The 3 Luckiest Zodiac Signs For The Week Of October 7 - 13, 2024

The universe is always working for you.

woman with luckiest zodiac sign october 7 - 13, 2024 Photo: Kateryna Hliznitsova | Design: YourTango

The universe is working for the three luckiest zodiac signs the week of October 7 - 13, 2024. Just because the universe is always working for you doesn’t mean that each moment will feel easy or that it will be simple to work through, but it is all part of a divine plan meant to help you step into the luck and abundance that has always been meant for you. 

Jupiter, the planet of luck, will station retrograde on Wednesday, October 9 in Gemini, offering you an opportunity for self-growth and healing. When Jupiter stations retrograde, it offers the chance to go within, reflect on your attitude towards abundance, and honor your dreams with greater conviction and worthiness. While it may seem that new opportunities slow down during this time, this period is all about preparing you to seize the positive changes this phase will bring. 


As one planet stations retrograde, another stations direct, as Pluto moves out of its retrograde in Capricorn on Friday, October 11. During this time, you are encouraged to release anything from your life that no longer resonates, bring closure to old dreams, and allow yourself to tune into your authentic light. 

Working with this energy will also help you honor your truth once Mercury shifts into Scorpio on Sunday, October 13. Mercury in Scorpio brings about an excavation of what has been hidden so you can readily notice the opportunities meant for you. 

All of this is a process, but have faith and remember that the universe is on your side.


Three luckiest zodiac signs the week of October 7-13, 2024:

1. Pisces

pisces zodiac signs experience luck week october 7-13, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro

Prepare for a time of excitement and abundance, dear Pisces, as Mercury enters Scorpio on Sunday, October 13, lighting up your house of luck. This is all about bringing in new offers, possibilities, and of course changes — but in your case, you are well prepared because this is also everything you have been working for. 

With Saturn in your sign since 2023, you’ve been more committed to your dreams, so it's felt like nearly every minute was spent working rather than watching the world go by in a dream as you so often used to. But now, your time is coming and you are entering one of the most abundant times of this year.


Mercury joins Venus in Scorpio, creating a strong and focused energy around taking your life to the next level. This will result in receiving new career opportunities, recognition, or financial wealth because of past efforts and open up travel opportunities. While you have been working toward this level of success and abundance for some time, it may still feel unexpected or interrupt other plans you are in the process of carrying out. 

While you might have to make some adjustments in your life, you also must allow yourself to seize everything that comes your way. Don’t waste time overthinking or doubting the universe's timing. Receive all the success with an open heart and mind — because you deserve every ounce of it!

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2. Libra

libra zodiac signs experience luck week october 7-13, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro


Take heart, sweet Libra, you are precisely where you are meant to be. Jupiter shifted into Gemini earlier in the year which activated your house of abundance and new beginnings. As Jupiter stations retrograde in Gemini on Wednesday, October 9, you are given a chance to go within and reflect on your choices and prepare yourself for what you still want to manifest. 

Make sure that you aren’t taking anything off the table as a possibility. Use this time to explore your feelings and beliefs surrounding abundance, taking new chances, and leaving those old comfort zones. It may feel challenging to truly break free from the life you thought you’d live because you value connection, comfort, and likely a particular romantic relationship. But you do have a choice, you just need to make sure you have the necessary space in your life to realize your transformation.

Ensure you follow your path and dreams versus trying to build your life around anyone else or their timing. The universe waits for no one, and you deserve to live the truth of your soul. So break free, dive deep into understanding, and trust that anything is possible.

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3. Taurus

taurus zodiac signs experience luck week october 7-13, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro

Nothing is holding you back from your divine destiny, dear Taurus. While it may have been a process to arrive at this moment, each step has been worthwhile, inviting you to reflect on how much of what you’ve achieved in your life was because you manifested it.

You always get to decide what kind of life you will live; however, you’ve only recently woken up to this truth. While you have been busy making changes and cutting out certain aspects of your life, you still have one ultimate step ahead of you. Try to collect yourself and remember that this isn’t a setback, but the final moment before being launched into a new and abundant life.


Pluto reentered Capricorn in September 2024 and will finally station direct on Friday, October 11. Capricorn rules your sector of new beginnings, luck, and wealth, yet Pluto in this sign is also all about uncovering the truth. You have been urged to break free from the obligations and ideals of others or society over what kind of life you should live. This has served as an introduction to your authentic truth, Taurus. While not every moment has been easy, the universe has been supporting you the whole way.

Once Pluto stations direct, see this time as one of closure and finality. You will never have to face these specific lessons again in this lifetime, but this is your chance to settle old matters and put a few people in their place as you come more into your authentic nature. When you are moving from a place of truth, you truly become unstoppable.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.