signs whose relationships improve october 14-20, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva

When you talk about the issues in your relationship, Virgo, you also create a space for healing. You may have had a wake-up call recently, but no matter what you do, you won’t have that perfect relationship you have idealized. 

While this has taken time to understand, it doesn’t mean you are destined for unhappiness. Often, seeing that a relationship will never be perfect is also the beginning of understanding how two imperfect people can create a fantastic life together. 


Instead of solely judging happiness based on what you have achieved in your connection, you’ve been guided to embrace a practice of gratitude and be more focused on the simple moments you can create with your partner. 

Despite how far you’ve come in this process, there may be certain aspects you haven’t yet been transparent about. While any relationship will never be perfect, it doesn’t mean you should ever compromise your non-negotiables. So, this may be a time to come together with your partner to ensure you feel heard and that any lingering issues are finally addressed.

Venus, the planet of love, will move from Scorpio into Sagittarius on Thursday, October 17. This means that themes of communication, home, and intimacy will be present as Venus creates a loving aspect with Neptune in Pisces in your house of relationships on Thursday, October 17. While there is no perfect time, this is as good as it gets for finally having that important conversation with your partner and being honest about what has been bothering you. 

Make sure that you vocalize any non-negotiables in your relationship, especially if they affect the reciprocity you feel, as this is often a requirement in any connection. But this energy is also about approaching issues with more love, helping you see that while issues will always arise, they should never replace the value and affection of your relationship. 


Although any conversation will be positive this week, it’s also important to show your love, so making a special dinner for your partner or getting takeaway from their favorite restaurant to enjoy at home can help direct the energy in a more positive direction. 

Sometimes, it’s just about realizing that you love your partner and life, regardless of the challenges that you face together, because usually, it’s not who you want beside you on your best day that matters most — but the one that you want beside you on the worst.

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5. Sagittarius

sagittarius zodiac signs whose relationships improve october 14-20, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva

Friendships create the best foundation for a long-term relationship, Sagittarius, but sometimes you forget that your partner should also be one of your closest friends. Take time to reflect on how you’ve been approaching your partner and whether you’ve been treating them as if they are a valued and close friend, not just your roommate that you are occasionally intimate with. 

While you often aren’t always aware of the difference, it profoundly affects your partner. This means confiding in them without judgment, going to them for advice, and laughing with them through it all. 


If matters of your relationship have gotten routine or you realize you’ve been running to others instead of them to talk, it might be time to change matters. Likely, you and your partner were friends long before romance was involved, and because of that, you’ve created your life together. 

You cannot get lax about it if you enjoy meeting new people and engaging in different pastimes or hobbies. Take your partner with you on your adventures, try to look at them as if you are meeting them for the first time, and remember that just because friendship is the foundation for romance doesn’t mean you should ever stop investing in that part of your relationship.

On Monday, October 14, the Libra Sun will align with retrograde Jupiter in Gemini, giving you the chance to understand the importance of friendship in your relationship so that you can make changes to improve your overall connection. As the Libra Sun lights up the significance of enjoying a friendship with your partner, you can reflect on your past choices and why you stopped seeing your partner in that particular light. 

With Jupiter in Gemini, you are given an enormous amount of luck and abundance in your romantic choices. Still, as it moves through its retrograde, it allows you to grow, heal, and make sure you truly show up as the romantic partner you want to be. 


Relationships evolve as you experience and grow through life together, but seeing your partner as your friend helps keep that spark alive and infuse confidence in knowing you are in the relationship that is meant for you.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.
