5 Zodiac Signs With Remarkable Horoscopes On September 28, 2024

A day ruled by Sun and Venus.

woman with remarkable horoscope making funny face on september 28, 2024 Photo: Toa Heftiba | Design: YourTango

With Sun conjunct Mercury in Libra as the primary benefactors on Saturday, September 28, 2024, five zodiac signs have remarkable horoscopes if they allow themselves to embrace the diverse ideas and visions in the world that are complementary to each other and not as different as they seem on the surface. 

Venus in Scorpio is also here as a beneficial force on this day. But this time, it's acting more from a creative space than in the days prior. So don't be surprised if you find yourself itching to do some art or to create something with your hands. Whether it's a vision board for a specific goal, playing with the clothes in your wardrobe to make new outfits, posting something fun and silly on social media, or knitting a sweater for the approaching chilly days, do what speaks to your heart and then watch as the magic unfolds! 


Five zodiac signs with remarkable horoscopes on September 28, 2024:

1. Virgo

virgo zodiac signs best horoscopes september 28, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

Best zodiac sign for Virgo to work with: Aries

Best time of the day for Virgo: 3 p.m.

Virgo, the energy on Saturday for you is all about looking within and asking yourself the big questions of life that have been pricking your senses for a while. Whether it's about your life path, healing your soul, breaking repeating patterns, or finding your soul tribe, deep insights await. That's your cosmic blessing of the day.


If you feel called to, meditate on these questions while holding clear quartz, which makes it easier to understand the symbolic messages and whispers from your psyche. Engaging with air elemental energy will also be beneficial for you.

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2. Libra

libra zodiac signs best horoscopes september 28, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro


Best zodiac sign for Libra to work with: Pisces

Best time of the day for Libra: 8 a.m.

Libra, the time has come to put your foot down about your boundaries. You have the cosmic forces backing you up! When you do, you will create the space necessary for your blessings to flow in. For some of you, this will lead to greater creativity, heartfulness, and sparks of inspiration.

Just make sure to carve out some time for a simple breathing exercise on this day, where you let your thoughts rest and just breathe with a blank mind. Anytime a thought pops up, let it go. The peace that will permeate your being from this will bring you exactly what you desire and sync you with life.


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3. Cancer

cancer zodiac signs best horoscopes september 28, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

Best zodiac sign for Cancer to work with: Other Cancer

Best time of the day for Cancer: 12 - 3 p.m.

Cancer, the energy on Saturday has a heavy feeling of reckoning and new beginnings for you. Focus on your path and the signs and synchronicities around you. Sometimes one needs to walk a path alone and understand that different people, including your loved ones, have their paths to walk and cannot always be in sync with you. That's okay too.


A slower pace may help you understand your motivations better at this time, and also recognize what is for you and what is just peer pressure. If you feel called to, light a scented candle that resonates with you and just allow the scent to soothe your senses and being.

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4. Scorpio

scorpio zodiac signs best horoscopes september 28, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro


Best zodiac sign for Scorpio to work with: Leo

Best time of the day for Scorpio: 12 p.m.

Scorpio, the energy on Saturday for you is all about quests and big undertakings. There's a heady feel to it all — an excitement that calls to be answered and fulfilled. Don't hold yourself back! Lean into this and you will discover something truly extraordinary and mind-opening. 

This may also trigger a new era in your life. Just know that this period is a bit murky too because of a lot of retrogrades clashing with each other, so your blessings will come along with a few challenges or toxicities that will require mindfulness to defeat and steer clear of. As long as you move with confidence, you'll be golden!


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5. Aries

aries zodiac signs best horoscopes september 28, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro


Best zodiac sign for Aries to work with: Pisces

Best time of the day for Aries: 11 a.m.

Aries, the energy on Saturday is very Mars-heavy, so look where Mars rests in your birth chart. If it's in a fire sign, you will receive your blessings with ease. Even more so if it's in an air sign. Those of you with water and earth Mars may have to practice a bit of grounding and mindfulness to listen to where your blessings are trying to lead you. It can feel ephemeral and a bit disconcerting to do this but trust your instincts and you will succeed.

You can share your blessings with other people on this day. So whoever you engage with or spend more time with will be blessed too. Let love guide your steps here!


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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
