11 Phrases Truly Brilliant People Say Often, According To Psychology

Certain phrases are sure to give away a person's intelligence.

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Intelligence is something that is rare nowadays and, unfortunately, many people tend to overestimate their intellect. According to research published in PLOS One, 65% of Americans believe they are smarter than average. However, most people who reported this exaggerated.

Fortunately, there are certain phrases truly brilliant people say often that can indicate a higher level of intelligence. Because intelligence isn't just being able to solve complex math problems or being able to absorb information quickly; rather, it's much more complex.

The 11 phrases truly brilliant people say often, according to psychology

1. 'Could you explain this more?'

group of people discussing fizkes | Shutterstock

When someone utters the phrase, "Could you explain this more?" they're showing their curiosity and desire to learn. It's one of the phrases truly brilliant people say often, as they don't quite understand the complexity of the situation or problem, and want all the information to find a solution.

According to 2022 research, curiosity is the driving force for learning and development. Epistemic curiosity, described as "desire for knowledge that motivates individuals to learn new ideas, eliminate information-gaps, and solve intellectual problems," fosters the need to seek out new information and draw conclusions or connections from past information.

People with curious minds are often viewed as more brilliant thinkers because of this. They're constantly learning something new and connecting what they already know to what they don't, improving their reasoning ability.

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2. 'We can agree to disagree'

two friends walking side by side talking Roman Samborskyi | Shutterstock

Two people won't always come to the same conclusion, so agreeing to disagree can be a great learning experience. In fact, research from the Journal of Applied Psychology determined that when team members disagreed and constructively challenged each other's ideas, it led to better understanding.

Yet, when agreeableness was high, it reduced healthy disagreements and negatively impacted everyone's learning. The study mentioned that this could be due to compromising excessively or wanting to avoid conflict. However, brilliant people already know this and use disagreement to fuel their knowledge, cutting it off when it gets too much or becomes unhelpful.


3. 'What do you think?'

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Another of the phrases truly brilliant people say often is, "What do you think?" They say this to gather more information and observe all angles before committing to a decision. Brilliant people understand that healthy discourse is the best way to get there, which is why they're always asking others for their opinions.

A study from Humanistic Management Journal determined that discussion methods are great for helping people recall what they already know, learning to think for themselves, working as a team, and formulating proper arguments to reach a consensus. It's also great for learning to reconcile after arguments and integrating new ideas from different viewpoints.

People who use this phrase do so to have a better understanding and create better solutions. Otherwise, if they didn't ask for input, they would be going it alone.


4. 'I understand where you're coming from, but...'

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Rather than wasting time trying to change people's minds, brilliant people express their opinions and move forward because they understand that you can only argue so much. They know they won't change anyone's mind, so they use phrases truly brilliant people say often.

As it turns out, the way people approach arguing can change the outcome, according to research in Cognitive Science. If someone chooses to argue until they're blue in the face, it will only make things worse by causing tension. Yet if someone approaches an argument as an opportunity to learn and grow, they not only gather more information, but it's easier to reach the "correct" conclusion.

Brilliant people keep an open mind while engaging in conversation. And even if they don't reach the "correct" conclusion, both parties still benefit from the discussion. In fact, brilliant people will come away from the conversation learning something they didn't know before.

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5. 'Is there anything you would change about this?'

two men talking and looking at laptop fizkes | Shutterstock

Brilliant people have a great understanding of their own biases and blind spots. Because of their self-awareness, they make an honest effort to go out and ask for other people's opinions, allowing them to adjust their work as they see fit.

According to a 2021 study, asking questions doesn't just open up lines of communication or give people information; asking questions also pushes people to learn and encourages creativity. So, brilliant people who ask questions tend to have better results, leading to success in all aspects of life.


6. 'I don't know'

man looking at laptop with frustrated woman Perfect Wave | Shuttetstock

While saying, "I don't know" may seem counterintuitive, brilliant people don't shy away from admitting what they don't know, because they understand that it leads to growth. Otherwise, they may fall victim to imposter syndrome, believing they have the intelligence and know-how they don't actually possess.

When someone chooses to speak up and say, "I don't know," it allows the other person to either help them or give them the resources they need. Through this, the person in question will have a better understanding of the subject, all because they admitted their lack of specific knowledge.

7. 'Let's do more research on this'

woman researching in kitchen fizkes | Shutterstock

One of the greatest phrases truly brilliant people say often is, "Let's do more research." When someone says this, it means they want to get their facts straight before sticking to a decision. Besides asking others, brilliant people understand that research is another great way to gather information.

Studies have long supported the notion that reading helps gather information. More specifically, actively reading helps expand people's vocabulary, increases general knowledge, and improves verbal skills. Additionally, researching allows people to pursue their interests, learn something new, and work on their problem-solving skills.

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8. 'This reminds me of...'

woman pointing at laptop while man smiles PeopleImages.com - Yuri A | Shutterstock

It's well known that connecting background knowledge to current knowledge helps people memorize information better. Fortunately, brilliant people have an excessive amount of background knowledge at their disposal.

According to the Yale Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning, research in educational psychology finds that students' previous knowledge can impact the way they learn. If students are well-prepared and have tons of background knowledge, they have a greater chance for academic success. On the flip side, poor background knowledge can hinder a student's success and development.

Brilliant people say this phrase as a way to relate what they know to the situation or problem at hand. And in the best case scenario, they are able to help others learn the knowledge they possess.

9. 'I don't understand what this means, but I'll be sure to find out'

man researching in library Andrei Porzhezhinskii | Shutterstock

Brilliant people don't have the answers to everything, but they'll surely put in the work to find out. Unlike many, brilliant people have an eagerness to learn and expand their knowledge. They want to put in the work to research and read because they know it's the only way to find answers.

Not only does this benefit a brilliant person's general knowledge, but there are also health benefits. Research from Social Science & Medicine found that reading might be associated with living longer. In the study, people who read had a 23-month survival advantage compared to non-readers, showing a 20% reduction in risk of mortality over 12 years.

For brilliant, intelligent people, this phrase explains their drive to learn new things, and to spread that knowledge with the people around them.


10. 'We should change our approach'

man and woman looking at laptop together Ground Picture | Shutterstock

Another of the phrases truly brilliant people say often is, "We should change our approach." They know that if they can't get it right the first time, changing their method or attitude is the best path to success.

Unlike many, brilliant people aren't stubborn, remaining flexible and open-minded to making changes. And it's exactly this mindset that makes them so intelligent. 

According to a paper published in Psychological Science, intelligent people are more likely to stay open-minded and listen to multiple people's opinions before forming their own.

11. 'I need some time to process'

woman looking outside of window reflecting Evegeny Hmur | Shutterstock

Brilliant people don't always have fast brains and sometimes need time to process things. Depending on the situation, an intelligent person's brain might actually work slower, as a study from Nature Communications found that high-IQ people tended to take longer to solve complex problems. This is because their brain takes longer to process the information and work through it.

When a brilliant person says, "I need time to process this," they aren't just saying that to stall; rather, they just need a little time to organize their thoughts.

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Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.
