3 Zodiac Signs Face Challenges & Overcome Hardships The Week Of October 7 - 13, 2024

Nothing they can't handle!

Zodiac Signs Face Challenges & Overcome Hardships The Week Of October 7 - 13, 2024 Sketchify Saudi Arabia, Canva Creative, Dean Drobot | Canva Pro

The week of October 7 - 13, 2024 brings its fair share of challenges, but three zodiac signs face their hardships and overcome them with flying colors. Venus trines Mars on October 8 and is a positive aspect for business, abundance, and especially love. This transit can represent attraction, romance, and pleasure, and is incredibly positive for Scorpio and Cancer.  Mercury also trines Jupiter today rounding the day out with an upbeat aspect prone toward positivity and a feeling of hopefulness.


On October 9, Jupiter turns retrograde until February 4, 2025 Jupiter is the planet of luck and gain. Jupiter bestows abundance and material success, luck and good fortune, joy and positivity. Jupiter’s retrograde does not mean we will be without luck, but during this time, we will focus more on personal inner growth rather than those things that are outside of ourselves and material growth.

On October 11, Pluto turns direct at 29 degrees of Capricorn after its yearly 5-month retrograde. When Pluto turns direct, the energy of this powerful planet “wakes up” and energizes any planets around it. Pluto is considered stationary direct until November 19, when it re-enters Aquarius and begins to move forward once again. The stationary direct period is when the energy seems most intense.


Finally, Mercury squares Pluto on October 13. This aspect is short but powerful. It is connected to obsessive feelings, digging for information, and arguments. Nothing said is lukewarm at this time.

Three zodiac signs overcome their hardships the week of October 7 - 13, 2024:

1. Sagittarius

sagittarius zodiac signs overcome hardships week october 7-13, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro

The first half of the day on Monday may be like swimming upstream, and you might prefer doing something else. Hang in there, however; by midday, things look more favorable. Tuesday has the potential to blow something out of proportion and drench up past issues. Let the past remain in the past, and you will be far better off!


The early morning hours on Wednesday look like worry and confusion are front and center. This will occur if you are still up; otherwise, you could miss this period. Things will look better in the morning no matter what, plus the next day looks brighter.

Thursday morning starts well, but you look slightly off by afternoon, especially concerning the opposite gender. By early evening, this could escalate, and you could be positively steaming. Most of this deals with money or some joint asset. You don’t always have to be right, Sag, and if you don’t make mountains out of molehills, this issue can resolve itself by early evening, but only if you make it happen.

Mid-day Friday brings some heavy thinking, especially regarding finances. How you deal with this matters. You can go down a rabbit hole or take a more positive approach, as in, "What can I do to fix this?" Given your basic nature, the second option seems more likely and far more productive.

Saturday can end up being your best day and holds the potential for the week's negativity to fall by the wayside. Sunday will be a little more difficult, especially in the early morning hours when plans can change, and obsessive thoughts may be at an all-time high. 


It appears this concerns friends and money. You are generally friendly and concerned, but sometimes, the answer has to be no. Either way, stay true to yourself, and the energy changes again at the end of the week around Sunday evening, which can lead to a far better start on Monday, October 14.

RELATED: Weekly Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign From October 7 - 13, 2024

2. Capricorn

capricorn zodiac signs overcome hardships week october 7-13, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro


Looks like your mind and emotions start in overdrive on Monday morning Capricorn, and you are dwelling on the past. Slow down and put your mind in gear for the day ahead, and I guarantee things will turn out better than first thing in the morning. Work issues seem to be overloading your mind on Tuesday. If you don’t let mountains turn into molehills, you should easily get past whatever the day brings.

If you are up into the early morning hours on Wednesday it looks like you are concerned over some type of communication you received. It is unlikely to be as negative as you think, and some confusion may be at play.

On Thursday, work problems seem to be the theme of the day, and by afternoon, it appears that you have some conflict with someone who seems to be connected as a partner. This could be personal or business, but you look like you are struggling to keep your temper under control. It would be a bad idea not to control how you react because if you can work through this issue, the evening looks much happier.

Friday brings a difficult moment mid-morning. It looks like your focus is intently on work, but there seems to be another issue. If you can keep your focus, you can work through this, and by afternoon, you should be in a better place.


Saturday looks enjoyable, and you seem to feel together and at ease, but Sunday brings another issue. It appears to be a conflict with a friend, or it could even be a child or younger person. An argument is in the air, but why not just clear the air rather than argue? If you can do this, the evening should bring peace.

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3. Gemini

gemini zodiac signs overcome hardships week october 7-13, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro


The week starts on Monday morning with what appears to be an issue with a partner. This may be because you feel like you look tired and drained, and it's only Monday morning, and you may be feeling the effects of Pluto retrograde ending. It's best to resolve emotions or delay serious talks because evening looks far more promising, and things will improve.

Tuesday doesn’t look bad, but the partner issue isn’t 100% resolved. The Moon and Jupiter can blow things out of proportion, or in some cases, you (or someone else) could come across as a little arrogant if you aren’t careful, which wouldn’t generally help matters. If you don’t resolve the issue when it comes up, it will carry into the evening with confusion and worry and continue into the early morning hours on Wednesday.

Thursday morning can bring an issue with the opposite gender. You aren’t feeling yourself today, and by early evening, you may be frustrated with an issue surrounding intimacy or money. The issue is still on your mind during Friday's early morning hours, but it does look like you have a window of opportunity mid-morning to solve it. If you don’t, you may explode by the evening which wouldn’t be helpful.


The energy on Saturday is far more helpful, and if the universe is giving you every opportunity to either solve this issue or, if you took my advice about resolving things earlier, you should have a pleasant day.

Unfortunately, Sunday also has its issues, especially during the evening hours when something unexpected appears to throw you off course again. This could involve friends, your hopes, love, a clash of values, or something else. If you aren't careful, this matter could become a full-blown argument or obsession. If you can avoid the worst and obsessing, which is generally a result of making a compromise, the evening hours can be far more pleasant.

RELATED: What Each Zodiac Sign Has To Look Forward To In October 2024, According To Monthly Horoscopes


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Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer offering personal astrology readings worldwide.
