7 'Magical' Abilities That Tell You When You're On The Right Spiritual Path

Notice the mile markers on the road to your most magical life.

Woman on a spiritual path Dean Drobot | Canva

One day after Oprah moved to Montecito, a mile away from me, one of her closest friends, Dr. Maya Angelou, called me because she had misdialed Oprah. When “Maya Angel” appeared on my caller ID I knew I was in the Zone! During our conversation, she offered this inspiration for my weekly television show: “Never ever give up!”

This extraordinary message combined two powerful truths of the spiritual path. When you’re in the Zone you’re in the flow and miracles often happen. However, don’t assume that you will effortlessly go with the flow. Whether in a magical moment of success or a difficult period of challenge, remember that both unconscious complacency and negative thinking will block success. It can help to remember the adage about “overnight success” that it usually arrives after 20 years of hard work and commitment.


Whether you’re most excited about reaching goals for your love life, career, or personal evolution toward inner peace, these spiritual abilities move us forward. With focus, intention, and practice you can learn each by expanding your creative brain. According to Psychology Today, the human brain is constantly changing. This “neuroplasticity” allows us to decide how to improve our abilities.

“Neuroplasticity is the brain’s capacity to continue growing and evolving in response to life experiences. Plasticity is the capacity to be shaped, molded, or altered; neuroplasticity, then, is the ability of the brain to adapt or change over time, by creating new neurons and building new networks. It means that it is possible to change dysfunctional patterns of thinking and behaving and to develop new mindsets, new memories, new skills, and new abilities.”


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Here are 7 magical abilities that tell you when you're on the spiritual path

When any of these occur, you’re on the right path as they are like mile markers on the road to your most magical life.

1. The power of manifestation

“Manifesting” was the cause of Dr. Angelou’s call to me because I had been thinking about her a great deal and had just finished her remarkable memoir, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. When we learn to focus on something with one-pointed intention and practice this skill, we can create remarkable shifts in our day-to-day experience so that people or things just appear.

I have manifested specific people I was eager to meet including 4 movie stars, 3 billionaires, a Prime Minister, and a world-renowned guru who bilocated to see me when his physical body was hundreds of miles away. I didn’t believe in bilocation until evidence, as explored in a study from Frontiers in Human Neuroscience Journal, was produced that convinced me and this experience was a huge confirmation I was truly on the Spiritual Path because I had longed to meet him.


She holds hand sideways against face, stars and moons reflect on her Zolotarevs via Shutterstock

2. Life force and boundless energy

This is entirely different from nervous energy. It is also the opposite of the “Energizer Bunny” who is unconsciously racing around being busy, busy, busy. With spiritual energy, you are lit from within, and you are often glowing.

Research through George Washington University Medical Center suggests the activation of your chakras, the divine energy centers in your body, and above your head that connect you to The Divine cause of this glorious state. Powerful people will be drawn to you, they will literally seek you out to bask in your glow.


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3. Personal magnetism

This is most apparent when you meet a film star or music idol. They have a unique ability to “turn it on” to captivate an audience of millions. Ben Affleck and I were on the same plane between his J.Lo relationships and as I walked to Baggage Claim he noticed me before I saw him, and he turned his magnetism “on”.

I felt a pleasant disturbance in the quantum field as if there were an electric current some distance from me. As soon as I looked up, there he was, staring at me with a riveting wry smile as his magnet created a mild tractor beam. However, he wasn’t on my to-do list, so I turned my magnetism off, fast, and walked on.

If you’re a performer this is a key skill to develop. If you are highly ambitious in your career, you need to learn this as it’s essential in leadership. For couples seeking lifelong monogamy, practice this until you are a powerful magnet for your partner, and then be sure to turn it off for everyone else.


Women sit on floor in circle with finger tips touching Dragon Images via Shutterstock

4. Messages in your dreams may be from the Divine

When you get ready for bed, focus on a question you have or a decision you need to make for a new job, home, or relationship. Instead of the daytime Pros and Cons List, this practice will utilize your spiritual and visionary brain.

Place a pad and a ballpoint pen next to you in bed. If you follow a religious or spiritual path, address the highest energy that you can and ask the following:

  • “Please send me the answer to ……… while I’m sleeping
  • “Please let me remember your answer when I awaken.”
  • “Please let me write down your answer as soon as I awaken so I don’t forget it.”

At first, you may feel too sleepy to awaken and write down the message. After regretting all I had missed I finally created a new habit of taking notes from Higher Intelligence.

5. ESP: Extrasensory Perception

When you think of someone, the phone rings, and that person calls, you are a Sender using ESP. When you call someone and hear, “I was just thinking of you”, you are a Receiver.

Practice makes perfect and it’s also fun to have people suddenly appear when you desire it. If you’re in sales, this fuels success by knowing when to call someone and when to avoid it. In dating, sensing when to reach out to someone is a powerful skill many of the most powerful entrepreneurs possess.

My father was a surgeon and his superpower was diagnosis using ESP and sensing the cause of his patients’ symptoms, on the phone decades before Zoom medical appointments.


Practice sending and receiving messages with people you don’t know which is how I met the #1 Bollywood star I had wanted to meet for years. I suddenly saw him when he was surrounded by Paparazzi, and I didn’t approach him.

Years later the elevator doors opened in a hotel and he was alone. He invited me to dinner but I was leaving for the airport as soon as we reached the lobby. We exchanged phone numbers, but I never called.

Finally, ten years after the original sighting, I was at a restaurant with a date, the star was at the next table, and we nodded. He excused himself from his companion and soon I did the same and we met later that week and became an item. What seems like magic is so often ESP plus intention, as theorized in a study from The European Journal of Social Psychology.

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6. Deep inner peace

When you break free of life on the emotional roller coaster when you experience something unpleasant you let it go fast. You can experience any physical or emotional trigger, yet your sense of being in the Now will be so powerful you remain peaceful and unaffected.

Spiritual peace is a state of being so powerful it is contagious. If you find your home, office, or family often resembles a triage ward, your ability to enter and retain a peaceful state, can calm them like a lullaby sung to a baby. Instead of suffering, when you awaken connect to the source of all that is based on your own spiritual beliefs.

Pew Research Center data supports that whether you prefer meditation, yoga, or any other spiritual practice you must learn to self-soothe to create it in your mind.

She blows confetti into the camera Opolja via Shutterstock


7. Causeless joy

I have traveled to India 57 times, first to observe and ultimately to experience and self-generate joy. You can learn to feel joy even when there is no external reason for it. I was drawn to the causeless joy I had seen in the presence of famous gurus who visited New York where I grew up.

Knowing their lives were externally challenging compared to mine, I saw they were consistently happy. Their saintly smiles set them apart from everyone else. When I asked myself, “What does it mean to feel blissfully happy?” I realized it was the absence of judging, blaming, and other negative states of mind. They had managed to silence their minds and that was the key.

I first heard the term, “causeless joy” from the founder of The Oneness University in India who demonstrated a serene and beaming state as did the hundred monks I met there. The founder had taken a one-room schoolhouse in which he was the teacher of fifteen students and created a university where hundreds of thousands of students from around the world attended retreats, one extraordinary example of the ability to manifest that is miraculous.

Rapture and ecstasy may seem like a bridge too far when you’re struggling with your job, family issues, or health challenges. Yet, that is exactly why and when you want to begin the process of mastering these skills so you reap the results ASAP.


There are examples of people living on the Spiritual Path in every spiritual community, religion, and country and you can accomplish this, too. Just as you can’t wait until you need peacemaking skills to learn them, you want to master these outside-the-box abilities today to add bliss and serenity to your life.

The bonus is the more peaceful you become, the more those around you will be calmed and may be encouraged to learn these magical abilities, too.

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Susan Allan is a Life Coach whose Evolution Revolution Trainings offer proven tools to experience joy, and happiness and let go of suffering.
