The Luckiest Day Of The Week For Each Zodiac Sign From October 7 - 13, 2024

Begin a quest of deeper understanding.

The Luckiest Day Of The Week For Each Zodiac Signs From October 7 - 13, 2024 artnizu, PeopleImages | Canva Pro

There's a luckiest day of the week for each zodiac sign between October 7 - 13, 2024, when our weekly horoscopes are active moving from one energy into another fairly quickly. Because of this, it’s important to hold space for yourself, ground yourself in the lessons that will likely reveal themselves, and have an open mind, trusting that this moment is only about understanding and not losing momentum. 


Jupiter will station retrograde in Gemini on Wednesday, October 9, creating an opportunity for you to allow your inner self to catch up to all that has occurred in your external life. Jupiter, the planet of luck, allows you to dive deeper into your understanding of your dreams and purpose during its retrograde, helping you formulate plans and open yourself to the abundance of the universe. 

The First Quarter Moon in Capricorn on Thursday, October 10, will help with this, as you are encouraged to see a moment where you might work on manifesting your intention with hope and optimism that nothing has been lost that was meant for you.


Pluto will station direct in Capricorn on Friday, October 11, creating an opportunity to find closure from the past. You are guided to work with this energy to settle old affairs and ensure that you truly are creating what you want for your life rather than upholding any outdated obligations. This may feel challenging as it occurs, but it is also a lucky chance to finally close out the old chapters that have held you back from following your dreams. 

By working with the healing energy of retrograde Jupiter aligning with Chiron in Aries on Saturday, October 12, and Mercury’s shift into Aquarius on Sunday, October 13, you can be in a place where you not only develop a deeper understanding of the purpose of past events but will be more easily able to articulate your truth. There will be opportunities for newness, but only by allowing yourself to revisit past themes through a period of reflection will you be able to seize the lucky fate that has always been meant for you.

The luckiest day of the week for each zodiac sign from October 7 - 13, 2024:


aries luckiest day horoscopes each zodiac sign october 7-13, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro


Luckiest day of the week for Aries: Friday, October 11

You are in charge of the destination for your life, Aries, which means it must be built on your terms. There is a significant difference between leading the life others expect you to live and honoring your soul's desires. You may be tested to return to a particular comfort zone, but you must remain strong and trust that there is more meant for you than you’ve previously accepted. Take time to listen to your soul, especially in terms of what you feel your purpose is and, because of that, the work that you want to do. 

And no matter what arises once Pluto stations direct in Capricorn on Friday, October 10, including tests or those moments that challenge the plans of the past, try to see everything happening is doing so for your highest good. The reward for taking charge of your life and the success you seek is that you can manifest it.

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taurus luckiest day horoscopes each zodiac sign october 7-13, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

Luckiest day of the week for Taurus: Thursday, October 10

Trust in the moments where it feels like you are being given glimmers in what could be, sweet Taurus. You may be in a phase of reflecting on all the paths not taken, but this isn’t to make you give up on ever having what you desire, but instead to help you realize just how important your dreams are. At any point, you can begin anew, start working on manifesting your dreams, or even take a risk on a new opportunity. Remember this as the First Quarter Moon in Capricorn rises on Thursday, October 10. 


This is your beacon of hope and allows you to see that no matter how much you may have to shift through regret, there is always the possibility for a new beginning. Sometimes, the universe waits until we’re ready, and even if it seems you are still building your confidence for this next chapter, try to remember that the path only appears once you take a step forward.

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gemini luckiest day horoscopes each zodiac sign october 7-13, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro


Luckiest day of the week for Gemini: Sunday, October 13

When you speak your truth, dear Gemini, you co-create with the universe. You have been on a journey to start believing in yourself more, and while you may still see multiple possibilities or even directions to take in your life, you are also clearer on which is destined for you. Take this newfound clarity and allow yourself to start speaking your truth once Mercury shifts into Scorpio on Sunday, October 13. While this will help you create more joy and even love, applying this energy to all aspects of your life is essential. 

Recognize that you are also aligning with your soul's purpose by honoring what you need to feel that your life reflects your inner truth. And if you are feeling uncertain, that event is a truth that must be expressed. You don’t need to wrap the truth up to be acceptable to others, but instead, realize that whatever you are feeling or thinking is all a part of the divine plan for your life.

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cancer luckiest day horoscopes each zodiac sign october 7-13, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

Luckiest day of the week for Cancer: Saturday, October 12

You are exactly where you are meant to be, but dear Cancer, it’s not a place where you are meant to remain. There has been a nudge from the universe pushing you to focus on yourself and your dreams, leaving behind the guilt or obligations that have kept you from living your most authentic life. Everything has been occurring as it was meant to, but once retrograde, Jupiter in Gemini aligns with Chiron in Aries on Saturday, October 12, you will receive the energy necessary to start making strides toward manifesting your dreams. 


This will allow you to heal those self-limiting beliefs that you’ve had about career, success, and even independent wealth so that you can become more aware of how divinely given your dreams are. Take a moment to settle into this energy and start journaling about what you dream for your life because there is no time like the present to start making it a reality.

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leo luckiest day horoscopes each zodiac sign october 7-13, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro


Luckiest day of the week for Leo: Saturday, October 12

When you believe in a wish that you’ve made, Leo, you also begin to attract exactly what you need to manifest it. In this case, you can rest assured that this particular path isn’t one you are meant to walk alone. But to tap into the possibilities here, you must collaborate with others, articulate your wishes, and be open to suggestions and help. 

Try to view this phase as a helping hand from the universe rather than thinking that accepting help means you are less than others, especially once retrograde Jupiter aligns with Chiron in Aries on Saturday, October 12. This is a moment to tuck your pride away and lean into the beneficial relationships and connections surrounding you. Believe in what you wish for your life, but also be wise enough to know that the universe will help you achieve them by placing the right connections in your life in precise divine timing.

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virgo luckiest day horoscopes each zodiac sign october 7-13, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

Luckiest day of the week for Virgo: Thursday, October 10

Let yourself embrace your true nature and look at new ways to cultivate pure joy in your life, sweet Virgo. There may be feelings around this time about specific plans you had for life not fully coming together as you've hoped. While you are entitled to feel this way and should make time to process them, you also don’t want to miss out on the true purpose of recent events. 


The First Quarter Moon in Capricorn on Thursday, October 10, offers a new beginning to look at how you can manifest more joy into your life by thinking about matters differently. While this energy does increase your creativity for any project, it also can help you in how you see certain situations. Just because a plan didn’t work out doesn’t mean that all is lost, and the fact that it didn’t means that you are in the process of a lucky redirection so you can experience what true joy and a fulfilling life feel like.

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libra luckiest day horoscopes each zodiac sign october 7-13, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro


Luckiest day of the week for Libra: Wednesday, October 9

Nothing is lost, Libra. As much as you may feel like you missed your window of opportunity, try to see that what you are experiencing is a sudden awakening regarding what you genuinely want for your life. You can still seize new beginnings, take off around the world, or even take a chance on a special dream – but in this moment, you must uncover why you haven’t yet made the progress you had hoped. Once Jupiter stations retrograde in Gemini on Wednesday, October 9, take time to go within, to reflect, and even journal. 

Don’t let negative feelings or self-talk make you think you are stuck or can’t accomplish your dreams. Instead, see this as a chance to start making the plans guaranteed for success. While it can always be scary to take a risk or step out of your comfort zone, that is precisely what you must do to make the most of the lucky energy surrounding you.

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scorpio luckiest day horoscopes each zodiac sign october 7-13, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

Luckiest day of the week for Scorpio: Wednesday, October 9

Be mindful of how you think about the transformation process in your life, Scorpio. While you must go through everything you are currently feeling, you truly don’t believe you can have the life you dream of. You may feel stuck or that specific options aren’t meant for you. But beneath this is a fear of failure, which is so strong it has kept you in places you’ve already outgrown. Yet, there is hope and a divine plan within the confusion because the universe must make you so uncomfortable that the only choice is to change everything. 


This always happens in moments when you are meant to uplevel yourself within your life and begin aligning with a purpose that is uniquely yours. You can change anything; you can start over and build your life from the ground up with only what resonates with your soul. So much luck around you currently supports change; you need to start believing it’s possible.

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sagittarius luckiest day horoscopes each zodiac sign october 7-13, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro


Luckiest day. of the week for Sagittarius: Friday, October 11

While finances may have been more challenging recently, Sagittarius, a positive turnaround is coming. Pluto reentered Capricorn in September and will station direct on Friday, October 11, which will prove it be an essential time in ensuring you have and continue to build a secure foundation for the abundant life you hope to manifest. This area of your life isn’t just about money but about what you feel you deserve, so you may need to focus on this. 

You move more confidently, knowing you deserve financial security and abundance. This affects your earning potential and your overall relationship with money. Money is only an energetic transaction of your self-worth, so take this reflection period to ensure you know you are worthy of all you dream of.

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capricorn luckiest day horoscopes each zodiac sign october 7-13, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

Luckiest day of the week for Capricorn: Thursday, October 10

You always have a choice, Capricorn, not just in what you do — but also in who you become. You may feel tested around this time or even constrained, as the universe ensures that you live a life that reflects your truth and not some outdated checklist for achieving success. While so much has fallen away, that was no longer necessary; you may need to make final decisions about living your life and becoming the best version of yourself. 


The First Quarter Moon in Capricorn will rise on Thursday, October 10, before Pluto stations directly within your earth sign. This combination of energy is meant to help you take a new stance on a previous issue or belief as you step further into your power and sense of self. This is not a time for sacrificing your dreams or even identity. Instead, you are meant to see this as a time to take a radical look around and clear out anything that isn’t working so that you can embrace the divine luck that has been guiding each moment of your life.

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aquarius luckiest day horoscopes each zodiac sign october 7-13, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro


Luckiest day of the week for Aquarius: Sunday, October 13

There is nothing more that you enjoy than being able to step into the process of transformation, knowing that success is already yours, dear Aquarius. While Venus has already been moving through your house of career, once Mercury shifts into Scorpio on Sunday, October 13, you will be in the position to receive exciting offers. You may even decide to explore a new opportunity elsewhere. Scorpio holds reign over your career, sense of recognition, and success, which also means that you may take a unique path to the top than others because you are always looking to evolve. 

By never accepting anything as merely good enough, you put yourself in the position to achieve all of your dreams. While you have been feeling this opportunity building for some time, you can now smile with confidence, trusting that it is again time to evolve to receive the success that has always been destined for you.

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pisces luckiest day horoscopes each zodiac sign october 7-13, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

Luckiest day of the week for Pisces: Sunday, October 13

Try to trust that everything coming your way is an opportunity you are meant to take, Pisces. You have been working for a prolonged time to make a dream a reality and finally feel like you have manifested your divine purpose. While there were moments that made you wonder if it would ever happen, you will soon realize that the life you’ve been dreaming of was much closer than you once thought. As Mercury enters Scorpio on Sunday, October 13, joining Venus, you will have two planets in your house of luck, abundance, and new beginnings. 


While Venus has helped you understand what you love and what is most important to you, Mercury will help bring in new offers to elevate your life to the next level. This will be related to your career, finances, or even aspects of travel — but it may happen in unexpected ways. But you only have to make sure you are committed to saying yes, knowing that this is your time to shine and that you are ready to seize everything you have been working hard for.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.
